Just a rough version of the idea I have. I'll remake it tomorrow (ie update the cut out part from the liquid swords cover (there is still quite a lot of red around the figure ). I'll probably update my self made "sharp-blade-part" (no dictionary right now ) - which at this point sucks IMO. The letters will be 'standarised', or in other words, the exact same colors and effects and each letter .

I'm far from satisfied with this one, but like said before, its just a rough version, but it kinda shows the idea.

It would look better if GZA looked the other way, lol .

Shoot. Only just realised that the pic I used isnt usefull in this set up.... His left shoulder has been partly amputated :P

Simple cure though, I'll just mirror the cartoon image and switch those two around.

HZ deep: nice background . Which program did you use? Something like 3DStudio Max I assume?

The cartoon figure looks blurry here - which it isnt in the version I'm working on. Dunno why its here though...