New rockstar stuff!!!

Ofcourse people are already complaining about this game,cause apparantly the goal is to harass as many people as possible...
I gotta get this game!!!!! HAHAHA

Rockstar's prep school game under more fire by UK politician; wants game treated same way as violent film--or banned altogether.
Rockstar Games is no stranger to controversy. The publisher has long been dodging bullets from just about everyone thanks to its flagship franchise Grand Theft Auto. Not one to shy away from its bread and butter, Rockstar announced Bully last May.

Bully, as the name suggests, involves a schoolyard tyrant picking on those less physically fit. However, British MP Keith Vaz thinks the game will inspire violence among schoolchildren.

BBC News reports that Vaz approached the House of Commons on the matter. "Do you share my concern at the decision of Rockstar to publish a new game called Bully in which players use their onscreen persona to kick and punch other schoolchildren?"

Vaz thinks the game should be treated like a violent film and should go before the British Board of Film Classification or be banned completely.

However, Rockstar remains vigilant in its defense. "We support and admire the groups who are working hard to address the long-standing problem of bullying," a Rockstar rep told the BBC. "Just as books aren't judged by their covers, video games shouldn't be judged by their titles or individual scenes."

Bully is scheduled to be released in April 2006 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox.