How many of you sons of bitches have jobs where u can listen to ur own music all day?

I've had this luxury for most of my working life. It's actually pretty important to me, and I don't take it for granted.

I worked at a bottle shop (liquor store) for too many years and was known by all my customers as the cunt who always had rad music pumping.

Then I was part of a landscaping team for a year or so n mostly was the dj n put my own music on, n quite often worked by myself n had full control of what I listened to.

There were occasions tho where other cunts were in charge of music, or we had the radio on, and as a result I did endure some of the worst torture I could possibly ever fathom.

Since the start on the year I've been running my own solo landscaping n garden maintenance business, so I'm back to having full control again n loving it.

How about you cunts/sons of bitches?