I want to know who ur top 5 favorite boxers are....Im vintage so i gotta go with:

1.Joe Louis- GOAT no if ands or buts, he had no flaws and beat very repecatble heavyweights. THE GOLDEN AGE OF BOXING.

2.Floyd Patterson-He brought a new unique style to boxing with the leaping left.he revived boxing before ali came on

3.Sonny Liston- Big heavy boxer who had a mean left hook maybe the best ever. Again before ali, that is why when he fought him he was 36. And the second ali fight he took a dive for the mob for 5,000,000$.

4.Jack Dempsey-The Manassa Mauler was one of the first to display any kind of aggression in the ring. Great Fighter.

5.Mke Tyson-As a young man he could beat anyone. He would bob and weave and then hit you with vicious fluries of punches and put you on the ground. He average fight when he was a teen was 2:04