haha well yes you thought this was porn but its not its about chicks tellin their stories of gang life in New Zealand

'Gang Girls' tells the story of 7 women from 3 of NZ's most notorious gangs. This is the first time on New Zealand television that gang women have told their stories, and they tell their very personal stories with honesty and passion that will intrigue and fascinate, horrify and humble the most hardened of hearts.
For many of these women their journey starts with their childhood where extreme but contradictory experiences were a normal part of life. These women experienced a sense of loss and gain, extreme violence and brutality, strength, loyalty and power. Their stories can be horrifying but compelling, heart rendering but inspirational. But throughout the telling the women show dignity and humour.

^^ LOL that was one funny

^^ woman tells about the abuse she went through being born into the gangs

^^ story of twin sisters who were seperated at 4 months old who's parents are life members of the Mongrel Mob ... constrating lives ... one is sent away to live with the grandparents and is a uni student ... the other stayed with the parents and has a criminal record and gang lifestyle

^^ tried to stick up for the respect of women in the gang

if only they were the full doco's it'd be interesting to watch it all