It's my girlfriend's dog. Moreso her kids' dog. He's a black pug. I love the guy. We're besties. I've been living with him for I think about 8 months, but we've been mates for a couple of years now.

Anyway, I was always told the story of how he disgraced himself at another dog's birthday party, by trying to rape the birthday boy, before we became acquainted. I always found it hilarious, until I started to witness such activity myself.

Then the shame came in.

So I've noticed that basically when he meets another dog he goes straight for the dick. He checks to see if they have one and if they do then he tries to get his face right on it and sniff it. He'll then try to mount the dog from behind.

If he can't find a dick then he'll basically just lose interest in that dog.

It's not all the thyme. But especially lately it seems to be his approach. I've never seen him try to rape a female.

Anybody else have any experience with any kind of gay pets?