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Thread: Why do black ppl call each other niggers?

  1. #61
    crushed out heavenly Ghost In The 'Lac's Avatar
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    im smh that diggy and sunny havent got their heads around yet the basic conecpt and purpose of melanin

    to protect from the sun

    now everyone knows that at about 6th grade level.

    What is so unbeliveable about that very simple FACTUAL bit of science?

    Why do you desperately try to not acknowledge that ancestors who ventured out of Africa north wouldnt need as MUCH melanin?

    Its VERY BASIC evolution theory.

    the fact I am here actually spending my time explaining this to you, makes me sick.

    In fact, its totally pointless even bothering with you, your lack of standard intellgence is troubling.

  2. #62
    crushed out heavenly Ghost In The 'Lac's Avatar
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    and youre not even giving real reasons as to why melanin might not be for that purpose, youre just coming out with the same old "your inferior, black are superior" same ol same ol.

    You are so pathetic its pathetic.

    Its like you have no basis and you know it, to anything youre saying, and you know it, but you just like to sit there and pretend you know something know one else does

    ..but without actually telling anyone, or havign any scientific sources to prove your ideas

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThaShaolinAssassin View Post
    this is not true and you're a liar.

    if you shave any mammal, it has the exact same skin color as white people. many with tans.

    no animal is brown. so since that is rare


    Polar bears are among the largest predators in the world. They range in color from pure white after a molt to a yellowish shade resulting from solar oxidation or staining by oil from seal blubber. Their skin, nose and lips are black in color......



    like i said, albinos are rare

  4. #64
    SUN*KID ON THE ONE LoTec's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThaShaolinAssassin View Post
    (and there are more white ppl in the world then black ppl-fact)
    Where did you get this "fact" from?

    The UV ray theory for explaining different skin tones seems plausible enough but it def has some holes in it. For one the Inuit people have been living in an artic climate for probably 20,000 years give or take. And they are far from "white". Some have said that is due to their diet, blubber being rich in certain vitimans. Also in regards to nostral and nose shape that some one brought up, saying wider noses help keep one cool in hot climates. Ethiopia, India. Many people there have nillotic features, that is thin noses and high cheek bones. Really on the continent of Africa one can find every variety of Human.

    I personally dont really know how people came to look so different. But I would say there is a good chance that white people are a product of mutation. That being said it is fucking crazy to me that in the 2009 people still think in terms of "race" when we know that genetically speaking there is no difference between the different people of the Earth. 99.99% the same One Blood One Heart One Soul One Love in the words of Bob Marley lets get together and feel alright.


  5. #65
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diggy View Post

    Polar bears are among the largest predators in the world. They range in color from pure white after a molt to a yellowish shade resulting from solar oxidation or staining by oil from seal blubber. Their skin, nose and lips are black in color......



    like i said, albinos are rare
    but penguins have 'white' skin. congrats on finding a grey ass cat, but i dont, as the most melaninened poster here, think that skin will qualify as black the same black ppl have. unless its really that easy to get in the club.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoTec View Post
    Where did you get this "fact" from?

    The UV ray theory for explaining different skin tones seems plausible enough but it def has some holes in it. For one the Inuit people have been living in an artic climate for probably 20,000 years give or take. And they are far from "white". Some have said that is due to their diet, blubber being rich in certain vitimans. Also in regards to nostral and nose shape that some one brought up, saying wider noses help keep one cool in hot climates. Ethiopia, India. Many people there have nillotic features, that is thin noses and high cheek bones. Really on the continent of Africa one can find every variety of Human.

    I personally dont really know how people came to look so different. But I would say there is a good chance that white people are a product of mutation. That being said it is fucking crazy to me that in the 2009 people still think in terms of "race" when we know that genetically speaking there is no difference between the different people of the Earth. 99.99% the same One Blood One Heart One Soul One Love in the words of Bob Marley lets get together and feel alright.


    the population of Europe is greater then that of africa, where the significantly greater bulk of black people live.
    the white population of the United states is greater then the black population of the US and carribeans combine, and blacks are a minority in all south american countries with brazil being the only noteworthy one for is huge black population with still doesn't even out the US and europe lead.

  7. #67
    Irondan 2: Curly's Gold Wu-Tang Forum Internet Poster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoTec View Post
    Where did you get this "fact" from?

    The UV ray theory for explaining different skin tones seems plausible enough but it def has some holes in it. For one the Inuit people have been living in an artic climate for probably 20,000 years give or take. And they are far from "white". Some have said that is due to their diet, blubber being rich in certain vitimans. Also in regards to nostral and nose shape that some one brought up, saying wider noses help keep one cool in hot climates. Ethiopia, India. Many people there have nillotic features, that is thin noses and high cheek bones. Really on the continent of Africa one can find every variety of Human.

    I personally dont really know how people came to look so different. But I would say there is a good chance that white people are a product of mutation. That being said it is fucking crazy to me that in the 2009 people still think in terms of "race" when we know that genetically speaking there is no difference between the different people of the Earth. 99.99% the same One Blood One Heart One Soul One Love in the words of Bob Marley lets get together and feel alright.

    On the Innuit People--They have a season that is 6 months of straight sunlight. That is why they are not "white".

    White people are not mutants, and unless they are albino freaks, are not really "white" just like black people aren't totally "black"

    Quote Originally Posted by Tectrus Moa View Post
    I'm sorry? Negro English? I think you mean Ebonics.

  8. #68

  9. #69
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoTec View Post
    Where did you get this "fact" from?

    The UV ray theory for explaining different skin tones seems plausible enough but it def has some holes in it. For one the Inuit people have been living in an artic climate for probably 20,000 years give or take. And they are far from "white". Some have said that is due to their diet, blubber being rich in certain vitimans. Also in regards to nostral and nose shape that some one brought up, saying wider noses help keep one cool in hot climates. Ethiopia, India. Many people there have nillotic features, that is thin noses and high cheek bones. Really on the continent of Africa one can find every variety of Human.

    I personally dont really know how people came to look so different. But I would say there is a good chance that white people are a product of mutation. That being said it is fucking crazy to me that in the 2009 people still think in terms of "race" when we know that genetically speaking there is no difference between the different people of the Earth. 99.99% the same One Blood One Heart One Soul One Love in the words of Bob Marley lets get together and feel alright.

    it's also plausible that tall ppl are a product of mutation. that black people are a product of mutation, that ppl that get grey hair early are a product of mutation and any other trait DNA can give a person because the nature of DNA is to mutate often and regardless of how much x-men you want mutation is not a 'bad' or abnormal thing.

    also. bruh. inuits aren't black and white ppl have melanin, just not as much or else they'd be albino.

    you also have to consider that just cause someone isn't 'black' doesn't mean they're a unique entity. There are hundreds of types of black people. Africans could have very well 'mutated' from original africans.

    human evolution and migrated didn't become stagnate in africa and because the continent features atleast one example of very single climate on earth the people that live on the continent very greatly.

    there are africans as light as white ppl, and the DNAs of 'black ppl' range more greatly then any other 'group' of ppl.

    its really an artificial race. not that all races aren't artificial, but its even fake in it's fakeness. If you wanna be extremely nonspecific and ignorant to genetic, religious, historic, cultural, ethnic, and geographic realities so be it, but the facts remain

    1. white ppl have melanin
    2. each and every one of us is a product of millions of genetic mutations and if this wasn't so you would be a single celled organism
    3. africans, believe it or not, continued to evolve and differ from each other as time went by just as the other ppl in the world and when your talking about africa your talking about, realistically, the other 75% of the worlds 'races' that racism and ignorance just bunched into one heep.
    4. melanin doesn't make you a better person then other people unless your on wucorp and have THE MOST. There's no room for second place.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadiesLoveCoolDan View Post
    On the Innuit People--They have a season that is 6 months of straight sunlight. That is why they are not "white".

    White people are not mutants, and unless they are albino freaks, are not really "white" just like black people aren't totally "black"

    thank you. I think this doofus americo-anglo language description should be seperated as idiotness from any real argument.

    Black people aren't BLACK. BLACK is the word in the english language that means people of a higher brown hue then what im used to in western europe, but it's 1 term in 1 language

    if you say "you're black" to someone in nigeria they will say "no im not, im light brown, that guy is black" then point to a jet black nigga from panama

    i mean, the term has been excepted universally now cause of colonialism and the prominence of american culture but it's not based on the reality at hand.

    white ppl also aren't literally white, they're peach, or a very light brown.

    these are just 2 terms that don't mean what they are when describing an a man made concept of human classification.

    latinos aren't brown. im fuckin brown, they're tan or biege.


  11. #71
    SUN*KID ON THE ONE LoTec's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThaShaolinAssassin View Post
    the population of Europe is greater then that of africa, where the significantly greater bulk of black people live.
    the white population of the United states is greater then the black population of the US and carribeans combine, and blacks are a minority in all south american countries with brazil being the only noteworthy one for is huge black population with still doesn't even out the US and europe lead.
    True but "white" people are of Europian decent and produce no pheomelanin other wise known as static melanin. Thats why a white persons body that is not exposed to the sun will be white as snow. The rest of the worlds population has both pheomelanin and eumelanin to some degree and therefore it can be acuratly stated that "white" people are a minority in the human family.

    And Dan that is a posible explanation for the retintion of static melanin in Iniut peoples but does the sun not ever shine in Europe?

    As for the other responses to my initial post please reread the last paragragh of my initial post. I'll reiterate just to be thoro All creation is one All praises due to Jagganath

  12. #72
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    idk what your getting at but yes, inuits have melanin and yes white people have melanin. Inuits can produce static melanin according to you and live in the cold and white ppl can't according to you and live in the cold

    some animals in the water adapted fins others adapted eel like bodies. they can both fuckin swim.

    some people in tropical environments have dark brown skin, you know. black people
    some people in tropical environments have tan skin. you know. south american indians.

    they both get the job done, why be a dickweed about it?

    I dont want anyone to think that black people..real ones... think the darker they are the more superior they are.

    this is a mentality that i have admired my people for not using against others. black ppl, through out the world universally don't belittle other people, reject them, or use differences against them and i've admired this about our culture.

    one thing i have no respect for in white culture is they have the polar opposite mentality. differences between them and other people get turned into marks of 'who's better' like they have a longing to prove something that isn't there. Down to the point that i've heard..a lot...that their religion is superior to other religions.
    and music.

    In a desperate yerning to be the white man, various losers on this website have fully embraced the traits of their culture that are shameful to any humanbeing with a soul, and are dumping this shame on a people that have been unfairly disrespected for centuries when they deserve the opposite.

    black people are poorer then white people, but they're not as racist by edict of culture.

    now you want them to be racist and poorer then white people.

    get the bullshit out of my face.

    -The Original Man.

  13. #73
    crushed out heavenly Ghost In The 'Lac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThaShaolinAssassin View Post

    Black people aren't BLACK. BLACK is the word in the english language that means people of a higher brown hue then what im used to in western europe, but it's 1 term in 1 language

    if you say "you're black" to someone in nigeria they will say "no im not, im light brown, that guy is black" then point to a jet black nigga from panama

    i mean, the term has been excepted universally now cause of colonialism and the prominence of american culture but it's not based on the reality at hand.

    white ppl also aren't literally white, they're peach, or a very light brown.

    these are just 2 terms that don't mean what they are when describing an a man made concept of human classification.

    latinos aren't brown. im fuckin brown, they're tan or biege.



  14. #74
    SUN*KID ON THE ONE LoTec's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThaShaolinAssassin View Post

    black people are poorer then white people, but they're not as racist by edict of culture.

    now you want them to be racist and poorer then white people.

    get the bullshit out of my face.

    -The Original Man.
    What the Fuck Is this statement regarding my post?
    Everything is Everything and that aint just a Lauren Hill Lyric


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