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Thread: Ready To Die....overrated

  1. #241
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    people have a hard time accepting different opinions ...

    europeans > hip hop
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  2. #242
    RaizaBlade Durag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHOSTLACED View Post
    ^no he doesnt he can just seperate the real from the fake, unlike you backpackin niggas
    Hollow Darts thinks music is good if the black people in the hood say it is. HAHAHAHAHA! And you've the same sort of opinions as him, you like what you think is cool to like, so you'll be accepted by the cool kids in the hood. Ye dont have yer own opinions, if a black man from the hood came up and said, "yo man, this shit is HOT" the both of ye would be like "Yeah man! Can i suck your dick"?

    GHOSTLACED your a funny fucker, you piss off people here constantly, which is dope coz thats the best way to spend your time here, but your opinion on music is fuckin TERRIBLE man, and whats worse is your reasonging for liking it, coz of when it was released, coz people were bumping it, coz it caused a stir etc, you live in england man, ENGLAND, and you were like what, 8 or 9 when it came out? You have no fuckin clue, so at least if you like it, give valid fuckin reasons.

    I bet you dont even own the album. I bet your saying all this shit coz its popular and its what you think you should like, coz the black people from the hood say so.

    I think Biggie is an amazing rapper, maybe a little overrated coz "Life After Death" wasnt as good as its made out to be, but "Ready To Die" is a classic, and is EASILY in my top 10 or 15, and i dont think its overrated at all.

    I dunno who started to compare Biggie to Holocaust, but its not a fair comparison at all. Biggie was a huge star, wheras Holocaust is realativly unknown, and IN MY OPINION Biggie is the far superior rapper, and i realize thats the opinion of the majority, but its not everyones.

    Hollow and GHOSTLACED need to get hood niggas dicks out of they mouths and get their own fuckin opinion

  3. #243
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    fucking backpackin niggas

  4. #244
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    backpackers has certain tastes but decide there tastes are aquired from a position of higher awareness and their music is 'superior' to everyone elses.

    and to show its not about the music at all the have physical hatred for ppl that make music they don't like and like things to prove a point.

    i can see taste from other ppls perspective, it's not difficult, Biggie isn't my favorite rapper but i can easily SEE what he means to hip hop, his talent, and the quality and impact his music packs. Some ppl will not like him to prove a point, or some ppl don't like him at all which is cool, but you don't have to be a fan of WWII to know it was epic.

  5. #245
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    I was watching this really cool internet documentary called Zeetergest or something, and apparently WW2 nevar happened.

    What does this mean in terms of the metaphor.

  6. #246
    RaizaBlade Durag's Avatar
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    ^yeah 'backpackers' say people who like mainstream hip-hop hate on backpacker rap for no reason, and a lot probably do, but a lot of backerpacker fans hate on mainstream hip-hop coz its mainstream. Both sides are as bad as each other.

  7. #247
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    Yeah, it's always been a blatant hypocrisy.

    I think i gave up trying to point it out to certain people when i stopped posting in here a few years ago.

  8. #248
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    i was hanging out with these faggots that all they do is talk about how hip hop they are (i guess they invited me into their circle of gays cause i was totally h1p h0pin it)
    all they did was listen to irrelevant ass rappers, then the more and more i listened the more i noticed all they did was listen to white irrelevant ass rappers, they let that shit play for a whole night straight and it all sounded the same though it was different artists

    that when i stopped pays as much attention to lyrics cause these guys, track after track were just trying to prove how clever they are over imitation 90s beats that are super looped. They were useless cause the more clever shit been said by some one with actual 90s beats in the 90s its self.

    anyways i started asking what CDs they had so that we can end the spin cycle of lyrically clever garabage (i dont see a rapper constantly trying to prove he's clever as any different from one trying to constantly prove they're rich).

    turns out these faggots did know who rakim was, didn't listen to nas, had never heard on anything in the 80s (EPMD ect), never heard of Big L never heard of PUN and didn't know the names of the rappers rapping on that gay ass songs.

    so i was like, what the fuck? i guess they just liked the music, but why go on about how real hip hop you are if you have no fuckin clue what is happening in hip hop or what happened

    they DID know eminem though, but said he was wack and commerical.

    i went home at that point.

  9. #249
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    and my regular group of friends are on the opposite of the spectrum. They only listen to Boosie, Webbie, and Trillfam.

    not even the rest of the south

    just those 3, it's really really really fuckin gay.

    and they're always like "Ok, i know you'll like this song, it's lyrical"

    then the put on some more webbie.

    they're under the impression that i hate everything southern when infact all they play are 2 affiliated rappers and their rap collective which im not a fan off. constantly. none stop.

    and they think that they're super current and im not, and i only like the song One Mic (lol).

    I came to their party after a long hiatus wearing really nice clothes. and they were all super impressed, then one came up to me and told me that he's seen someone 'wearing my swag' elsewhere and i was a copy cat...then he got dogged on for his hatred of my daper appearance.

    but the point was, they were all still wearing baggy pants (played out) long white T shirts (played out) fitted hats (played out) large heavy boots(played out) and listening to Trillfam (played out/irrelevant), and all these years they've been assuming IM the one that isn't current when they're stuck in 2003.

    EVERYONE is fuckin wearing 'my swag'..or atleast anyone current, gawt damn.
    Then i figured out i listen to a wider range of shit from the south (early cashmoney, no limit, luda, ti, outkast, young bloods, david banner, nappy roots, lil jon, bone crusher, UGK) where as LITERALLY all they listened to was THE EXACT SAME GROUP.

    but i was still the backpacker.

    ppl wonder why im on this site so much.

  10. #250
    RaizaBlade Durag's Avatar
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    ^Yep, completly different ends of the spectrum but EXACT same opinion. Shit is redulous

    Anyways, its 6pm here, time to go home and head to the pub, enjoy yer weeknds Tissa and Pat


  11. #251
    Wu Vatican Sean's Avatar
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    ^ (TSA) lol, I get the same type of thing from my friends but they listen to "indie" music and rock, mainly Kings of Leon at the moment. The new Kings of Leon album has been in constant rotation in most of their cars since it came out

  12. #252
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    my OTHER group of friends only listen to rock. not even a wide range, just Led Zepplin.

    they figured out i like the Beatles alot and alot of 70s rock so theyre all "dweerrrp listen to this song, it sounds like something you'd like"

    turns out they just wanna hear guitars all day, they dont even listen to the lyrics or know the meaning of the songs, they just like guitars.

    and when i hang out with Africans we don't talk about music but they're primarily interested is super commercial shit, not to the point they talk about it so thats good. (tho my NUh Rookie is the supreme lil wayne stan).

    anyways yeah, people wonder why im always on this site.

  13. #253
    God Of WAr Mantra's Avatar
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    To me R.T.d. is a classic because the lyrics really represent that time!
    And for that era Big was really bringing it with a different original smooth willie style!
    No matter what people say about Big's commercial appeal the dude was a mc even Pharoah Monch gave dude much props, Big was very lyrical you just had to have an open ear to catch some shit that was simple but still went over peoples heads!

    My evidence, my own testament, written on wood
    Twelve tribes layin at the head of corners in hoods
    Hell razah

  14. #254
    a.k.a Zatan Yakuza yakuzas_krew's Avatar
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    co sign

    the album is good..... but, classic??? my balls

    biggie is fucki'n overrated, and 2pac too...

    it's a good album, but nothing more than that
    No Hablo English!!!! very well XD
    My beats

  15. #255
    crushed out heavenly Ghost In The 'Lac's Avatar
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    i AM criteria.


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