I'm posting it on here so that cilvarings can get it crackin.
There's too many members and events for a biopic movie, plus that's effing basic.

They need an entire series. I don't care if you 'steal the idea' it's public domain nigga.

Narrated by whomever will play the Gza (Longest involvement with hip hop, most sober minded/character neutral). In fact I would get Gza and Rza in on the directing. Try to make sure Rza doesn't fag it out and bring Russell Crowe to play Streetlife

and don't skimp on the drug use and morally questionable behavior at all. In fact emphasize the shit out of if. Fights and everything. The nigga Rza getting high on angel dust and making aggressive ass songs in an RKelly mask and shit. I heard a story about Ghost throwing a bottle and Bone thugs then taking off his clothes to reveal that he was wearing karate gear the whole time when a brawl broke out. Shit like that

If you have a black person write it, make sure it isn't a black person that goes to church. Also, avoid having the characters themselves write it cause they'll simplify themselves and get butt hurt about stuff.