If i remember correctly, there was a thread in here called health and fitness where q's were asked regarding diets and training and also people traded tips for work outs etc. anyway, this isn't entirely like that, i just want some advice regarding increasing muscle size.

At the moment i dont have much time to go gym and havent invested much money in my home equipment incase i cant really achieve my goals and so would have to return to the gym. back when i was boxing i was doing so much shit i wasnt too sure what was exactly responsible from my muscules getting bigger. And so what im asking is, is it possible to gain muscle increase and definition at home using freewieghts?

All im using at the moment are 20kg dumbell and 30kg on the bench (aint that much buts its all i got 2 work wid)

My aim is to get those crazy danny williams shoulders and to define my arms and chest so by all means thow whatever tips u have my way. much appriciated
