flicks i seen this week-
proposal & adventureland for the RR aspect... for a chick flick proposal was decent... i don't think sandra bullock delivers the typical chick flick gay crap, she has her moments.
adventureland was oh my fuckin god... give the actors some caffeine or something jesus christ! i think there was more stuttering in that flick than actual dialogue. barely made it through.
observe and reposrt had moments but overall i didnt find it replayable. nothing i'd really wanna see over again.
bruno was the same
ice age was lame
ugly truth was aight, heigle was cute and had 1 or 2 funny moments but the fact that females will be looking forward to the end love scene rather than paying attention to the "truth" of the film kills it.
g force, for a kids movie, was kinda bland as well... will kids just watch anything nowadys? what is appealing about guinea pigs? i just wanted to see what TMorgan had to offer.