Quote Originally Posted by Osirus16 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Humanface Huggah View Post
jonny__b don't listen to these people. and don't listen to yourself.


remember pogs? well that was THE SHIT back in the day. wu-tang is nothing compared to pogs at the height of its popularity. so when i turned 18 i got a tat across my back that said "pogger 4 life" with a picture of a slammer and a stack of pogs flipping everywhere. it was cool for about 6 months... but you could imagine what it's been like for me going to the beach these past few years. so i recently got it changed to "blogger 4 life" and now i feel better (even though i don't really blog).

if you don't get pussy now, just think about how much pussy you won't get when you're showing off an old rap group's logo. plus you'll feel compelled to love everything they put out even if it's total garbage. that's homo shit.

if wu-tang means that much to you then just get a poster.
lol how you gonna compare a gay ass game even when it came out to a music group who has bettered people's lives and represents something positive - the W symbol represents more than just a rap group from the 90's. I'd say get it if you really want to.
I think I might get one like the one on my cd case someday, maybe slightly more modified.
"a gay ass game?" people don't just play pogs... they live it.

you ever seen someone get stabbed over a limited edition death skull pog? no.

you ever seen a pog fiend cut out perfect circles out of thin sheets of carcboard and decorate them with glitter until his fingers blistered? no.

you don't know pog, bitch.