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Thread: twisted elements

  1. #31
    I'll Fuck You Up TeknicelStylez's Avatar
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    Default Re: twisted elements

    You mad, craziest godhead I ever met. You the man though werd up, keep it real,


  2. #32
    Mr Wuniverse
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    Default Re: twisted elements

    Quote Originally Posted by TeknicelStylez
    You mad craziest godhead I ever met. You the man though werd up, keep it real,


  3. #33
    Banned brahma's Avatar
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    Default Re: twisted elements

    all prasies due to the father
    iīm just his tool so i donīt take props for myself .. cause without him on my mind, iīm just a prisoner of a temptational and lustful body and ghost.

    thatīs what iīm talking about. we all get much much energy from god and the easiest way to feel that is to let it out as sexual lust. but thatīs the point. on the real, one needs to give those energies back to god for that thereīs a natural exchange of these energies. not in a sexual way! whoever hasnīt ejaculated for days and weeks knows what iīm sayin. the lust grows but also the power in the mind grows with every day one keeps it inside. as these energies grow ... the want for letting it out grows in within. yo know, men keep little universes inside their sacks. millions of sperm cells. everyone could off be a living being, becoming a grown man. thatīs masses of knowledge. what i do, what others donīt do is... i give these energies back to god! how i do that? well. i eat right. and before that. i offer god the food cause he is the true owner. when you think on god before you take something for self itīs good. you can thank god for the food too, thatīs even better... but the supreme way is to cook just for him, not for you. and offer him the food before you even take a nip of it. thatīs when itz done right ways. energies can flow into right directions then. the father place the world before your eyes and you see something. donīt just take it as if itīs a supermarket. itz not yours, even if you pay for it, cause the money also belongs to your heavenly father. always remember who gave birth to you. materially it was your mom, but on the spiritual view, it was god. so you gotta ask god if you shall take it and if he say okay, then go and offer it to him first. give it back. by the way, he donīt want beef and some particular things, but thatīs other story. the main point is to make that exchange with your true father. you canīt see him in the beginning...so this is like a childish tea party with an imaginated friend. but yo.. after a lil time this imaginated friend comes to your sight and shows you for thousands of times that he is existing for real. most signs you can recieve through the tone, cause thatīs his main comunication way. music, even usual talk. itīs like... you hear something and next second the inner voice explains how this was meant... after a hundred of such signs...you know that heīs real. then you show more interest and read something about him...and wow... he might show up before you eyes and you can truly see him. itīs not that unbeliveable. god even states that he shows up for everybody who shows the will to wanting to see him. but truth is, that not much have this will. i mean.. the ghost is so unclean, that one donīt even remember god for days sometimes. all the material stuff is running through ones mind like itīs war of the senses or something like that. every sense wants to get stimulated... people going crazy. most people donīt have a peace of time on their minds to think about god for a minute. some people think about god more often or study the bible or koran or something and thatīs cool. thatīs not the supreme stage of worshipping him, but thatīs cool for that person who does so, cause thatīs the stage this person is on at that time. hm.. ya make me do another īeat right see the lightī thread... hold up...

    yo froth... cowherdboy is so eternal that i donīt know what to tell you and where to start at. when i think on him, i get a million thoughts on my mind and i only got two or three fingers to say som... ask a certain question on what you wanna know and maybe he let me answer that. all i can say by now is... his truest and most high devotees got square feet. look at most black rappers. thatīs the main physical and optical criteria to see if oneīs a fam member. yep. god as person got family. of course .. all beings are his children..but thereīs children who care more about him and live like that for millions of years..and thats the fam base. these got a better connection to the lord. without sayin that they better. they just higher on a spiritual level.

  4. #34
    Banned brahma's Avatar
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  5. #35
    Yacub grafted me froth's Avatar
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    Default Re: twisted elements

    i understand what you are saying except for the square feet

  6. #36
    Banned brahma's Avatar
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    hehe. i knew someone come up on that.
    hm... look this picture...

    he flat on the ground got all contact to earth with his square feet. children often got square feet and as they grow older, they become an anker in their feet .. this is symbolic for how much they away from the ground, away from god. sometimes its just a material desease when people got sqaure feet, cause they to fat or something, but on the real, thatīs a sign for having a better conection to the earth and within to god.
    on that picture ^ itīs about something happend to his friends. they didnīt knew that blue boy was their father, god. they played in the woods and everything was fine. but then they came to a cave and boys started to show interest on this cave. they tried to look inside and saw gleeming lights in the dark. they thought about what for great treasures there might be in this cave and so they started to examine the cave to find those treasures. hm.. there was already everything gleeming around them cause they were in heavens already and got all they needed, but that dark cave with the gleeming light just looked new and interesting. they couldnīt hold their senses and thatīs why they went into that cave. sad, cause god knew that this cave was a trap. he saw the snke head. the snake is known to be very dangerous but the boys were so much into their senses focused on the light inside the snake, that they didnīt recognised that itīs a snake for real. god warned them like "donīt go in there. itīs a trap. you already got all youneed here with me." but the boys didnīt knew he was god as i said before and so, they didnīt belived in his words. he could off killed that snake and rescued his friends, but he didnīt wanted to do so, cause the boys wanted to go there so much, they wished for it. thatīs why he let them go there. by the way he knew that they would find out his true identie, while they were caged then. cause sooner or later they would recognsie that the treasures are jus tmaterial stuff and canīt bring them eternal freedom. and thatīs what happened. his boys lived with the material goods for years and one by one recognised that this is just worth nothing at all. cause they still felt the past, the perfet times, when they just played in heavens with god, in theri hearts. of course.. they had forgotten him as person, but they felt what he said and they remembered his voice. they started to call him. intheir needs they started to sing on him and talk about him. they rhymed about him. one wanted to be a better worshipper than the next. but then.. they even forgot why they started to do so and fought each other, like if thereīs a price for being the best. thatīs when god slowly came back. he heard his best friends battle each other in that cage. all blessed in total illusion not knowing where they are and why they got there. they even builded up teams to fight each other. he came to rescue them, offered his helping hands to the best of them. and thatīs basicially the story of my life. i tried to get at mybe 21 of these most high rap heads. all ways. internet. for personal after concerts and i visited studios and all that. i offered godīs help caue he todl me that the rap heads are these boys who are caged in that snake pit.

  7. #37
    Banned brahma's Avatar
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    this picture shows him as he was on earth 5000 years ago in india. he chose this place to incarnate for personal, cause of two reasons. 1. his eternal friend arjuna lived their and there was a huge combat in common and he came to prepare him and 2. cause it was just a nice place with sunshine, woods, much green and naturality. people were religious in ancient india.
    but god ainīt a indian person. on these pictures he just looks indian stylish cause people who lived then saw him like that. would he live todays... he probably would wear some ecko and baggys or something like that. he represents time and thatīs the only thing the krishna devotees todays got slightly wrong. they live like 5000 years ago and that looks strange to the mass of people nowadays, cause in tv and stuff people donīt wear robes and habbits like that and people grow with the mass, thatīs nature. god is that mass too. what you think? god is like simpsons, futurama, family guy, married to children, scrubs, king of queens and all that. all the action physical stuff is mostly based on his opponent shiva who tries to fight god in the material, cause thatīs his world. when god creates a material world like this, he place three most high demigods in it. first of .. he gives birth to one son who s the creator with these blessings. in this world itīs chef lol! the creator is all alone in the beginning and in his hurt beeing departed from god, he starts to pray and meditate on god. through this thoughts, the material world gets born. like this.. he creates this world. but he canīt even do something alone for real. itīs always god who creates through him. thatīs the reason why the creator canīt make a wonder and be a magician or somthing.
    the creator can not do it copperfield styles. he just creates out his mind, while he goes deep inside. thatīs complicated and yo donīt need to understand that. thatīs the first sonīs life. oh. the energies coming from the father to the first son, but in within this connection comes another personality. the energy preholder. called vishnu. he standing in between god and the creator. but that person doesnīt have the same conection to god, cause he is a full advantage of god, while the creator is a part of him. i mean. they both parts of him, just different connections. the creator got much pains inside cause he apart from god but the energy suppliar donīt have these pains. thatīs why the creator creates. out of his pains with the temptation to come home.
    while he creates there comes anothe dude along. he is born out the dirtness. he is born with the material. his name is shiva and he is the king of the ghosts and demons. he stand for death. the creator can be in spiritual worlds whily he works on a material univers at the same time. if thereīs a bigger problem with shiva, the creator can incarnate to the material world and clear shit up. this what happens here.. after the creator started to create this world...billions of beings were born through millions of years. dinosours, neandertaler, middle age, water bactieries... from the big bang to now. the creator comes down to his world from time to time and shows his children how to live right. but the creator gots to learn to. he is also advancing all the time. he is in need to come home to his father and thatīs why he tries out a billion ways to find out how to come back. in the end he gots to surrender like veryone of his children gots to surrender .. but he and also his kids, we all gotta surrender to the father lord. he who outside this world and inside too. he who is not bend on this world. the creator is and all below him are too. hm. have i mentioned that jay z is shiva and rza is vishnu ? well. sorry for my lies earlier. i havenīt knew it better. i knew rae was the creator but i though rza is shiva and jay is vishnu. thatīs mainyl the reason why the shit went wrong ways. i just found out few weeks ago that jay and ray are spiritually fighting each other. sorry for that, but i gotta rise up to. iīm also learning. by the way. thereīs seven material worlds put together to one in this univers. rae is not the first son to all the worlds. he just the most high of world seven. the world which looks most mighty... but for real doe. lookin at katrina and 911... itīs just a gleeming. this world is as easy to get stumped by higher force as the others. but one thing is different coming from world seven. itīs that illusion. all the money, glamour luxury shit.. thatīs the devils work (shiva) tryin to get all worlds under hsi control, selling the illusion, while he takin lifes. but YO. donīt judge jay for his spiritual position. he also in illusion. he already stated that he donīt know where the flow and the words come from. he recognised that heīs blessed. same with rae and rza. but they just donīt play their true identities. thatīs why itīs fucked up. the demigods are role models to the ordinary people. yo gotta make that change in your lifes and turn to god. rae gotta start off cause he the most high. no words about the first son of world six, cause itīs obvious. god is letter G looking like 6 . yo got the shit twisted with the alphabet letter 7 ! numbers stay the same all over the world. 6 is known as 6 , but we got many different alphabets on this planet.

  8. #38
    Banned brahma's Avatar
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    in the vedic sanskrit its displayed . the surpeme personality of god has SIX endless fillies, growing eternally, no one else has. 1 might 2 fame 3 strengh 4 beaut 5 abjuration 6 wisdom
    (not in that order i guess)6 and 24 are most representive numbers of god in his personal aspect cause godīs first son got four head and thats 4times 6 =24 he loves his son very much :-)

  9. #39
    Yacub grafted me froth's Avatar
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    Default Re: twisted elements

    Im really enjoying reading this. Your english is waaaaay better than it used to be; it used to be hard to understand what you meant. Still, the Raekwon stuff is hilarious and creative. You should start some Raekwon threads in here.

  10. #40
    Banned brahma's Avatar
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    ^ lol whatīs that signature stuff ? u a girl? or just funny - gay?

    i īm finished with raekwon threads cause it leads to nothing. he gotta see for self and even then... a forum isnīt the right place to talk on such supreme plans un public. iīm here if he wanna know, but i donīt talk more about rae. iītīs in his lyrics and thereīs peopel who can hear it and people who donīt but thatīs not important for me. i only respect two persons worldwide. thatīs rae and jay and rza if he turns god for real. at this moment i would only talk to rae, cause both jay and rza wouldnīt understand me. rae got that pain feelings in his heart like me. same time he wanna create like me. we could off takeover the whole globe in within a few years. he canīt do it with me.i donīt wanna do it without him cause i miss that ni66a from my heart. he the only one beside god who understand me when it comes to these plans. but yo. i can play that game too. put in the ignore mask and let a brother do what he likes to do.

  11. #41
    Banned brahma's Avatar
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    these are recent words from rae and ghost in the beginning of this track. listen ...

    rae sayin: " iīm wit you son iīm wit u... i been waitin for this... iīm with you son..this is the pot of gold right here.." then followed by that lex diamond album track .. when rae say "poppa" or "fernando" he talking on god. "carlos" thatīs jayīs fam. "oh you wanna play me like a smoker" and "yo pops, why you wanna .... me. yo listen be we got the best clientele since 83.." thatīs when he talking bout me.. like "son"

  12. #42
    Banned brahma's Avatar
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  13. #43
    Yacub grafted me froth's Avatar
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    Default Re: twisted elements

    more more more

  14. #44
    Yacub grafted me froth's Avatar
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    Default Re: twisted elements

    and this sig is the admins sister

  15. #45
    Banned brahma's Avatar
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    there will be no more. cause rae knows what its about. íf he donīt see this, i just donīt need to tell.
    universal caught on (father god)
    iīm from germany (hitler on diesel),i drove 600 km earlier this year to paris and gave rae a peace of my work(frensh speakin ninja), was born in 7 and five (75) and made that "www.diplomats.at www.dipset.at" (currently down) site few weeks ago, maybe someone recognised that. i gave away their ceoīs dj duke "MORE THAN MUSIC" mixtape for free. (purple tape thiefs) that was a major move.... and he about to "go for self and glory me " anyways. why should i say anymore. itīs all in rayīs lyrics. i will tell about god if someone wants to know. but that rae thang. itīs over. now. iīm not dumb ass bitch who run after a ni66a forever. iīm not that average ordinary stalker

    "watch me get the globe when i get on." try to do that without getting at me rae.
    iīm out on this theme. peace
    its yours truly

    and froth ..we can talk on messénger if you want more knowledge on the black & blue one. maybe i make it another thread but i donīt think so. iīm in my preparings for a vacation to cuba. maybe after i come back. if i come back.haha... cuba rocks.. but maybe iīm going to spain again. i donīt know yet, but when i decide to go, i got a ticket the next day and the plane goes on the day after. iīm a spontanious man. knahmean.

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