You two can think that all you want. Truth is, thats how they see it.
Many people including immigrants contributed to the building of the USA in the form of fighting in wars (Irish coming off of boats, being enlisted in the civil war), and building cities and factory work (read the Jungle by Upton Sinclair).
You better more clearly define your 'white man' or else your going to catch hell from alot of people you probly dont want it from.

Yea, black slave labour and Chinese labor were also a part of this. Did anyone say it wasn't?
Yet again, you missed the whole point of what I was saying because you are so defensive because, like yourself, you think everyone is racially attacking you.

All I said was that there are people in this country who view the United States as THEIRS, just as the English view England as THEIR country or the Japanese view Japan as THEIRS.

Its not a hard concept to grasp....but then again, your a fuckin idiot, so I'm not surprised.

But thanks for making me laugh again you little ball of sunshine you.