‘You've got the right to be disgusted’, the vocal sample croons on Fade to Black ft. Grizz, accompanying Heretic Skeptic as this dynamic duo collides to merge with ear friendly strings, and neither one of these beings is Burt Ward. On freshmen approach, to an album independently floating in the midst of a stagnant mainstream record pool that’s funky in a bad way, Skeptic escapes freshmen day unscaved, posing as one of Hiphop’s many unearthed super-seniors.

It won’t be long before the burgeoning emcee parts from the west coast to invade the other 3 corners of the US, droppin priceless jewelz from city to city, leaving a gleaming trail of enlightening and uncontrived scripts of insight and genuine emotion. On a couple of tracks Skep sounds slightly shaky in a sorta subtle Ghostface way, but it only serves to add more character to the LP. Skep epitomizes ‘no punch in’s or cut and paste edits. Besides, he’s more then likely playing games with your mind because he rips through the majority of ‘Apoptosis’ with undoubtable confidence.

I promise you, that you will not stumble across any frivolous speak or corny filler lines during your auditory experience. You will be satisfied with your investment in this rap IPO gone public. One Shall Stand’s production is enough to make any child of the eighties shed tears on first listen to the beautifully arranged Transformers samples and the bouncy chorus sung by a mystery female vocalist (Tracey).

It is obvious that Heretic can hold down an album by his lonesome, but having guest on record that can rip it as well is an added bonus. Where some artist’s albums fail because of awful cameos by equally awful emcees, (likened to the bosses incompetent nephew he’s somehow obligated to employ) the recruits assembled to complete this mission Apoptosis, leave Hiphop’s battlefield highly decorated and unharmed with spotless fatigues. The end all be all is, hopefully through the distribution of Heretic Skeptic’s Apoptosis, he along with that crew of Violent Art artist and extended family will do what the album defines; shed unwanted rapper cell’s and form a more potent and physically, equipped rap body.

Purchase Apoptosis online now at www.consciousbootleggers.com