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Thread: Jesus, Son of Mary

  1. #76
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    you're talking about retaliation when I made absolutely no implications of it so I don't see how anything in the last post applies

    as for the definition
    I can love thy neighbor as I love myself and still do everything I mentioned without hate or retaliation

  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    you're talking about retaliation when I made absolutely no implications of it so I don't see how anything in the last post applies
    defending yourself physically is a form of retaliation...I should have worded it better but what JESUS said was not to resist at all but to accept the suffering...hence the saying Do not resist him that is wicked; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also"

    peace be with you !

  3. #78
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    so you do not resist the devil, prof?

    And btw your definition of love was far from being a definition lol
    you can't define a word by the same word
    some people don't love themselves - should they hate thy neighbor as they hate themselves??

    likewise, you seem confused on what self defense is
    it has nothing to do with retaliation

  4. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    so you do not resist the devil, prof?

    the devil is different because if you dont resist him you are actually rebelling against truth and justice and against GOD and abandoning the principles of goodness so you must resist him.... by not resisting someone who is attacking you or is sinning against you means you are not abandoning the principles of goodness it means you are upholding them.. see the differance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    some people don't love themselves - should they hate thy neighbor as they hate themselves??
    everybody loves themselves (meaning that everyone I dont care who you are wants the best for themselves in life)whether that be sort from religion , money ,clothes, popularity ect....everyone wants the best for his or her life and that means everyone loves themselves and to say otherwise would be a lie.

    oh..p.s self defense is a form or retaliation whether you like it or not...retaliation boils down to either you can do somthing or not and once you do somthing it becomes an act of resistance or retaliation.

    peace be with you
    Last edited by zooruka; 10-16-2009 at 12:26 AM.

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by prof zooruka View Post
    the devil is different because if you dont resist him you are actually rebelling against truth and justice and against GOD and abandoning the principles of goodness so you must resist him.... by not resisting someone who is attacking you or is sinning against you means you are not abandoning the principles of goodness it means you are upholding them.. see the differance.
    no i don't - because there is no difference
    you're saying turn your cheek against one wickedness but don't do it for another wickedness
    wickedness is wickedness, prof, no matter how you slice it
    someone sinning against you could be seen as devilish behavior - it's the same thing

    everybody loves themselves (meaning that everyone I dont care who you are wants the best for themselves in life)whether that be sort from religion , money ,clothes, popularity ect....everyone wants the best for his or her life and that means everyone loves themselves and to say otherwise would be a lie.
    no - this is just straight up wrong
    there are depressed people who hate themselves, who don't care about themselves, who have low self esteem and don't really give a rats ass what happens to themselves. people commit suicide prof, would someone who loves themselves do that? verily I think not.
    and you want them to project this onto their neighbor?? surely that would not be a positive outcome.

    oh..p.s self defense is a form or retaliation whether you like it or not...retaliation boils down to either you can do somthing or not and once you do somthing it becomes an act of resistance or retaliation.

    peace be with you
    again - you are not the author of the english dictionary, so stop dictating what words mean on a whim. it's not a matter of me liking or disliking the proper definitions
    retaliation implies you have an offensive intention against a person - you are returning some type of action
    self defense is simply prevention of all of that. really - you can self-defend without hitting the other person or being violent anyway.
    if someone swung at you, you wouldn't even try to move your head out of the way?

    and for the record - this philosophy about "not resisting wickedness" is the most backwards and asinine philosophy I've ever heard of. i dont want to know where the world would be today if nobody ever stood up to and abolished wickedness.
    it seems this way would be inviting people to be wicked.
    and it implies that if someone randomly asked for all your money and possessions you would simply hand them over - or sit and watch them take it - which is just dumb.

    and to get back to the main point about your opinion of nobody offering a superior system of morals than jesus -
    you are simply wrong, prof, whether you like it or not
    i know of a system that offers what jesus did - and nearly infinitely more.
    i wont bash on his - it's a good start, but it's just simply very primitive compared to some others. like a world map compared to a street map.
    jesus would give you a very select few examples of what sinful behavior is - while NOT teaching HOW to cultivate the correct behavior.
    (demanding someone to obey does nothing to teach them, btw. you can't simply tell a jealous person to stop being jealous and have it work)
    he is like that one who would give you a map of the United States, then tell you to meet him at a specific address - you'd never find the dude.

    on the contrary - i know of a system that covers any and every sinful behavior there could ever be, AT THE SAME TIME teaching HOW to cultivate the proper behavior, and abolish the bad.
    would this not be superior? surely it is!


  6. #81


    He wasn't born to Virgin mary...he was born to 'fucked in every hole' - Mary....that bitch probable cheated on Joseph and she told everyone it's not possible she's pregnant...that's how it went, no other way...

    Virgin....my ass...still can't believe you dumb-asses believe that bible crap.....get a fucking life, snap back to reality.....
    "The only way to a woman's heart is along the path
    of torment. I know none other as sure..."

  7. #82
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    let's break it down with modern rationality-
    without DNA testing, would you believe virgin birth?

  8. #83
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    oh and prof am i a lesser being for not believing in your god?

  9. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post

    no - this is just straight up wrong
    there are depressed people who hate themselves, who don't care about themselves, who have low self esteem and don't really give a rats ass what happens to themselves. people commit suicide prof, would someone who loves themselves do that? verily I think not.
    and you want them to project this onto their neighbor?? surely that would not be a positive outcome.

    umm you are wrong !!!!!!!!!!! depressed people dont like there life situation not themselves they all want happiness but the circumstances in there life have led them to believe there is no happiness to be found in there life...i bet if you asked any depressed person if they hate themselves truly they would say no ...but what they would say is there is situations and things they dont like about there life and they are in such a place where everything is dark and there is no happiness or the possibility of happiness to be seen on the horizion in there view that the only option to them is to kill themselves... but they all want happiness and do love themselves deep down but there problem is they see nothing to look forward to...but if they did see somthing to look forward to they would grab it with both hands and would no longer be depressed and that shows that they want the best for themselves and love themselves....and dont tell me that there are people who just hate themselves because that is bulshit because nobody is born depressed it`s through circumstances which they percive as negitive in there life that makes them become depressed whether thats because of body image , bullying, break ups,finacial situation ect.... nobody is born that way period.......everyone wants the best even depressed people but circumstances have lead these people to believe there is nothing good in there future and if you think about it that shows they love themselves because they are serching for happiness but cant seem to find it so they become depressed and suicidal but the serch for happiness for these people(whether they find it or not) means they want the best for there life therefore meaning they do love themselves.

    sorry about repeating myself but I just wanted to get my point across.

    peace be with you !
    Last edited by zooruka; 10-17-2009 at 04:25 AM.

  10. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    no i don't - because there is no difference
    you're saying turn your cheek against one wickedness but don't do it for another wickedness
    wickedness is wickedness, prof, no matter how you slice it
    someone sinning against you could be seen as devilish behavior - it's the same thing
    im not saying some actions aren`t devilish but the devil is the source of the evil he is the enbodyment of evil thats where these idea`s come from....so in essence what JESUS is saying is that your fellow man isnt your real enemy (so dont resist him even to the point of defending yourself) its the devil the one you must resist but not your fellow man because he is just being duped by satan and by reacting to his attacks or sin you only continue to do satans decieving work and are keeping humanity in his trap of lies you must show your enemy love to make him see the truth and the error of his ways and that means truning the other cheek (and not resisting even to defend yourself) that is how you will gentle win him back, because he will feel ashamed after a while because you are still being nice (even after he has slapped you) and he is being a dick which he will see in time. (yeah sure not everyone will change if you be kind or show love to them or turn the other cheek even GOD knows that ....but some will !!!! but most importantly is you have changed and are no longer under the grip of the evil one.... yeah sure you might suffer for it and it maybe painful but one day GOD will reward you for you suffering because you remained faithful and did what was right)..

    see JESUS wants to break his (satan`s) grip on mankind but you can only do that if you tell people the truth and teach them to do the opposite to what the devil is doing and since he is evil you must do good to break his grip and thats what JESUS is doing and teaching.

    peace be with you !
    Last edited by zooruka; 10-17-2009 at 04:16 AM.

  11. #86
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    prof - for the sake of conversation - and for the sake of you being the most stubborn and near-sighted person i've ever conversed with
    lets lie and say you're correct about the last two posts
    mind you i have no problem with the intention behind the notion of loving your neighbor as you do yourself - i just find it to be poorly worded and executed
    "love" is a very subjective word
    as well as there is no power behind the statement "love your neighbor as you do yourself" - as evidenced by the fact I've never met ONE christian who did so. because the statement in itself does not teach you HOW to do anything. it's a nice thought though.

    which is why I said this that you had no response for:
    and to get back to the main point about your opinion of nobody offering a superior system of morals than jesus -
    you are simply wrong, prof, whether you like it or not
    i know of a system that offers what jesus did - and nearly infinitely more.
    i wont bash on his - it's a good start, but it's just simply very primitive compared to some others. like a world map compared to a street map.
    jesus would give you a very select few examples of what sinful behavior is - while NOT teaching HOW to cultivate the correct behavior.
    (demanding someone to obey does nothing to teach them, btw. you can't simply tell a jealous person to stop being jealous and have it work)
    he is like that one who would give you a map of the United States, then tell you to meet him at a specific address - you'd never find the dude.

    on the contrary - i know of a system that covers any and every sinful behavior there could ever be, AT THE SAME TIME teaching HOW to cultivate the proper behavior, and abolish the bad.
    would this not be superior? surely it is!
    not only does the Kemetic Tree of Life teach you to love everybody (AND THING!) equally, it teaches you HOW and WHY.
    does jesus teach how to manifest any personality trait at will - being that life will throw you more challenges than your natal personality is capable of overcoming?
    no he doesn't.

    no matter your emotional attachment to jesus - his moral teachings, although great, are nowhere near the most complete that anyone has to offer.

  12. #87
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    and btw
    would you resist my wickedness if i told you to stop believing in jesus?

    the slaves in america should have loved their slavemaster until he was shamed and set them free?

    lol i can't get over how unproductive and outright stupid the philosophy of not resisting wickedness is.
    Last edited by Mumm Ra; 10-17-2009 at 06:32 AM.

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by DrBold241 View Post
    let's break it down with modern rationality-
    without DNA testing, would you believe virgin birth?
    Yes ofcourse, in modern times it would be possible, not back then.

    Or Mary was abducted by extra terestials.
    "The only way to a woman's heart is along the path
    of torment. I know none other as sure..."

  14. #89
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    Haha but I don't mean virgin birth through plantin the semen with a syringe or something into the vag, I mean no contribution from a man period.

    And prof, you didn't answer my question.

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by DrBold241 View Post
    oh and prof am i a lesser being for not believing in your god?

    no your not... but your poorer spiritually for not believeing.

    peace be with you !

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