Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
It's really a tragedy nowadays that there's so many garbage rappers right now flooding the rap music scene with their wack ass songs and albums. When are rappers gonna take a stand against their record companies and say i'm tired of doing wack ignorant music? I know that some of these rappers are tired of the record companies telling them that they need to do ignorant gimmicky music to sell records. That's why i like rappers who go against the grain like Goodie Mob, Dead Prez, Brand Nubian, Geto Boys, Paris, Public Enemy, KRS One, Wise Intelligent of Poor Righteous Teachers, Pharoahe Monch, Mos Def, Freddie Foxxx, Kam because they'll let these record companies know that they aren't gonna do garbage music to sell records. I like rappers who have messages in their songs. I like rappers who preach positivity and education. What garbage rappers don't realize is that a lot of black youth look up to them and i think they need to have more message songs for the black youth to let them know that it isn't cool to sell drugs, be a pimp, be a thug, have a bunch of kids at a young age, blacks killing each other, getting locked up. Rappers need to take a stand against these record companies and let them know that they aren't gonna do wack unintelligent music because if they don't, rap music is gonna continue to suck like it has been since 2000. 1998 and 1999 were really the last good years for rap music. Black radio stations are slaves also because the dj's will only play wack rappers songs and they don't play rappers who have skills.
I agree with what you say but I think what a lot of people tend to forget is that for a lot of these rappers coming up, their way of thinking tends to be "well im from the street, I did a lot of negative shit, who am I to start preaching positivity" They realise that it could be seen as hypocritical or they just want to focus on telling their past experiences (which are negative) or they simply don't carry enough intellegence to bring out positive messages.
This is when we get into a grey area because for a lot of these rappers while they may have achieved fame and success, they have yet to truly learn't from their mistakes, the fact that they are rappers is what keeps them from doing all the negative shit they did before and in some cases still do which is why we get all these reports of rappers being arrested for this and that.

Not everyone in hip hop can preach positivity unless they feel they have truly learn't from their mistakes and has realised that that way of life is bullshit, only then do I think a rapper could do it.