I think theres enuff bleach heads to warrant this.

anyone else up to date with bleach?

just watched ep 147. it was interesting. at 1st the whole Hollow world thing was a lil boring but in classic bleach form is picking up quickly.

i won't drop spoilers but chad and ishida have stepped their game up and can defeat arrancar and hollows on their own. ichigo chad and ishida travel to heuco mundo to rescue orihime who has agreed to help eisen in order to save her friends lives.

********SPOILER ALERT****


For those that want to get filled in on whats happened.

1. ichigo saves rukia from execution by learning how to realease his bankai.
2. the whole thing was a plot to use the execution weapon to open a portal to hollow world
3. cptn eisen cptn gin and cptn tousen al betray the squads and open a portal to the hollow world to become more powerful.
4. bounto- bounto are hybrid souls, a failed experiment from the soul soc. they are immortal and have a special companion similar to a zanpakto in nature. they are called dolls.
the bounto themselves have little power but the dolls are bad ass.
the bounto seek revenge for their creation and cursed life so the trick ishida into opening a portal to soul soc. and the bounto start fuckin it up. ichis hollow side emerges for the 1st time.
5. ichigo defeats the bounto leader.
6.eisen makes his move. eisen starts sending hybrid hollows to earth. they are callled arrancar. they are very powerful. so many shinigami are sent to keep watch. they go to school with ichigo and there are many adventure with the shinigami living in the real world.
7.the war is announced. there will be an all out war betwwen the soul soc. and the hollows. everyone is prepping for it.
8. ichi learns his hollow power. he can now become a hollow for a brief time. this makes him unbeatable. but he can only hold this form for about 15 seconds.
9 orihime is tricked into helping eisen. and goes to the hollow world. eisen has interest in her power.

thats over 100 eps in a nutshell

*******END SPOILER***********