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Thread: The Older God's Comic Book Thread

  1. #46
    i still love h.e.r. NAKHI the SOLORIAN's Avatar
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    Default Daredevil - Love And War

    This multi-character story has the crime boss, the Kingpin, soliciting the help of a famed psychiatrist, Paul Mondat, in the treatment of his beloved, semi-comatose wife. Not content to just hire the man, Kingpin wants to guarantee his commitment by having Mondat's blind wife, Cheryl, kidnapped. The kidnapper is Victor, a completely unstable junkie-schizophrenic who becomes fixated on Cheryl. Daredevil becomes involved, and also becomes infatuated with the blind woman.

    Daredevil: Love and War is an atmospheric, fully painted, tabloid-sized graphic novel. And if it isn't perhaps the best thing Frank Miller ever wrote, it's still pretty good. The interweaving of the various characters, most well-delineated, and how their different actions have unforeseen effects on the other characters is well done. Frank Miller's ear for dialogue is, perhaps, the finest in the history of comic books, and his ability to turn phrases, to repeat lines but with different significance (like the opening and closing monologue), and to juxtapose words and images is almost unsurpassed. The story veers between urban grittiness and violence, to humour, to being lyrical, poetic, almost dreamlike, and ultimately kind of poignant.

    Perhaps the chief weaknesses are that it is an ensemble piece -- Daredevil is still a prominent character, but only one of three or four -- and, of course, comic relief goon, Turk, who can be amusing...but also strikes me uncomfortably like a racist caricature. And there's a strange sense of disappointment by the end, a feeling that something is missing. I'm not quite sure what, but it keeps Daredevil: Love and War from being truly great.
    Last edited by NAKHI the SOLORIAN; 06-10-2008 at 10:47 AM.

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  2. #47
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    Default Daredevil - The Man Without Fear 1-5


    Last edited by NAKHI the SOLORIAN; 06-10-2008 at 10:48 AM.

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  3. #48
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    Default Daredevil Born Again

    Karen Page, the former secretary of the Nelson & Murdock law offices and girlfriend of Matt Murdock, left the series years earlier to pursue an acting career in Hollywood. However, her plans did not work out, and she became a star of pornographic movies and a heroin addict. Unable to take control of her life, she spirals deeper and deeper into an existence of hunger, need and desperation, until she finally sells Matt Murdock's secret identity for a shot of heroin.
    This information eventually reaches the Kingpin, who proceeds to test it. Over the next six months, he uses his vast influence to hound Murdock, causing his accounts to be frozen by the IRS, the bank to foreclose on his house and in general make Murdock's life increasingly unbearable. He even manipulates police lieutenant Nicholas Manolis into testifying that he saw Murdock pay a witness to perjure himself in a case. In the resulting trial, Murdock manages to avoid a jail term, but he is barred from practicing law. The Kingpin skillfully ruins Murdock's life piece by piece, but Murdock cannot see his handiwork – instead, he is convinced that he is simply unlucky and that there is no enemy for him to fight except for his increasingly desperate and violent attempts to investigate this situation.
    But the Kingpin overreaches himself. He can't keep himself from delivering one more strike, and he has Murdock's house bombed. This act of violence tells Murdock that his problems were not random, isolated incidents but the work of a mastermind – the Kingpin.
    Unfortunately, by now Murdock has become unhinged. He has trouble differentiating between his fantasies and the real world. He is homeless and absolutely destitute, and now believes he has no friends. He even thinks that his former girlfriend Glorianna O'Breen and his best friend and business partner Foggy Nelson are a part of a complex, all-encompassing conspiracy against him.
    Meanwhile, Murdock's confidant, Ben Urich, the Daily Bugle reporter, is investigating his friend's plight and finds evidence of the Kingpin's involvement. Unfortunately, the Kingpin learns of this and has Urich's source killed and Urich's hand broken to intimidate him into silence. This cows Urich into keeping quiet and Murdock is left on his own.
    Seeing no other course of action in his confused and paranoid state, he decides to attack the Kingpin and force him to return his life. On the way, he brutally assaults three would-be robbers in a subway train and then beats up a police officer who attempts to arrest him and takes the officer's nightstick. In his weakened and confused state, he is allowed to enter the Kingpin's office and quickly beaten by the crime lord. The badly hurt and unconscious Murdock is drenched in whisky, strapped into a taxi cab, whose owner is beaten to death with the billy club Murdock stole from the cop, and finally, the taxi is pushed off a pier into the East River. When the car is eventually found, Murdock's reputation will suffer the final blow. The Kingpin revels in the knowledge that he has completely disgraced, destroyed and murdered the only good man he ever knew.
    But when the taxi is finally found, there is no corpse. Instead of drowning, Murdock managed to smash the windshield and, in a supreme show of will, cut the safety belt with one of the fragments and swam to safety.
    Badly injured, Murdock stumbles through New York's Hell's Kitchen by sheer will power alone, and, though injured, forces himself to keep walking just to keep from passing out. As he shambles aimlessly across the city, he is stabbed by a thug in an alley and even hit by a car. He eventually ends up being rescued by his mother, who, having not been in Matt's life for decades, has become a nun at a local church. She nurses him back to health. At the same time, Karen Page – now hunted by Kingpin's men as part of Kingpin's orders to kill anyone who possessed knowledge of Murdock's secret identity – arrives in New York with an abusive drug dealer named Paulo Scorcese, intent on finding Murdock. She's unable to locate him, but meets up with Foggy Nelson, who takes her to his home in an effort to protect her from Paulo. Meanwhile, Urich manages to regain his courage and comes forward with his investigation, alerting his paper and the authorities of the situation.
    In the meantime, the Kingpin becomes increasingly obsessed with finding Murdock and silencing Urich. He first arranges for the nurse who murdered Urich's source to kill the reporter himself and he also arranges for a violent mental patient to be released from an asylum, dress up as Daredevil and kill both Nelson and Page in an effort to provoke Murdock into resurfacing. However, Murdock intervenes in both plots, defeats the nurse and the patient, takes the latter's costume and proceeds to save Page from both Scorcese and another hitman sent by the Kingpin. The two are reunited and Matt comforts Karen with the fact that he has moved beyond regretting losing his material possessions.
    In a major misstep, the Kingpin uses his connections in the military to procure America's super soldier, Nuke, whom he sends to assault Hell's Kitchen. In a climactic battle, dozens of civilians die while Matt responds as Daredevil for the first time since the destruction of his home. Nuke uses heavy weaponry against Daredevil, who is plagued with not only the challenge of fighting an inhumanly formidable opponent, but the awareness through his enhanced senses of the casualties caused every time Nuke's weapons are fired. In the end, Daredevil defeats Nuke and, in an uncharacteristic move to stop the slaughter, uses Nuke's weapon to destroy an assault helicopter that supported Nuke and further threatened civilians, thereby killing the pilot. The Avengers arrive at the scene and take Nuke into custody.
    Captain America, however, is not pleased with the situation. Although the authorities claim that Nuke is a terrorist, the Captain is not convinced, especially after a discussion with Murdock, who tells him that the assailant's body was heavily enhanced. As America's original super soldier, the Captain is appalled to suspect that the violent, musclebound, insane man with little regard for the lives of civilians, appears to be the country's latest super soldier. Unsatisfied with the evasive answers given to him by Nuke's superiors, he breaks into the base's computer files to discover more about Nuke. He turns out to be the only surviving test subject of a severely flawed attempt to recreate Project Rebirth, the same project that originally enhanced the Captain's own body.
    Enraged by the treatment he is receiving in the media, Nuke breaks free from custody in the same base and runs amok in an attempt to attack the offices of the Daily Bugle. He's stopped by the Captain, but nonetheless, the military attempts to kill him, as do the Kingpin's men; however, though mortally wounded, Nuke does not die immediately. Daredevil first attempts to get him to a hospital, but realizing that Nuke will not survive, he then decides to get him to the Bugle instead in an effort to prove that Nuke is a government operative and that his presence in New York is the product of the Kingpin's widespread influence in the military.
    In the end, the Kingpin's public image as an honest and respectable businessman and pillar of community is shattered, although he manages to avoid imprisonment while he plans for his revenge on Murdock. For his part, Matt Murdock accepts and enjoys a new, different but apparently fulfilling life in Hell's Kitchen with Karen Page and expresses no regret over the loss of his previous lifestyle as a successful lawyer.
    Last edited by NAKHI the SOLORIAN; 06-10-2008 at 10:49 AM.

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  4. #49
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    Last edited by NAKHI the SOLORIAN; 06-10-2008 at 10:50 AM.

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  5. #50
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    Default Daredevil Yellow TPB

    After the death of Karen Page, Daredevil the Man Without Fear finds that for the first time he is afraid. To get back to the man he once was, he reflects on the events that led him to where he is today. His introspection takes him back to his law school days, and the days when his father was trying to become Heavyweight Champion of the World. But Jack Murdock gets involved with the wrong people and pays the price for his folly. At that point, Matt Murdock decides to take matters into his own hands.
    Last edited by NAKHI the SOLORIAN; 06-10-2008 at 10:51 AM.

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  6. #51
    i still love h.e.r. NAKHI the SOLORIAN's Avatar
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    iiiiiiiiiight that is all the Frank Miller stuff I got. Feel free to add on and if anyone has:

    Daredevil Visionaries Vol 1 and 3

    I need them asap pls
    Last edited by NAKHI the SOLORIAN; 06-05-2008 at 08:18 PM.

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  7. #52
    i still love h.e.r. NAKHI the SOLORIAN's Avatar
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    Default Wanted:The Comic Series

    okay y'all know the movie comming out with Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman called "Wanted"?

    well it came from a comic book(this is something I did not know...)

    and guess what your trusty online Upload King has it for you guys(gotta spread love....it's what I do)

    Wanted is a creator-owned comic book miniseries, consisting of six issues written by Mark Millar with art by J. G. Jones and published by Top Cow in 2003 and 2004 as part of Millarworld.[1] It features an amoral protagonist who discovers he is the heir to a career as a super-villainous assassin in a world where such villains have secretly taken control of the planet.
    The series is adult in nature, similar to more grown-up 'super-hero' titles such as The Authority or The Ultimates. Like the Authority or the Squadron Supreme, several characters are based on DC Comics characters and super-villains (See below). The series also bears resemblance to the 1999 films Fight Club and The Matrix, as it is about a despondent man in an unfulfilling white-collar job who finds a new lease on life but becomes extremely violent and marked as outside of 'normal' society. It differs from these films in that the main character has no desire to improve the world through this violence, but only embraces it in the pursuit of selfish, egocentric pleasures.
    he premise of Wanted is that all the world's super-villains decided to band together in 1986 and use their vast collective powers — including mad science, magic and mind control — to eliminate all the world's superheroes and rewrite reality in their own dark image. Prior to this the world was a brighter, more hopeful place. Superheroes are remembered as fiction (as they are in the real world), and behind the scenes a cabal of the leading super-villains runs the entire world.
    Milquetoast office drone Wesley Gibson discovers that his recently-assassinated father was a super-criminal called The Killer, and that Wesley has inherited his perfect aim and uncanny skill with any weapon. Wesley enters a new life, and must deal with the most dangerous and evil people in the world — whose ranks now include Wesley himself. After being approached by the Fox, another super-villain, Wesley quits his job and joins the Fraternity, the super-villain society's moniker. After a period of training, in which Wesley is desensitized to violence and given to repine of any nature, Wesley severs the last links to his previous life. (He breaks up with his girlfriend, knowing she cheated on him with his best friend, who he simply killed.) Wesley becomes the right hand of the super scientist Professor Seltzer, who is a member of the leading council of the Fraternity.
    At a council meeting, the main antagonist, Mister Rictus, calls a vote that the Fraternity come forward as the ruling body of the Earth, which is defeated narrowly, thanks to the hypnotic manipulation of Professor Seltzer. Mister Rictus, tired of hiding in the shadows, has Professor Seltzer executed and marks the Fox and Wesley for death. Wesley assaults the Fraternity's headquarters, killing many of the villains as well as Mister Rictus. After killing him, Wesley finds his father alive and well. The original Killer explains that he faked his death and got Wesley to join the Fraternity to make Wesley into a man. He explains Wesley's childhood was essentially carried by his mother, who encouraged him to never fight under any circumstances, knowing that his instincts as the Killer would come forward. After telling Wesley of instances where he'd visit Wesley as he slept, he asks Wesley to kill him, explaining that he's getting old and slow, that he "nearly missed a head shot at under a mile." Wesley obliges after resisting, and tells the Fox that he's returning to his former life of misery and oppression, not wanting to die like his father. After expressing incredible disbelief, the Fox realizes he's joking, and they depart for the headquarters of the Fraternity, now under his partial leadership.
    Last edited by NAKHI the SOLORIAN; 07-27-2008 at 04:21 PM.

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  8. #53
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Big ups for another 5-star thread Nak, its been along time since I read a comic for real and these are amazing, peace fam--glad that rep is finally startin to look like its supposed to

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  9. #54
    Shaolin Inc. Abbott vahacris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NAKHI the SOLORIAN View Post
    iiiiiiiiiight that is all the Frank Miller stuff I got. Feel free to add on and if anyone has:

    Daredevil Visionaries Vol 1 and 3

    I need them asap pls
    just seen this thread. hope you like it Nakhi cuz shit iz dope. catch it....

    FRANK MILLER - RONIN 1-6 of 6

    Ronin is a limited series published between 1983 and 1984, by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley published by DC Comics, in which a ronin is re-incarnated in a dystopic near-future New York. The six-issue work shows some of the strongest influences of manga on Miller's style, both in the artwork and narrative style.

    In feudal Japan, a young, nameless samurai has sworn to protect his master, Lord Ozaki, from assassins. But despite his dedication, Ozaki is assassinated at night by a demongeisha called Agat in an act of revenge for Ozaki stealing her sword. The sword is powered by blood - if it can be fueled by the blood of an innocent, the sword will become powerful enough to destroy Agat himself. Agat wants it back.
    Ozaki has hidden the sword, so that Agat cannot find it. After Ozaki's murder, the young samurai prepares to perform seppuku at his master's graveside, to honorably follow his lord into the afterlife. Instead, the spirit of Ozaki appears before the young samurai and demands that he find the sword and keep it from Agat until his skills are great enough to destroy the demon lord. The young samurai becomes a ronin, a samurai without a master, wandering the countryside for many years. At last, he comes to Agat's castle, and fights his way inside. But when he confronts Agat, he has a dilemma: since the sword has never killed an innocent, it is not powerful enough to destroy the demon. The ronin has a grim but effective solution to this problem: when Agat approaches him from behind, the ronin thrusts the sword through his own abdomen, impaling Agat. Powered by the ronin's own innocent blood, the sword mortally wounds Agat and the ronin at the same time, and the ronin achieves revenge and the honorable death by seppuku that he desires at the same moment. But just before Agat dies, he curses the ronin, and both their souls are trapped inside the sword until someone releases them.
    Here the story abruptly cuts eight centuries forward: to New York City in the very near future. Some unspecific but catastrophic social and economic collapse has left New York a lawless wasteland, populated by squatters, factions, and mutants. In the heart of the city is the Aquarius Complex, the giant, sprawling headquarters of the Aquarius Corporation, an idealistic company founded by three people: Peter McKenna, inventor of biocircuitry, his wife, Casey McKenna, who becomes Aquarius' head of security, and Mr. Taggart, who funded and controls Aquarius.
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    ----the what you said iz truth.....wu will survive----

  10. #55
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    thanks Sun I had this when it orig. was released but that was sooooo long ago

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  11. #56
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    Default A little addidtion...

    A little addition. i dont wanna nakhi to stop shining ;]


    In a Post-Global-Holocaust world, the third and last world war has ended. A war that went from Iraq, North Korea, Pakistan, and then to China. The human race has vanished from the face of the Earth due to dozens of hydrogen bombs going off across the world. Frank Castle, the Punisher, is still alive. When he tries to rise up from the ashes of New York City, not a rat or a bug has survived. Castle is now an old man, possibly somewhere in his mid or late 70's.
    After some 40 years Frank Castle is caught and is sent to Sing-Sing. Before the bombs drop several police officers come down to kill off the prisoners, including Frank. While performing a grisly mission as the bombs approach the U.S. This saves them, as the bombs hit while they are in the shelter.


    The story follows the narrative of Bruce Banner and the Hulk following a war which ended in a violent nuclear holocaust that only he could have survived.
    Banner begins the story, talking to a camera left by a robot Recorder belonging to one of The Watchers to record "The Last Days of Earth" as an archival lesson for other planets.
    While Banner is forced to drown in sorrow as the last human alive on Earth, wandering for years across the ruins of the old cities and remembering what he can of the world before, the Hulk (in his Rampaging Hulk form) is angry at Banner, in that with Banner he is still not alone in the World. During one of Banner's walks, he is beset upon some monstrously overgrown cockroaches, mutated by the nuclear fallout, and it is the Hulk who gets up to try and stop them.

    i may add some interesting stuff tomorow..... of course if nakhi doont have issues with this....


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  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by NAKHI the SOLORIAN View Post
    thanks Sun I had this when it orig. was released but that was sooooo long ago
    no problem fam, gonna dig my archives for thant daredevil ish. think i got it somewhere.......

    ----the what you said iz truth.....wu will survive----

  13. #58
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    post what you want Sun, I do not mind...

    now this "End" series I did not know it spanned over more than one book....(I have The Fantastic Four version)...think I will upload that next in light of your uploads.......

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  14. #59
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    Fantastic Four-The End

    The members of the Fantastic Four are estranged after a battle with a "more machine than man" version of Dr. Doom, resulting in the deaths of Franklin Richards and Valeria Richards, the children of Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) and his wife Susan Richards (the Invisible Woman). Reed's experiments, specifically a system known as the "Methuselah Treatment", help to rid the world of disease, and with the Avengers, the Fantastic Four secure the solar system. Richards lives and works in an asteroid orbiting Earth, while his wife is on an archaeological expedition underwater. Susan's brother Johnny Storm (the Human Torch) is a strike-force leader for the Avengers, while Ben Grimm (the Thing) lives with his wife Alicia Masters and their three children on Mars.
    Reed undergoes therapy sessions from She-Hulk on his asteroid base of operations. He is trying to perfect his technology for point A to B wormhole transportation, working with Wyatt Wingfoot and Thundra. The Super Skrull, posing as She-Hulk, penetrates Reed's defenses and in the midst of his attack transports himself and Reed into the Negative Zone where they encounter Annihilus.
    Johnny is working with the Avengers in outer space patrolling the galaxy using P.E.G.s (Personal Environment Generators) and telepathy nodes to guard the quarantine zone set in place by Reed. Lately there have been some very mysterious fights with clones of villains who convert to a liquid state upon defeat and float away, later found out to be created by Diablo and the Mad Thinker. Ben and the Inhumans join Johnny and the Avengers right before they run across a Kree Sentry and notice an illegal transmission being sent out of the quarantine zone.
    Ben is married to Alicia Masters who has had her sight restored and works as a specialist in the field of terraforming. Ben can revert back to human at will. They are seen as royalty in their home on Mars with the Inhumans, and have three children, all of whom exhibit superpowers. Jacob has super-speed. Daniel exhibits a power similar to Susan's that he uses in very specific styles, i.e. the form of a suit of armor with mace shaped fists and stilts allowing for the appearance of flight, containers or tubes for pushing liquids through. Ben's daughter, Yancy has the power of a "sonic scream." Ben is worried about being separated from his family, especially after the loss of Franklin and Valeria.
    Sue is on an underwater expedition and stumbles into Namor who aids her in her analysis until she runs across Kree writing in an abandoned temple. An attack by Attuma is short-lived when it is apparent Sue's powers have matured in intensity, with undocumented abilities such as modulation to separate molecules (specifically shown to allow for breathing underwater) and even reducing gravity allowing for more "true" flight-like capabilities than just an illusion using invisible platforms. After abruptly leaving Namor, Sue attempts a dangerous descent into a volcanic conduit. Sue's ship is incapacitated and she is apprehended by the Mole Man who mentions his plan to find the "Orb of Gnomon". She escapes by jumping onto a lake of molten lava, encased in a force field, thanking the Mole Man for inadvertently pointing her in the right direction in her own search for the orb. During her submersion she experiences a flashback to a message Valeria projected into the air (written in the Kree language) right before her death.
    Sue retrievs the Orb and transports back to Stephen Strange's residence. Using arcane spells, Sue, Strange and Strange's daughter, Clea, teleport to the FF asteroid, where a battle has broken out between Earth's heroes and Kree and Shi'ar forces. Using the Orb, Strange and Clea pull Franklin and Valeria into the present, along with Doom. The Doom then proceeds in attacking the Fantastic Four, constantly claiming he is superior. Realising he cannot win, Doom escapes into the collapsing Negative Zone portal, which subsequently self-destructs. The Kree and Shi'ar forces evacuate after the appearance of Galactus within the Solar System. The Fantastic Four then reunite with the Richards' children as the other heroes reach their location. Valeria reveals that she knew these events were going to happen and that she told Franklin about them and that eventually there will be sixteen members of the team, including Ben's children and the seven children that Johnny and Crystal will have.
    The final page of the comic shows that Doom survived the collapsing Negative Zone gateway and that he killed Annihilus, making himself the ruler of the Negative Zone.
    Last edited by NAKHI the SOLORIAN; 07-27-2008 at 04:25 PM.

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  15. #60
    frieza saga oDoUoSoKo's Avatar
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    the Wolverine End is cool....


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