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Thread: The 48 Laws Of Power

  1. #1

    Post The 48 Laws Of Power

    The 48 Laws of Power is a book by Robert Greene and published by Joost Elffers in 1998. The book shares thematic elements with Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince. It takes the form of a manual which provides laws for those who seek to increase their power in life. The work aims to illustrate that "certain actions always increase one's power ... while others decrease it and even ruin us."

    Law 1 Never Outshine the Master
    Law 2 Never put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to use Enemies
    Law 3 Conceal your Intentions
    Law 4 Always Say Less than Necessary
    Law 5 So Much Depends on Reputation – Guard it with your Life
    Law 6 Court Attention at all Cost
    Law 7 Get others to do the Work for you, but Always Take the Credit
    Law 8 Make other People come to you – use Bait if Necessary
    Law 9 Win through your Actions, Never through Argument
    Law 10 Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky
    Law 11 Learn to Keep People Dependent on You
    Law 12 Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm your Victim
    Law 13 When Asking for Help, Appeal to People’s Self-Interest, Never to their Mercy or Gratitude
    Law 14 Pose as a Friend, Work as a Spy
    Law 15 Crush your Enemy Totally
    Law 16 Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor
    Law 17 Keep Others in Suspended Terror: Cultivate an Air of Unpredictability
    Law 18 Do Not Build Fortresses to Protect Yourself – Isolation is Dangerous
    Law 19 Know Who You’re Dealing with – Do Not Offend the Wrong Person
    Law 20 Do Not Commit to Anyone
    Law 21 Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker – Seem Dumber than your Mark
    Law 22 Use the Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power
    Law 23 Concentrate Your Forces
    Law 24 Play the Perfect Courtier
    Law 25 Re-Create Yourself
    Law 26 Keep Your Hands Clean
    Law 27 Play on People’s Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following
    Law 28 Enter Action with Boldness
    Law 29 Plan All the Way to the End
    Law 30 Make your Accomplishments Seem Effortless
    Law 31 Control the Options: Get Others to Play with the Cards you Deal
    Law 32 Play to People’s Fantasies
    Law 33 Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew
    Law 34 Be Royal in your Own Fashion: Act like a King to be treated like one
    Law 35 Master the Art of Timing
    Law 36 Disdain Things you cannot have: Ignoring them is the best Revenge
    Law 37 Create Compelling Spectacles
    Law 38 Think as you like but Behave like others
    Law 39 Stir up Waters to Catch Fish
    Law 40 Despise the Free Lunch
    Law 41 Avoid Stepping into a Great Man’s Shoes
    Law 42 Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep will Scatter
    Law 43 Work on the Hearts and Minds of Others
    Law 44 Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect
    Law 45 Preach the Need for Change, but Never Reform too much at Once
    Law 46 Never appear too Perfect
    Law 47 Do not go Past the Mark you Aimed for; In Victory, Learn when to Stop
    Law 48 Assume Formlessness

    anyone had the pleasure of reading this book and its entirety?
    Last edited by Fatal Guillotine; 04-02-2008 at 09:28 PM.

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    Peace, I have. It has many, many jewels. Just the titles of the chapters carry years worth of wisdom.

  3. #3


    yeah i know man...i check it out at that library. i only been able to read the first 3 chapters but amazing nonetheless. i'll have to purchase this in the future along with a few other books.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member kwabena1041's Avatar
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    Thats Peace
    thanks for sharing
    "Borough hopping, copping bricks, bags, burners and kicks City slickers, circling the strip, working them tricks"
    -Rebel INS the GREAT!!!

  5. #5
    Veteran Member maestro wooz's Avatar
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    not in its entirety, but ive read a couple chapters each week for a class. Interesting read and some useful hints but taking this stuff super serious always makes me feel a little weird.

  6. #6
    G.A.W.D. PT.III RzaRectum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by food for thought View Post
    i hope you die tonight faggit.

  7. #7


    The 48 Laws Of Power is a collection of “laws” based on historical and philosophical anecdotes. These laws are amoral, meaning that they themselves don’t take into account any sense of right or wrong. Instead, the laws focus on how one can increase their influence over any situation, regardless of the moral consequences of doing so. In other words, this book focuses on how to gain power in any situation, regardless of whether it’s morally right or wrong, and it uses specific anecdotes from history to illustrate these “rules of power.”

    My initial reaction to the book was just to write it off - after all, I’ve found time and time again that following my moral compass has served me far better in life than following any set of amoral rules. Stepping on someone else’s throat to raise myself six inches higher holds no appeal to me at all - and the sight of someone else doing that raises disgust in me. I tend to believe that this is how the majority of the professional world works; people are fundamentally honest and realize that lifting others often lifts themselves.

    Then I began to see the book pop up in several surprising places, from the bookshelves of various people I knew to a surprising feature-length article in The New Yorker detailing the book and its author, Robert Greene. At first, this annoyed me - why would anyone pay special attention to this nonsense? Were there really that many amoral people out there, operating cloak-and-dagger style?

    I had to figure this whole thing out, so I picked up a copy of The 48 Laws of Power and gave it a read-through. I’ll leave my conclusions to the “Buy or Don’t Buy?” section below, but let’s first take a look at some of these 48 rules.

    Wandering Through The 48 Laws of Power

    Rather than going through all 48 laws and boring you to sleep, I selected ten of them worth commenting on. The other 38 rules are similar in nature; if you want to read them all, just pick up a paperback copy of the book and look at the back cover, as they’re all listed there.

    2. Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies
    Here, Greene advises that people should not trust their friends in any significant way, using the story of Michael III’s assassination by his former friend Basil I as an example. In general, you should never mix friendship and work - good advice. Instead, he advises that you place enemies in positions of power around you, as they have a lot to prove and can also provide great insight - I immediately thought of Abraham Lincoln’s inclusion of his political enemies in the Cabinet during the Civil War, a tactic outlined in the fascinating Team of Rivals.

    My thoughts? I agree that it’s generally a good idea to not mix friendship and work - I have avoided making deep friendships with my coworkers. As for enemies, I tend to feel that working out conflicts with other people and actually working with them on projects can be beneficial to everyone involved - you can often come up with some great solutions and really set a good example of teamwork if you make an effort to work with your enemy. I essentially agree with this rule.

    4. Always say less than necessary
    Greene uses a myth about Coriolanus speaking too much (and thus ruining his reputation) and then holds up Louis XIV as a paragon of the virtue of speaking in brief. Both, actually, are completely mythological - very little is actually known about Coriolanus and the quote he uses from Louis XIV - L’État, c’est moi - was actually conceived by his opponents to make him seem egotistical.

    This rule is a little strong for my taste - I generally believe in saying just what’s necessary because saying more than that is usually a detriment. Every time I’ve underplayed my knowledge, it’s actually ended up being a detriment to me as I’ve later been accused of hiding information. I think a philosophy of giving the relevant information but keeping it brief is the best route to follow.

    7. Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit
    This is a pretty blunt one. Greene backs it up by retelling the classic tale of Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison - Tesla may have been the better scientist, but Edison knew how to find others, employ them in his labs, and then take broader credit for the inventions.

    At first glance, this is a deeply underhanded method of gaining power - it seems to warrant cheating, paying others to complete your papers, and so forth. Think of it this way, though - how often has your manager presented work you’ve done to demonstrate the work of the group - in other words, to make your manager look good? It’s generally accepted that a person receives more respect if he acknowledges the hard work of individual team members - I’ve seen this from the perspective of the team member, the person doing the reporting, and the person being reported to.

    11. Learn to keep people dependent on you
    Many people feel that the way to safety is to be a sycophant to a powerful boss. This isn’t true; as soon as you make a mis-step, they can easily get rid of you and replace you with another. Instead, Greene urges you to ally yourself with a weak boss and then focus on making yourself indispensable - create a situation where without you, their power would collapse. At that point, who has the power?

    Greene uses the story of Otto von Bismarck and his relationship with the various Kaisers of Germany to illustrate the point. Bismarck was able to work tightly with some of the late Kaisers and push them into unifying Germany, making himself the first Chancellor in the process. A strong Kaiser could have tossed Bismarck aside for these moves, but the weak ones were so reliant on Bismarck that they let him lead.

    12. Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim
    I believe the appropriate term for this is “sucking up,” though it takes the interesting twist of viewing the person you’re sucking up to as the victim. One could also view this as building a fake relationship with someone in order to exploit them. Either way, it’s a behavior that doesn’t win you much respect from others.

    Greene uses several anecdotes in this chapter, most interestingly one actually involving a rather clever con man. Of course, that just illustrates the dishonesty of this approach - you’re basically being a confidence man when you cultivate relationships like this just to manipulate people.

    14. Pose as a friend, work as a spy
    This rule encourages the reader to use social situations to spy on the “enemy.” In other words, you should act friendly towards people you view as adversaries at social gatherings, hopefully disarming them, and then use this vague trust to probe them for information. I immediately thought of a person I know who will make small talk for a minute, then immediately start asking me questions about my computer consulting business.

    To illustrate the point, Greene tells about the techniques Joseph Duveen, arguably the most successful art dealer of all time, and the techniques he used for finding clients. Basically, he used social situations to find out tons of details about prospective clients, then utilized these details to wow them.

    16. Use absence to increase respect and honor
    The discussion of this law involves the tale of Deioces, a highly respected judge who withdrew from public life; when the public realized how valuable he was as a judge to their society, they made him king.

    Greene proposes that this same philosophy is often true. If you provide a valuable service for people, making yourself absent for a period will make them really appreciate the service that you provide. While this is true, it is extremely easy for this to backfire on you - people can discover that you’re not as valuable as you might hope, for instance. One way to do this effectively is to utilize your vacation time and go on a “no-contact” vacation.

    20. Do not commit to anyone
    The idea here is that by not strictly committing to anything, when you do produce it creates the impression of coming off as a grand favor. Greene uses Elizabeth I as one example here - she never married or bore children, but used hints of potential courtship to get exactly what she wanted.

    While this can be a great tactic to use if you have value that others want - think of a skilled plumber in a city, for example - if you don’t, not committing and trying to play people off of each other will merely earn you enemies.

    34. Be royal in your own fashion: Act like a king to be treated by one
    This is one of the best pieces of advice in the entire book and one that I wholeheartedly agree with. There are few things you can do to improve yourself in the eyes of others than to appear mature and respectable and to value your personal appearance. If you act vulgar and crude, people will simply treat you with less respect.

    Greene uses the example of Louis-Philippe to show the value of carrying yourself well, arguing that a big piece of his downfall was his attempts at appearing as a common man and not as a leader. An interesting take, though it was his increasingly ultraconservative governance that eventually brought him down.

    41. Avoid stepping into a great man’s shoes
    Generally, it is extremely difficult to follow a person who has done a tremendous job. People have come to expect excellence from the position, and as a replacement, you’re not only expected to uphold that excellence but also learn all of the trappings of the job very quickly. Greene basically says that one should not do this - the risks are too high. Instead, if you must fill that role, make it your own.

    To illustrate, he uses the examples of Alexander the Great and Napoleon III. Alexander took what his father, Phillip of Macedonia, had built and used it as the foundation for much greater things. Napoleon III, on the other hand, stepped into his role as leader of France and took the nation in many unexpected directions, quickly stepping away from the shadow of his namesake.

    Buy or Don’t Buy?

    If you work in a large office environment, you’ve probably met people who do most of the things above. Consider what you think of these people. Do you like that person who seems to always skip out on meetings where they’re needed? What about the person that puts up a false front to everyone, acting generous and honest, but then behaves very coldly when push comes to shove? What about the guy who marches around like he’s God’s gift to the company, but rarely steps up to the plate when it’s really needed?

    If you’re like me, you can’t stand these people and you’re much more likely to help out the straight shooter down the hall when he needs a hand than the person playing these games. The 48 Laws of Power is basically a litany of all of these various power games that people like to play. Playing them yourself is likely to have two effects: you’ll gain some power over some people and get a lot of resentment from the rest of them.

    Obviously, a few of these rules do make sense for most - making your job your own, for example - but the nuggets of usefulness are surrounded by a deep mist of questionable behavior.

    So why read this book? It does a brilliant job of explaining the logic and mindset of people who play such games to get power. If you want to understand why people play these games, this is a book well worth reading. It is interestingly written as well, with a lot of somewhat biased historical anecdotes (don’t take them as fact, as many are myths or are somewhat inaccurate) to support each of the points. The book itself is also laid out quite impressively, giving it a particular weightiness that’s also somehow inviting for browsing.

    My belief is that real power comes from earning respect, and this is just a list of shortcuts that will easily fall apart under scrutiny. This book is useful for no other reason than it clues you in to how some people tend to think, particularly those that are overly power hungry. For that reason alone, if you work in a competitive office environment, this book is worth reading just to understand the logic behind some of these games. Of course, playing these games yourself is highly likely to get you labelled as the office scumbag, so tread lightly on this stuff - use it to understand the behavior of others, not to try to gain power yourself
    Last edited by Fatal Guillotine; 04-07-2008 at 06:35 PM.

  8. #8
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    I own the book and find it useful in knowing what others may do to you. I have found that some people can be so evil and have used or tried to use these techniques against me, but I saw it for what it was and lessened or eliminated it's effect on me. One needs to understand the games people play.

    Also, check the bibliography, a certain book in there grabbed my attention. It is called "The Art of Worldy Wisdom" by Baltasar Gracian. The fundamental laws of the 48 laws was based on this book for the most part. You can get it online here:


    Read that book which is about 300 short aphorisms of wise sayings and u don't need the 48 laws. It's much more concise.

  9. #9


    yeah i got it, i use it, it works.

    its not the type of stuff you wanna tell all ur friends about tho. power loses power when knowledge is spread.

  10. #10
    Mayonase Bg_Knocc_Out's Avatar
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    DAMN! I thought I was the only one who's read this book on the forum, never knew there was a thread about it. I've read the book about 4 times now. Matter fact I read it again this past weekend.

  11. #11
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    I've had it for several months now but am only a little more than halfway through it I think. But yeah it is a well written book and one of my favorites in my collection already

  12. #12
    G.A.W.D. PT.III RzaRectum's Avatar
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    I wrote off the book when I saw the under-handed values presented.
    I may read it now anyways.
    Quote Originally Posted by food for thought View Post
    i hope you die tonight faggit.

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    I got this book like 2 months ago it was an excellent read it does have many jewelz

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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE View Post

    yeah i got it, i use it, it works.

    its not the type of stuff you wanna tell all ur friends about tho. power loses power when knowledge is spread.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tectrus Moa View Post
    I'm not going post more pictures of my dick, Style. You guys can forget about it!
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    Some of ya'll that are having sex without condoms need to be careful because that shit ain't cool having sex with no condoms.

  15. #15
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    yeah I read it as well. It's one of those books you need to study to really get it. I also copped the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene as well. It's filled with allot of knowledge for real. I just found it was too much info to take in at first. Then you start applying it and you see how well these motha fuckas work. He just came out with a new book It's called 25 laws of war5 or some thing. I should really look it up, but what can you do?


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