In a 'free' society, there are unspoken ways of keeping people in line.

When you establish such things as pride, reputation, etc., you are able to control people out of fear of embarassment, criticism, being chastised, social isolation, mockery, etc.

Unfortunately, these things trap people, but they do so in a way that it is not easy to determine.

These things are, of course, things that differ for each individual, but it would be dumb to say that they are not re-enforced socially.

Anybody who went thru the school system learns to be embarassed and learns to feel ashamed, and becomes less likely to take chances out of fear of 'getting something wrong'.

How much do these imaginary fears prevent people from taking chances?

Is there any room for pride in a situation as bleak as the world we are living in now?

Does your pride stop you from taking chances?

I will add on later -