He's like the Rolling Stones of the Wu-Elements. He's definately very good at what he does, but what he does is pure imitation.

I was SHOCKED to find that the intro, and the song "Think Differently" on that compilation were NOT produced by RZA. He took little things that RZA doesnt do on purpose and crowbarred them into the beat.. even using shitty keyboard presets (see: "White Lightning" from Kill Bill) and bad simulated drum rolls (see: "Stay In Your Lane" - if you HAVE to and "Child's Play")

Then I heard "Ringing Bells" - no doubt this was produced by True Master. It has all the signature tremelo guitar samples etc. NOPE! Bronze Nazareth as True Master instead..

What I like about him is, well, I like the Wu-Tang sound.. and quite frankly RZA hasn't really been bringing that.. so Bronze outdid RZA on his own album! His work on that album is great.

he also uses film clips ineffectively.. like sampling Farrakhan on "Ringing Bells" is a little awkward.. and has nothing to do with anything on the song.. and when he sampled "Memories" on "The Birth".. it's like a douche-chill moment. If he learns some tact he'll be better.

He needs to keep doing what he does well, and stop making simulations of RZA or True Master tracks. It's also hard for me to take him as seriously since I knew him from Wu-Tang internet forums back in the day

is he considered an 'official' Wu-Element ? I'm not sure if there is a such thing.. because would Goldfhingaz and Darkim count too?

I look at him as a fan who got on.