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Thread: Workout Thread

  1. #1

    Exclamation Workout Thread

    Ab Work-outs

    Seated Knee Up

    Sit crosswise, glutes slightly off the bench, hands gripping it just outside your hips. Lean back and raise your legs off the floor, knees slightly bent, to start.


    After leaning your torso forward while bringing knees toward the chest, exhale toward the top of the movement. Crunch your abs at the top, then slowly return to the start position.


    Medicine Ball Pass

    Hold a medicine ball in your left hand at chest level as you lie on the floor, knees bent.


    Simultaneously lift your shoulders off the floor, lift your left leg up, extend your left hand and pass the ball under your left leg to your right hand. Once it's in your right hand, lower your torso and left leg. Next, lift your right leg as you raise your upper body and pass the ball under your right leg to your left hand. Alternate sides. Keep both feet off the floor for the set.


    Oblique Cable Crunch ( Important one to fill up your sides. )

    # Grasp a rope handle attached to a high cable pulley and kneel about 2 feet from the weight stack.

    # Turn your body about 45 degrees to the left so that you're at an angle to the cable apparatus.

    # Position your hands down on top of your head and keep your arms locked in this position throughout the exercise. Your knees should be bent at close to a 90-degree angle, and your hips should create an angle just beyond 90 degrees between your torso and thighs.


    #Inhale and hold your breath as you pull down against the resistance, flexing and twisting your spine by contracting your abdominals and obliques. Attempt to bring your right elbow to your left knee.

    # Hold this position for a second as you forcefully exhale and contract your abs and obliques.

    # Slowly return to the start position, resisting the weight with your abs and obliques.

    # Pause for a moment,then inhale and repeat for repetitions.



    Lie on the floor with your knees bent and hands behind your head.


    Curl up, bringing you torso toward your knees, concentrating on crunching your abs muscles as you come up. Try to get your shoulder blades off the floor. Don't pull on your head or press your chin into your chest.


    Hanging Knee Raise

    Grasp a high bar so that your body hangs freely without your feet touching the floor. Hang with your arms fully extended and a slight arch in your lower back.


    Bend your legs and raise your knees towards your chest. For this exercise to be effective, your knees should come up above your hips. Return to the start position.



    Lie on the floor, legs straight and arms close by your sides. Bring your shoulder blades a few inches off the floor while simultaneously bringing your feet to the same height.


    Crunch your upper body up, reaching to touch your toes, while raising your legs at the same time.


    Chest Work-outs

    Incline Dumbbell Press upper chest( probably the hardest part to form. )

    Grab two dumbbells and rest them on your quads. Carefully and one at a time, use your legs to assist you in lifting the dumbbells to the starting position as you lie back on the incline bench, which should be set at a fairly low angle (< 45 degrees).


    Flex through your pecs and triceps to press the dumbbells up toward the ceiling, stopping just short of elbow lockout. Pause, then slowly lower the weights until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.


    Decline Barbell Press Lower Chest

    Set the angle on the decline bench between 30 and 45 degrees below horizontal.

    Lie face up on the bench, securing your feet under the rollers. Your head, shoulders and glutes should touch the bench, with no arching or rounding of your back.

    Grasp a barbell with a pronated (overhand) grip so that your hands are spaced a bit wider than shoulder width.

    Lift the bar out of the rack and start the exercise with your arms fully extended but not locked out at your elbows.


    Inhale and hold your breath as you lower the barbell at a moderate pace to your lower chest (at or just below the nipple line). At the bottom of the movement, your elbows should point out to your sides.

    Before the barbell touches your chest, reverse the movement and push the weight up until your arms are fully extended.

    Exhale forcefully at the top of the movement or just after you pass the most difficult portion of the up phase.

    The descent and ascent should be continuous, with no pausing or holding.

    After you reach the top position, pause momentarily, then repeat for reps


    Cable Crossover ( for middle of the chest )

    Start by standing between two upper pulleys and take a split stance. Lean forward slightly, arms extended to your sides, keeping your elbows slightly bent.


    Using your pecs, pull the cables in a wide arc out in front of your body as if hugging a big tree, bringing the handles all the way together at the bottom.

    Then, reverse the motion, allowing the weights to pull your arms back to stretch the pecs, but not too far to avoid injury to your shoulders.


    Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press hold chest area in general but harder to control sense its with dumbbells.. i perfer this a lot.

    Lie back on a flat bench and grasp a dumbbell in with an overhand grip with each hand. Hold the dumbbells just outside shoulder-width apart with your elbows pointed toward the ground.


    Press the weights upward until your arms are fully extended but not locked out, then lower the dumbbells until they are almost level with your shoulders. As you come down, focus on opening your chest, and focus on squeezing with your pecs as you push up.


    Flat-Bench Dumbbell Flye
    Holding a pair of dumbbells, lie faceup on a flat bench with your arms fully extended above your chest. Your palms should face each other.


    Slowly lower the weights out to your sides, trying to maintain a slight but constant bend in your elbows throughout the motion. Continue lowering until you feel a good stretch in your chest, then squeeze your pecs to bring the dumbbells back to the starting position. When you reach the top, squeeze for a moment and then repeat.


    Incline Dumbbell Flye

    Set the bench to a fairly low angle. Holding a pair of dumbbells, lie faceup on a flat bench with your arms fully extended above your chest. Your palms should face each other.


    Slowly lower the weights out to your sides, trying to maintain a slight but constant bend in your elbows throughout the motion. Continue lowering until you feel a good stretch in your chest, then squeeze your pecs to bring the dumbbells back to the starting position. When you reach the top, squeeze for a moment and then repeat.


    Back Excersies

    Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown

    START: On a lat pulldown machine, grasp a straight-bar attachment with a shoulder-width underhand grip. Begin with your arms fully extended above you.

    EXECUTION: Arch your back, stick out your chest and lean back slightly as you pull the bar down to your upper chest in a smooth, controlled manner. Hold the bottom position for a count as you squeeze your lats. Slowly return to the start position.

    One-Arm Cable Row

    Attach a stirrup handle to a low-cable pulley and place the end of a flat exercise bench to the right side of the pulley apparatus.

    Face the machine and place your right hand on the bench for support. Use a staggered stance, with your right foot forward of your left, and keep your back flat.

    Grasp the handle in your left hand with a neutral grip (palm facing in), arm straight. Hold the handle below and forward of your left shoulder.


    Inhale slightly more than usual and hold your breath as you pull the handle up toward your hip.

    Concentrate on raising your elbow as high as possible above the level of your back.

    For a stronger contraction of the upper latissimus dorsi and upper mid-back muscles, raise your shoulder slightly when your upper arm is level with your body or above.

    After you reach the top position, exhale and return to the start. Be sure to keep the return motion under control.

    When you complete all reps with one arm, move the bench to the opposite side of the cable pulley and repeat with the other arm.


    Pull-Up (the real ones )

    Grasp a bar with an pronated (palms facing away from you) grip that is outside your shoulders. Fully extended your arms and relax your shoulders to fully stretch your lats.


    Contract your lats to pull yourself up. Keep pulling until your chin is even or slightly above the bar. Lower your body to the start position with control.


    Seated Cable Row

    Grasp a hammer-grip handle with both hands and sit down on the seated cable row machine. Keep your knees slightly bent, torso upright, abs tight and low back slightly arched.


    Pull the handle toward your lower abdomen, keeping your arms close to the sides of your body. Bring your scapulae together at the end of the movement. The rowing motion should come from the upper back, not the arms or lower back. Slowly allow your arms to extend to return the handles to the starting position, without leaning forward at the finish.


    Dual Bent-Over Dumbbell Row

    Stand with your feet hip-width apart and knees bent slightly. Hold a barbell in front of you and lean forward from the hips so your torso is at a 45-degree angle.


    Keeping your abs contracted and your back flat, pull the barbell to your hips by squeezing your shoulder blades together as you pull your elbows back. Return to start by extending your arms.


    Pulldown to the Front

    Start by taking an overhand grip on the pull-down bar slightly wider than shoulder-width. Sit down and position your thighs under the pads, keeping your feet flat on the floor.


    Keep your back slightly arched and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the bar down to your upper chest, pause for a beat and return to the start position.


    Wide-Grip Seated Row

    Grasp a wide-grip handle with both hands and sit down on the seated cable row machine. Keep your knees slightly bent, torso upright, abs tight and low back slightly arched.


    Pull the handle toward your lower abdomen, keeping your arms close to the sides of your body. Bring your scapulae together at the end of the movement. The rowing motion should come from the upper back, not the arms or lower back. Slowly allow your arms to extend to return the handles to the starting position, without leaning forward at the finish.


    Shoulder Excersies

    Bent-Over Lateral Raise

    Target Point: REAR Delts

    Lean forward at the waist, place your left hand on a bench for support, and hold a dumbbell in your right hand with your arm extended.

    Raise the weight straight out to the side until parallel to the floor. Repeat for reps and switch arms.

    Change It Up: Use a reverse pec-deck machine or cables

    Upright EZ-Bar Row ( better to use dumbells tho )

    Stand upright holding a barbell in front of your thighs with an overhand, shoulder-width grip.


    Maintaining an upright posture, lift the bar upward along your body, leading with your elbows to bring the bar toward your chin. At the top, your elbows should be pointing toward the ceiling. Flex your shoulders for a moment, then straighten your arms to lower the bar back to the start.


    Seated Dumbbell Press

    Grasp two dumbbells and sit upright on a bench or low-back chair with your feet in solid contact with the floor. Begin with your upper arms parallel to the floor.


    Press your arms overhead, stopping just short of lockout. Slowly lower back to the start position.


    Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise

    Sit with your abs contracted and feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in to each side of your thighs with your palms facing each other.


    Leading with your elbows, raise your arms up and out to your sides in an arc, stopping when they're parallel to the floor. Lower under control. Throughout the exercise, your elbows will remain straight, but not locked -- the movement should be generated in your shoulders, not your arms



    Dumbbell Kickback

    SETUP: To start, take a stable position so you can't swing the weight up. As with the pressdown, hold your upper arm adjacent to your body.

    EXECUTION TIP: Control the motion to ensure that your triceps do all the work, and take each set to failure. Once the muscle begins to fatigue, I'll continue with partial reps -- I don't stop until the muscle is completely depleted of strength and my triceps are on fire.

    Tricep Dips

    Grasp the bars of a dip apparatus with a neutral grip (palms facing down and toward your body), hands about shoulder-width apart.

    Lift yourself up to a straight-elbow position, supporting your weight with your arms. Direct your focus straight ahead and keep both elbows pointed rearward at all times.



    Inhale and hold your breath as you lower your body under control until your upper arms are about parallel to the floor. Stop just short of feeling a stretch in your shoulders and chest to keep the emphasis on your tri's.
    As you approach the bottom position, continue holding your breath and quickly push yourself back up by contracting your triceps to extend your elbows.

    Exhale as you pass the most difficult point of the up phase, then continue to the fully extended elbow position.


    Select an EZ-bar of the appropriate weight and lie on a flat bench. With an overhead grip about shoulder-width apart and palms facing forward, begin with your arms straight overhead.


    Bend your elbows and lower your forearms toward the top of your head. Keep your elbows and upper arms locked in position, and straighten your arms to return to the start position.


    Rope Pressdown

    Stand in front of a high-cable pulley and grasp the rope attachment with a neutral grip. Your feet should be parallel. Lean forward from the waist no more than 15 degrees and position your elbows slightly in front of your body with your hands approximately at shoulder height.


    Keeping your elbows at your sides, push down with your hands. As you pass the 90-degree elbow position, start pronating your hands so that your palms face down, pulling the ropes apart slightly. Straighted your arms fully, then return to the start position.


    Seated Two-Hand Overhead Extension

    Straddle an exercise bench with your feet flat on the floor. Grasping a dumbbell with both hands, keep your torso erect. Raise your arms overhead, allowing your forearms and the dumbbell to hang down behind your head so your elbows point directly upward.


    Keeping your upper arms stationary, press the dumbbell upward until your arms are fully extended. Contract your triceps hard, then return to the start position under control.



    Incline Dumbbell Curl

    # Maintain a stable body position so neither your torso nor your upper arms move during any portion of the curling action.

    # Lie faceup on an incline bench angled at about 45 degrees. Your back should be in full contact with the bench.

    # Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing in), arms extended and hanging straight down to your sides


    # Inhale and hold your breath as you curl the weights up to your shoulders by flexing at the elbows. Keep your upper arms stationary; don't allow them to swing forward.

    # For full involvement of the biceps, slowly turn your wrists out as your forearms approach the level position. Your palms should face up and back at the top of the range of motion.

    # Exhale and rotate your hands back to neutral as you return to the start position. Repeat for reps.

    # For a greater peak contraction, hold the top position for a second or two while squeezing your biceps.


    Pause momentarily and repeat for reps.

    Keep your body as vertical as possible throughout the exercise. Your legs may move back slightly.

    Supinating Dumbbell Curl

    Stand erect with your feet shoulder-width apart, and grasp two dumbbells with your arms alongside your body and your elbows just slightly bent. Use a neutral grip so your palms face each other or slightly rearward.

    Inhale a bit more than usual and hold your breath as you begin the curl with both arms simultaneously, keeping your elbows pinned to your sides.


    As your forearms approach horizontal, turn your palms up (supinate) as you continue curling.

    Exhale as you reach the top position. Turn your hands to the neutral position as you return to the start position. Pause momentarily and repeat.

    Keep your body stable -- your torso shouldn't move during any portion of the curling action.

    For greater tension in the top position, pause for a second or two with your biceps fully contracted before returning to the start position.


    Hammer Curl

    Stand erect with your abs tight, knees slightly bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells at your sides with neutral grip (palms facing your thighs) and keep your elbows close to your sides. Curl both dumbbells toward your shoulders simultaneously.


    When your arms create a 90-degree angle, squeeze the biceps. Then lower to the start position under control.


    Alternating Dumbbell Curl

    Stand with your knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells at your sides with neutral grip (palms facing your thighs) and keep your elbows close to your sides.


    As you curl one or both dumbbells toward your shoulders, slowly turn your hands out so that your palms face the ceiling in the top position. Lower under control.


    Rope Hammer Curl

    Stand erect with your abs tight, knees slightly bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Hold rope attachment with neutral grip (palms facing your thighs) and keep your elbows close to your sides.


    Curl both dumbbells toward your shoulders simultaneously. When your arms create a 90-degree angle, squeeze the biceps. Then lower to the start position under control.



    The Power Clean


    Stand holding a barbell at about knee height with an overhand shoulder-width grip.

    Space your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Incline your trunk forward up to about 45 degrees and maintain a slight arch in your back.

    Keep your arms straight and your shoulders over the bar, your vision focused downward and forward


    Lift the bar with powerful extension of your legs and trunk while simultaneously pulling with your arms.

    As you complete the pull, lean backward somewhat, rise up on the balls of your feet, raise your shoulders and flex your arms.

    Jump up and spread your feet, turning your knees and feet out to the sides slightly.

    Quickly drop down to squat under the barbell. As you do this, rotate your arms, bend your elbows and turn them so that they point forward and the barbell rests on your palms and the upper portion of your shoulders and deltoid muscles

    Lying Leg Curl

    Lie facedown on curl machine and place your heels under the rollers. Grasp the handles, retract your shoulder blades slightly and raise your chest off the pad.

    Without letting your hips come off the pad, contract your hamstrings to raise the ankle rollers, bringing them as close to your glutes as possible. Lower the pads to the start position and repeat.

    Standing Calf Raise


    Stand holding a barbell balanced over your traps, or use a standing calf raise machine. With the balls of your feet on a raised surface, such as a step, and keeping your knee straight, lower your heels to stretch your calves.

    Then press upward on the balls of your feet as high as you can.

    Alternating Dumbbell Lunge

    Stand with your feet pointing straight ahead, between hip- and shoulder-width apart. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing inward.

    Step forward with one leg, using a long stride. As your front foot lands, bend both knees to lower your body. With your forward leg bearing most of the weight, bend it to a 90-degree angle, making sure that it doesn't move past your toes. Don't allow your back knee to touch the floor.
    To rise back up, press through your front foot to return to a standing position, bringing both legs together.

    Romanian Deadlift

    Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your legs straight. Hold a barbell in both hands with a pronated (palms toward you) grip.

    Lean forward from your hips, pushing them rearward and directing your weight down through your heels. Move the weight down your legs until your back is parallel to the floor. If you begin to round your back as you lean forward, stop the movement immediately.
    After reaching the bottom position, lift your torso upward and push your hips forward until you are in the starting position.

  2. #2


    anybody works out?


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