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Thread: Vaccination Appreciation Thread

  1. #16
    1% Robert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulrock View Post
    TSA, Robert, why do you care?

    Huh? Pretty sure I didn't express a definitive view on this topic. I just asked palehorse some questions.

    Would you be pushing this propaganda if it weren't an issue?

    I'm not pushing anything. I'm asking questions in this thread and the other that aren't getting answered.

    Robert, do they even have vaccinations for this in Australia?

    Actually a lot of Australians got swine flu (in the eastern states). Right now, there's an article on infowars about swine flu vaccination in Australia.

    But no, in general we just live out in the scrub, ride kangaroos to the waterhole and lick our own balls.

    We also call Americans Seppos.

    H1N1 specifically targets hispanics so whats your big reason for getting it?


    Are either of you hispanic?

    I'm part mongoose.
    Last edited by Robert; 08-30-2009 at 02:37 PM.

  2. #17
    The ABBOTT
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    fda suppression of cures by DR. lorraine smith is a good read im not home right now but ive posted 100s of vids on this website on these topics. maybe ill make a thread debunking all the propaganda in the medical field. but remember the top 10 pharmecuetical companies are worth more then the rest of the fortune 500 put together. this is alot of resources and power. this is why they will never rid the world of disease especially this year. our governments across the globe are working for these people. and as far as water the best is spring water an some are better then others second is reverse osmosis water and 3rd is distilled.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    Food For Thought, i don't even pay you any attention because i know you're a retard.

  3. #18
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert View Post
    Some questions and thoughts.
    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post
    The life expectancy right now may be higher now than it was a hundred years ago, but its not the highest its been. Many ancient cultures lived much longer without any of the medicine we use to day. Nubians lived a hundred years on average living off of milk mixed with cow blood. (according to my 9th grade history book at least)

    I skipped my vaccinations, haven't had any since i was a toddler. They say they're mandatory but thats complete bullshit. Im in great health. I just ate a barely cooked piece of chicken less than any hour ago lol and i aint worried.

    Some vaccinations are great, but i think we're overdoing it and their necessity is overrated IMO. Im not pretending to be an expert but i think in general people act like it we'd be fucked without all our technology and i think thats bullshit.
    theres people in okinawa japan that were living to be 120 and working till they were 100. i read a study about this in the 80s and they attributed it to the fact they were eating yogurt and thats what started the yogurt craze in america. well everyone eats yogurt now and i dont see alot of 120 year olds. but another study was done that they beive it was the water they were drinking. the coral in the water gave it so many nutrients made the water high salinity with a low surface tension and also was highly alkalized. you cant get this coral calcium cheap online i use it all the time.

    i jusst found this article

    The Swine Flu Is Spreading & Mass Vaccinations Are Coming Soon!

    The mainstream media has not discussed one of the most significant events in the last 100 years. Over the last month, the World Health Organization has raised the alert level for the swine flu to level six. This is the highest level the World Health Organization can issue, declaring a worldwide pandemic for the swine flu. This has gotten virtually no national media attention.

    When a level six pandemic is declared by the World Health Organization, individual countries have the legal right to require its citizens to get vaccinations or to take drugs if the government deems necessary. Currently, many countries around the world have ordered unprecedented volumes of vaccinations, and are gearing up to have mandatory vaccinations of the population.

    I predict that in the fall there will be announcements that the swine flu has mutated into a more deadly, dangerous form. Whether or not this is actually true is yet to be seen, but I predict that the media will create mass hysteria about the dangers of this fast spreading, potentially deadly swine flu. The media and the government will then use scare tactics to convince you to take the useless and dangerous drug Tamiflu and get a vaccination against the swine flu.

    While this may sound like the government is taking steps to protect the population from this deadly swine flu, the facts that are missing from this scenario are important and eye opening. The first fact that is missing is that the drug Tamiflu does virtually nothing in the treatment of swine flu. The other fact that is missing is in relation to vaccinations. The vaccine being purchased by countries around the world, to be administered in the fall, is for a strain of swine flu that occurred last year. It absolutely, categorically will do nothing to protect you from the new mutated strain of swine flu that I predict will be sweeping the globe in the fall.

    A question that comes up is “Kevin, what are you going to do about the swine flu?” My plan is simple. I do not take drugs. I do not take vaccines. I know that the mainstream media is owned by the pharmaceutical companies and the government. I know that the plan is to get as many people to take as many drugs as possible for two specific reasons. First, so that the drug companies can make hundreds of billions of dollars in profits. Secondly, I believe that the government wants to, in effect, drug up the population for various controlling reasons.

    My plan is very simple. I have a number of natural products that I take to keep my immune system strong. By taking these supplements, I am making sure that I have no nutritional deficiencies and a strong immune system. I also do not take any drugs of any kind, either prescription or non-prescription. The fact is, nonprescription and prescription medication dramatically suppress the immune system making you susceptible to influenza, colds and other illnesses and diseases. Click here to view my influenza/virus first aid kit and stay healthy this flu season!

    Many Blessings!

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    Food For Thought, i don't even pay you any attention because i know you're a retard.

  4. #19
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulrock View Post
    TSA, Robert, why do you care? Would you be pushing this propaganda if it weren't an issue? TSA how many booster injections did you get? Do you even know what they do? Did you educate yourself on what they do or how they work before you got them? Robert, do they even have vaccinations for this in Australia? H1N1 specifically targets hispanics so whats your big reason for getting it? Are either of you hispanic?


    ok, lets say the majority of ppl that have caught it aren't white, and the term hispanic has no biological root or reality as it is a blanket term to describe the africans europeans native americans and asians that have mixed, or haven't mixed, in a certain part of the world.
    what would be left to help that sentence not be pointless?

    like do you really think 'hispanics' are the ones getting swine flu or do you have fact to back this?

  5. #20


    It spread on the Mexican border and in the Bronx, who else lives there? I also find it interesting that the first outbreak occurred just a few miles from Dynacorp, the company that first manufactured the H1N1 vaccine.


    here, now shut the fuck up
    Last edited by brock; 08-30-2009 at 02:51 PM.

  6. #21
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    @ palehorse: The key point you mentioned was this, That the vaccine will not protect anyone against mutated forms of the virus.

    That is 100% true.

    That doesn't necessarily mean mass vaccination is a bad thing. If the pandemic is real there will be a problem either way but I would have thought there'd be less of a problem if the spread is controlled early.

    There are many other things I'd like to talk about but I can't be fucked right now.

  7. #22
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulrock View Post
    It spread on the Mexican border and in the Bronx, who else lives there? I also find it interesting that the first outbreak occurred just a few miles from Dynacorp, the company that first manufactured the H1N1 vaccine.


    here, now shut the fuck up

    you said this shit specifically targets hispanics and blacks, and if you look at the global spread its been in countries with more whites, but even with that information im not saying this virus is racist. it gets ppl that catch it.

  8. #23


    there have been 556 deaths from this virus since they first discovered it, and that's according to WHO's website. The regular flu kills over 10,000 every year. This is why we need forced vaccinations? Or maybe because they're spraying shit in the air and killing our immune systems.

  9. #24
    Master of Doom Shadowthrone's Avatar
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    codex alimentarius

  10. #25
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    You guys get confused with the uses of chemicals and substances. which is stupid.

    everything you ingest can kill you, so just stop. Take iodine for example, it's needed to repair immune systems. when a medicine is made to treat immune systems odds are there will be iodine in it, but iodine can kill you. the result is the medicine doesn't kill you cause its in a responsible dosage and enough to repair what needs to be repaired. you can say all this and that is in medicine, and it is, hell ya it is, that's why if you overdose on medicine you can die, but in the responsible dosages that you're supposed to take it in it does cant and won't kill you.

    there's stuff that can kill you in apples. all this shows on your behalf is an unhealthy (well not really cause in the end of the day you don't believe what your say and still take medicine) and idiotic display of a lack of information and alternative sexual motives in being paranoid.

    there's iron in bread. when you see Iron on a content lable it literally means iron.

    If i swallow a fucking bowl of iron nuts and bolts i'll die, but if i eat a slice of bread i wont, stop being a douche.

  11. #26


    majestic 12

  12. #27
    I see you dawg SID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    Im glad that i've been vaccinated due to advances in medicine that have insured that I and others live longer.

    im also glad that a lot of illnesses that have been killing billions over the past millenia are no longer with us, and i know what it's like to live in a place where these things are still around.

    in nigeria, you can still catch leporsy and polio. Im glad i dont live in Congo where ppl die of bubonic plague.

    bubonic plague

    because of their almost non existent medical system.

    in the US on the other hand, and advanced system of vaccination, and global nation taxation against microscope fiberoptic biological germs and mad cow burgers on the market keep us alive longer then your average non vaccinated person.
    Vaccines will shorten your lifespans if anything.

    Look at the mediterranean people, they have one of the healthiest and lone living poulations of the world, they do't take vaccines, they just eat a lot of olive oil and stay active througout there life.

    You eat junk food and take vaccines. nasty shit
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  13. #28
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    they have one of the healthiest and lone living poulations of the world?

    lol no they don't wtf vaccinated europeans do, and stfu, you're vaccinated.

  14. #29
    No Father to my stench
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    Default ffffff

    people used to live to be 1000

    Polio increased 700 percent in states with manditory vaccinations

    Cancer just blew the fuck up after Vacinnations

    there was this interview on Youtube with one of the originators of vaccines saying it had leukemia in it

    we already know TSA is mentally ill and shit so eye wouldn't trust a person on health issues who is self admittedly mentally ill

    the reason polio and other diseases stopped was because HIGHER STANDARDS OF LIVING....better water etc

    you gotta understand....in eurocentric cultures people don't live long.....

    people are saying "well people used to live to be 30"....hell yeah they lived to be thirty because colonialism was in full swing and the whole world was forced to live this new strange diabolical culture..

  15. #30
    I see you dawg SID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    they have one of the healthiest and lone living poulations of the world?

    lol no they don't wtf vaccinated europeans do, and stfu, you're vaccinated.
    Long living i mean.

    North africans and the villages on the fringes of greece, spain, italy and turkey don't have vaccines, just the metropolitan populations.

    They also live the longer then all you americans.

    I got haven't had a vaccine or pharmaceutical pill since i was 11, i also live on a Mediterranean diet.

    Go back to Nigeria.
    Bank heist in Kathmandu, it was a slaughter
    The day Buddha was born it rained tea instead of water


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