Understand something, fellas.. when I say "No looping", you know what I'm referring to. I'm referring to HOW most of the beatmakers "LOOP". Not so much that it's the actual sample-choice I'm bothered with, but HOW everyone's sampling. I feel like everyone finds some of the NIIICEST samples up here and they use them with little formula. Theirs millions of ways to flip a sample other than mix it, change the pitch or reverse it. If thats your style for now, I respect that but think of other methods. I already know how beatmaking start, where it started and with what. My point is, if you're going to use a sample, flip it as universal as you can. Don't even make it noticeable. Nahmean. There's nothing wrong with sampling or looping, my point is just that you EXPAND HOW you sample a record. Its very rare that I hear someone use NOTHING BUT instruments and someone mistake it for an actual sample. I would like to hear more original play than sampling at some point, it would REALLY showcase more of everyone's talent. I'm just being honest as a member of the team. Other than that, the 3-4 beatmakers I've watched develop over time would be:

Ozmosis (most experimental)
Famicom (in his own world.. REALLY!)
Complex (especially his DEEP work)

and these are the only ones I noticed change in their music, no disrespect to anyone...