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Thread: Serial Killer Thread

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    SmokeY J-Cee's Avatar
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    Default Serial Killer Thread

    Post info....Pics,Crime Scene photos, Stories of Serial Killers.

  2. #2
    SmokeY J-Cee's Avatar
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    Richard Ramirez career started in June 1984 when he broke into a house and raped then killed a 79 year old woman, Jennie Vincow, in a suburb of L.A.
    In February of 1985 he abducted two girls in separate incidents. The first was a six year old girl, taken from a bus stop near her school in a laundry bag, then molested and dumped at a nearby location. Two weeks later Richard took another girl, a nine year old, from her bedroom and raped, then dumped her, nearby.
    On March 17 Ramirez was described by the survivor of the first "Valley Intruder" attack. Dayle Okazaki was murdered and her roommate, Maria Hernandez, was badly injured. While leaving the scene of this first killing Ramirez dragged Tsa Lian Yu from her car and proceeded to shoot her several times. Lian Yu was pronounced dead the next day.
    Ramirez seemed so impressed with these attacks that he abducted another young girl 2 days later, raping her repeatedly before allowing her to leave, in what would seem like a celebration of the earlier attacks.
    March 27 : The Zazzara murders. Ramirez beat 64-year-old Vincent Zazzara to death, then stabs his wife, Maxine ,44, to death. Ramirez proceeded to carve out her eyes and take them with him. The bodies were found two days later by their son.
    On May 14 Ramirez broke into another house and killed the owner, William Doi, with a bullet to the head. Doi was able to make it to a phone first though, not allowing enough time for Ramirez to get his wife.
    Just two weeks later, on May 29, Ramirez had some fun with an 84-year-old, Mabel Bell, and 81-year-old, Florence Lang(an invalid). Ramirez violently beat them and then scratched satanic symbols over them, and their house. The two were not found until June 2. Bell died on July 15, but Lang survived the attack.
    On June 27 Patty Higgins had her throat cut, dying, in another "stalker" attack in her own home. And on July 2, Mary Cannon,77, was killed in similar style. Cannon lived less than two miles from Higgins.
    July 7, Joyce Nelson, 61, was beaten to death at her home.
    On July 20 Ramirez decided to do a double. First off he killed Chainarong Khovanath, 32, then beat and raped his wife. Not content with that he took their 8-year-old son into the next room with a bottle of baby oil. Mrs. Khovanath was forced to listen as Ramirez raped him, then he stole about $30,000 in cash and jewellery. Ramirez then drove to a neighbouring suburb and murdered Max Kneiding, 69, and his wife Lela, 66. The couple didn't even have time to get out of their bed.
    On August 6 Ramirez screwed up and left both his victims wounded. Christopher Peterson,38, and his wife Virginia, 27, where able to give a description of their attacker, which matched that of all other survivors.
    August 8, Ramirez strikes again. He kills Elyas Abowath, 35, shooting him then brutally beating his wife. It is after this attack that police announce that they are after a serial killer, linking six of the murders. The press dub Ramirez as "The Night Stalker".
    On August 17 Ramirez struck in San Francisco, his first attack outside L.A., killing the amusingly named Peter Pan, 66, and badly beating and then shooting his wife. She survived her wounds and identified the 'stalker' from police sketches taken from the earlier survivors.
    August 24, Ramirez wounds Bill Carns, 29, with three bullets to the head. He then raped Carn's fiancee, Inez Erickson, twice. As Ramirez drove away Erickson seen his car. It was an orange Toyota station wagon. A local teenager also noticed the car and it's driver. He took down then number plate and gave it to police. The end was near.
    On August 30 police found the car abandoned. From it they lifted a single finger print. Ramirez was identified. They issued a APB for Ramirez and his mug shots were shown on national TV.
    The next day Ramirez's picture was on the cover of every major newspaper in the state, and on every TV news bulletin. Ramirez had no idea of this until he walked into a liquor store and seen himself staring at him from that days newspaper. Ramirez panicked as other customers realised that it was him. He ran 2 miles in the next 12 minutes, then decided to steal a car. Unfortunately for Ramirez he was in a particularly tough neighbourhood and ended up being rescue by the police as he was being beaten badly by the local thugs. The 'Night Stalker' was caught.

  3. #3
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    Henry Lee Lucas confessed to 500 murders although he was only convicted for 10. His twisted list of crimes included, rape, necrophilia, bestiality, molestation and of course murder. He would strangle, bludgeon of stab his victims to death. This disturbed nut even had intercourse with his own mother after killing her. Never could anybody understand what exactly transpired in his demented mind. The band Nailbomb has a track dedicated to Henry Lee Lucas, called, "While You Sleep, I Destroy Your World".

    Henry Lee Lucas’ mother was a prostitute who beat him, forced him to watch her with clients, and told him that he was evil.

    When Lucas was about ten years-old, a relative took him of into the hills one day, slit a calf's throat and had sex with the animal. Then he persuaded Henry to try the same thing.

    Lucas, by his own account, killed his first woman when he was fourteen or fifteen. The victim, who was seventeen, was waiting at a bus stop. Lucas tried to rape her and then strangled her.

    In March 1960 Lucas was sentenced to twenty to forty years in prison for murdering his mother. After attempting suicide in prison he was admitted to Ionia State Mental Hospital, where he was subjected to treatment with electric shocks, and heavy doses of drugs. He spent four years in the mental hospital before returning to prison. Then in June, 1970 he was released.

    He claimed to have killed two women immediately on his release, although state authorities cannot confirm the deaths. He was sentenced in December 1971, to a four to five year term for attempting to abduct a fifteen year old girl at gunpoint.

    He was released again in 1975, and travelled to Michigan where he teamed-up with a petty thief named Ottis Toole. They shared an unhealthy interest in rape and death.
    Last edited by J-Cee; 02-18-2008 at 03:59 AM.

  4. #4
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    On Dec. 30, 1999, a drifter named Tommy Lynn Sells broke into a home in Del Rio, Texas, and brutally killed Kaylene Harris, 13. Krystal Surles, 10, had her throat slit by Sells but managed to escape and go for help.
    Sells has confessed to at least a 12 murders in 7 states, claiming he used guns, knives, bat, shovel, ice pick and his bare hands.

    Investigating a serial killer - Convicted serial killer Tommy Lynn Sells has been indicted in the murder of 9-year-old Mary B, Perez. Sells, 36, is already on death row for the murder of 13-year-old Kaylene Harris on Dec. 31, 1999 in Del Rio.

    Pretrial motions

    "It's no picnic" - by Tommy Lynn Sells #999367 Terrell Unit 12002S FM 350 Livingston, TX 77351

    Jury finds Tommy Lynn Sells guilty of capital murder A 36-year-old drifter was convicted of capital murder.
    Through the Window: The Terrifying True Story of Cross-Country Killer Tommy Lynn Sells

    by Diane Fanning -- Ten-year-old Krystal Surles watched in horror as her best friend was murdered at the hands of an intruder. Then with cold-blooded precision, he brought a twelve-inch boning knife to Krystal's throat. With a single, violent slash, he severed her windpipe and left her for dead. Miraculously, she survived and would lead authorities to the arrest of 35-year-old Tommy Lynn Sells.

  5. #5
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    He killed Peter Pan

  6. #6
    SmokeY J-Cee's Avatar
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    Ramirez looks like one of those most evilest muthafuckas there..like the devil in flesh

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    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    SmokeY J-Cee's Avatar
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    Hes got an oddly shaped head

  9. #9



  10. #10
    🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠 KERZO's Avatar
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    Leonard Lake or 'MR T on PCP'

    Leonard Lake (October 29, 1945 - June 6, 1985) was suspected of joining forces with Charles Ng in a kidnapping, torture, rape and killing spree during the 1980s. When apprehended on a firearms charge, Lake took a cyanide pill and died at the police station. A search of his property uncovered 12 bodies and videos of the pair sadistically attacking different missing women. Also uncovered was a cell buried in a hillside where it was believed their victims were held captive and then murdered.

    whatta nutta

  11. #11
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    this thread is shocking and disgusting.

    ban these people

  12. #12
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    this is a very very good idea for a thread,you get rep for this,ill post some of my favs

  13. #13
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    He Came in the Night

    New Orleans, Louisiana map (Associated Press)

    Andrew Maggio, a barber in the city of New Orleans, had just received his draft notice. It was May 22, 1918 and World War I was on everyone's mind. Andrew wasn't keen to go to war, so he went out drinking that night. When he returned just before two o'clock in the morning to the place he shared with his brother Jake, he noticed nothing unusual. But then, he wasn't in much of a condition to notice anything at all, and that would soon come back to haunt him. Compared to what he was about to experience, a draft notice would seem like a mosquito's bite to shark attack.Jake and Andrew's rooms adjoined the home of their married bother, Joseph Maggio, and his wife Catherine. As Robert Tallant, a novelist and acknowledged authority on the Axeman indicates, on the morning of May 23, Jake woke up around four o'clock a.m. He realized he'd been startled awake by noises that sounded like groaning that were coming through the wall from the room where Joseph and his wife slept. Jake got up and knocked on the wall to get their attention, but failed to get a response, so he knocked louder. Again, nothing.
    Now worried, Jake tried to arouse Andrew, but had difficulty, since Andrew was inebriated. Finally Jake got him up. Together they ventured into Joseph's home, and to their alarm, they found evidence of a break-in. A wooden panel had been chiseled out and removed from the kitchen door. It lay on the ground, the discarded chisel on top of it.

    Joseph on the bed with the body of his wife, Catherine (Nathan MacDicken)

    They got into the house via the kitchen, skirted around the bathroom, and entered Joseph's room. He was on the bed, his legs draped over the side, and Catherine lay partially over him. When Joseph saw his brothers, he tried to rise, but fell over, half out of bed. They ran to check him and found that he was barely alive, with deep bloody gashes on his head. Catherine was already dead, lying in a pool of blood. They called the police immediately.Corporal Arthur Hatener arrived first, just ahead of the ambulance, but it was too late. Joseph had expired. As Hatener waited for backup, he questioned the Maggio brothers and then looked around for clues.
    The Times-Picayune newspaper ran the story on its front page that morning, including a photograph of the death chamber—the bedroom in the home where the Maggios had lived behind their store. Married 15 years, they were grocers, operating a small store and barroom on the corner of Upperline and Magnolia streets. An investigation of the crime allowed the police to deduce that the brutal double homicide must have happened just before dawn.

    Gumbo Ya Ya

    Looking around the bloody scene, Officer Hatener discovered a pile of men's clothing in the middle of the bathroom floor. Inside the cast-iron bathtub, he spotted an axe leaning against one side. From all appearances, it had been hastily washed clean of blood, although some still clung to the blade and the tub. (In Gumbo Ya Ya, according to the piece on the Axeman penned by the same author, the axe was discovered under the house, while in Human Monsters Everitt says it was on the rear doorstep.)
    An axe

    Back in the bedroom, Hatener made another discovery: a straight razor, such as a barber might use, lying in blood on the bed. Reconstructing the crime, he believed that the killer had entered the home by chiseling out a panel in the rear door. The murderer then went directly into the bedroom. With an axe, he struck Mrs. Maggio in the head and then used a razor to slice through her throat, nearly severing her head. He also hit Joseph Maggio with the same axe. Since Joseph was sprawled half out of bed, it seemed that the killer might have struck him last, but given Catherine's position on top of him, it could have been the other way around. The events weren't clear. However, it was obvious that the killer also had used the razor on Joseph before discarding it.The coroner arrived and gave a quick estimate of time of death being a few hours before, between two and three in the morning. The victims were removed as a crowd gathered outside to watch. A woman who lived nearby stepped forward to tell investigators that she had seen Andrew outside during the early morning hours. Jake and Andrew were taken into custody for questioning. They swore they were innocent, but were locked up anyway. Jake was released the following day, but Andrew remained in prison.
    Then the police learned that the razor used to cut open the throats of Joseph and Catherine Maggio belonged to Andrew. One of his employees had seen him remove it that same day from his barbershop at 123 South Rampart Street (newspapers said Camp Street). Visibly nervous, he admitted that he'd brought it home to repair a nick in it. Things looked bad for him, with two witnesses and a significant piece of physical evidence implicating him.
    On May 26, two days after his arrest, he gave an interview to the Times-Picayune newspaper to the effect that he'd suffered so much from his arrest.
    "It's a terrible thing to be charged with the murder of your own brother when your heart is already broken by his death. When I'm about to go to war, too. I had been drinking heavily. I was too drunk even to have heard any noise next door."
    Although he had not mentioned it before, he did say that he'd noticed a man going into his brother's house around 1:30 a.m., when he'd come home. The police did not believe him.
    They had found the door to the safe in Joseph's house open and the safe empty, which indicated a robbery, but money under Joseph's pillow and found in drawers was left behind, along with Catherine's jewelry, wrapped and placed beneath the safe. A black tin box, empty, was found in one corner. The brothers said that Joseph always kept the safe locked, but there was no sign that the door had been forced open. Investigators determined that the axe had belonged to the victims and they believed the killer was familiar with the layout of the house.
    The coroner carefully examined the wounds to the decedents. In Joseph's case, the axe had been the primary weapon involved in his death, breaking through his skull, while Catherine's throat had been slit open from ear to ear with the razor.
    A few days after the bodies were found, Andrew was released from prison. Despite the witnesses, there was insufficient evidence against him, and soon another discovery would point to a different suspect—one who had eluded police before.

    The Black Hand

    Canal Street in New Orleans (Corbis)

    About a block away from the small grocery store where the Maggios were murdered, two detectives came across a strange message, written on the sidewalk in chalk: "Mrs. Maggio will sit up tonight just like Mrs. Toney." They carefully copied it (although different sources report the wording differently. One says, "Just write Mrs. Toney," but the newspapers report it as the former statement.) The writing resembled that of a schoolboy and it seemed an important clue, but at that moment, no one was sure what to make of it. Some said that it had been written by an accomplice to warn the killers that Mrs. Maggio was on guard. After some digging, they eventually spotted a possible connection to earlier crimes in the area.In 1911, seven years earlier, there had been either two or three incidents of horrendous axe murders (depending on whose account one reads. One crime writer, Michael Newton, claims that there is no record of any of these deaths. However, it was printed in the newspaper in 1918, described by the retired detective who had been involved in the investigations.) The supposed targets were Italian grocers. Since all of the couples had been grocers, Italian, asleep in bed, and killed with an axe after a break-in through a panel in the back door, it seemed that there must be a link, although all three incidents went unsolved. According to reports, which could be nothing more than folklore, detectives puzzled over the names from the scribbled message to try to discern a connection.
    According to Tallant, the first victim's name was Cruti (no wife), the second Rosetti (killed with his wife), and the third Schiambra (also killed with his wife). This latter man's first name was Tony, so Tallant says the police wondered if it had some connection with the "Mrs. Toney" of the enigmatic chalk message. Perhaps it was the women, rather than the men, who were targeted.
    It wasn't long before people in the Italian community began to talk about a possible connection with the Mafia. These people had been Italian, and perhaps they had not paid their "dues." Perhaps they'd borrowed money and then failed to meet their obligations. The Mafia was known to teach people lessons for such perceived effrontery. A few Italian citizens of New Orleans requested police protection. Some whispered about an organization called "The Black Hand," a Mafia splinter group believed in 1911 to have been responsible for that spate of killings.

    Police Chief David Hennessy, sketch

    There was a time in New Orleans when organized crime was a dominant force, to the point where much blood had been shed. In 1890, a group of Mafia assassins were believed to have gunned down Police Chief David Hennessy, as described in Gumbo Ya Ya, just steps from his home. Supposedly he'd arrested a Mafia leader and had threatened to expose the criminal records of others at an approaching trial. They could not allow him to testify. Suspects were arrested, but at their trials jury members were threatened and bribed, so one by one each of the men got off. The citizens of New Orleans were incensed at the outcome. They formed a mob, marched on the prison to find those who were left inside, and lynched 11 men that they believed were responsible for the crime. This was done to make a statement to organized crime rather than to exact justice against specific men. The citizens were tired of being pushed around and having their elected officials endangered or corrupted.However, organized crime remained, and the Black Hand was still a secretive force in 1911. The society was so named because those who did not comply with its demands received notes imprinted with a black hand to warn them of terrible reprisals. Many Italians were expected to give up portions of their wages to this criminal group, and if they didn't, they were repeatedly harassed and even killed. It was believed that the Black Hand offered an assassination school for those who swore loyalty to the society, and there they learned how to intimidate people. While many said that the Black Hand had been squashed with a series of trials in the Midwest in 1907, the Italian community feared that members were still at large. Since the murder of the Maggios was so similar to the 1911 series, there was talk of the resurgence of organized crime, and those rumors would grow and get worse as more events occurred.

    The Next Attack

    It had been two weeks since the Maggios were killed and the city was settling down again. Then on June 6 (Newton says June 28), John Zanca took a delivery of bread to one of his customers, a grocery store owner named Louis Besumer (or Besemer), when he found the store on Dorgenois and La Harpe streets locked up tight. That was unusual. Mr. Besumer, 59 and a native of Poland, was always up early, waiting for his bread.
    Zanca went around to the side door to knock. He heard movement inside, which relieved him. But then Besumer opened the door, and Zanca was shocked to see that his face was covered in blood. Besumer said that someone had attacked him, and he pointed with a shaking hand toward the bedroom. Zanca went to look and found Besumer's wife on the bed (whom, it turned out, was actually his mistress), covered with a blood-soaked sheet. She had a terrible head wound and bloody barefoot prints led away from the bed to a swatch of false hair.
    Zanca wanted to call the police, but Besumer tried to stop him, wishing instead to call his private physician. However, Zanca contacted the police and asked for an ambulance for both victims.
    Once again, investigators found that the entry was made by prying out a panel of the back door with a wood chisel, and once again, a rusty hatchet was the murder weapon. It belonged to Besumer and was found in the bathroom. However, Besumer was not Italian and had lived in the city only three months. Despite the fact that he was conscious and alive, he was unable to give a description of either the attack or the attacker. The victim, Anna Harriett Lowe, 28, was taken to the hospital.
    Suspicion fell on a black man who had been in Besumer's employ for the past week. He was arrested, and although he told conflicting stories, he was released.
    Then Anna, before she succumbed to her wounds and died, gave several stories. First she said she'd been attacked by a "mulatto." Then she changed her story and accused Besumer of hitting her with an axe and of being part of a German conspiracy—that he was, in fact, a spy. During this time of apprehension about the war, it was a believable premise. The newspapers printed a tale that trunks filled with secret papers were found in Besumer's home, that his grocery store might be a front to cover his affairs, and that he had letters written in German, Russian, and Yiddish. He also had opiates, and a neighbor said that he and his wife were drug addicts. Federal authorities came in to investigate, but the local police wondered if the estranged couple wasn't just saying things to hurt each other.
    When Besumer got out of the hospital, he admitted that Anna was not his wife, though he was living with her. He then asked to be assigned to investigate his own case. That made the police suspicious, since Besumer was a grocer, not a police officer. Obvious to them was the fact that he wanted to keep something quiet. They began to think that the attack was the result of a private, if bloody, domestic quarrel, and Besumer had simply concocted the tale of an attack. Although fingerprinting was used in criminal investigations at the time, no one dusted for prints in the Besumer or Maggio homes. There is no mention of what they did with the bloody footprints, although at one point, both Lowe and Besumer said that they had walked across the floor after being attacked.
    They arrested Besumer for murder. Yet he was clearly not the New Orleans Axeman.

  14. #14


    There's audioof 2 young girls begging for their lives when kidnapped and tied up by an axe murderer, you can even hear their heads crack when the axe's hit them.

    Not willing to post and didn't save, but search around, very famous mudrer case.

    Teachin Da SeedZ

  15. #15
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    ill search,i wanna hear that shit


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