I've always been intrigued by sample clearing. If a producer gives a rapper a beat, does that mean the samples have already been cleared by the producer?

Seems like it would be unethical for a producer to give someone a beat that features a sample that hasn't been cleared. Honestly though, a lot of these underground producers don't clear any samples because they think the mainstream won't notice. Necro got in trouble when he got sued by a female singer when she found out he'd sampled one of her songs without her permission. Necro probably thought she'd never find out.

As for Cilva's beats, I recall a few sounding like they could've been sampled from major movies like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or something, and I can imagine the headache it would cause to clear those samples. But I don't know how that process works. Do you even have to clear samples if you live in a different country?