Quote Originally Posted by soulonice413 View Post
i know megalon just got outta jail...but wheres the rest of the crew at?

theres a whole new group of dudes rappin with grimm and they still use the name MIC but no rodan, kong, kamackeris, spiega, none of the original members except grimm. anyone know what happened to any of them or if any of them other than megalon and rodan dropped solo joints?
I dont know what Megalons stance on the whole DOOM beef is, as Megalon (as tommy gunn) used to be pretty tight with DOOM. And I havent heard anything new from Megalon since his last album. Without Megalon MIC holds no interest for me. They got rid of the forum on DaybyDay website so theres no where to go for new news on shit. Just hoping Mega isn't up to any bad shit after getting out of jail.