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Thread: Spirituality, Mysticism, and Personal Experience in Relation to Psychedelics

  1. #1
    Transcendent ۞StarPriest۞'s Avatar
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    Default Spirituality, Mysticism, and Personal Experience in Relation to Psychedelics

    Nice sounding title, no?

    Anyway, the point of this thread is to get one or more intelligent, respectful discussions going about spirituality, mysticism, and experiences with psychedelic substances including but by no means limited to:


    -Mushrooms (active Psilocybe mushrooms and Amanitas)


    -Mescaline (San Pedro cactus, peyote, etc.)


    -Ecstasy (MDMA)


    This is also intended as a place to post trip reports, and information on your local laws, availabiliy, degree of social acceptance, etc.

    The next several posts are reserved as follows: for LSD information (1 post); for Psilocybe mushrooms and Amanita information (1 post); for Salvia information (1 post); for Mescaline information; for Ayahuasca information (1 post in combination with Mescaline); for Ecstasy (MDMA) information (1 post); for DMT information (1 post).
    Last edited by ۞StarPriest۞; 11-02-2009 at 04:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Transcendent ۞StarPriest۞'s Avatar
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    LSD -- Lysergic acid diethylamide

    Quote Originally Posted by Erowid LSD Vault
    LSD is one of the most commonly used 'psychedelic' or 'hallucinogenic' substance. It comes in a variety of forms, but is virtually always taken orally. Today, LSD is most commonly found in the form of small squares of paper called blotter (full sheets of paper are decorated with artwork or designs, perforated, then soaked in liquid LSD solution and dried). Other forms include, pills, gelatin sheets or shapes (pyramids, cubes, etc), liquid, liquid sugar cubes, and powder. Blotter is most common because it is easily produced, easily concealable and the format allows for few adulterant chemicals.


    A standard dose of LSD for the past 20 years has been between 50 - 150 ug (micrograms). A single hit of most blotter paper contains somewhere in this range, though this varies depending on the source and there is no way for the average user to determine the strength of a piece of blotter other than by word of mouth. In the 60's and 70's, when LSD came primarily in pill form, the average single dosage unit was somewhat higher than it is with today's blotter, more often in the 200-400 ug range. A drop of liquid can contain a huge amount of LSD but is generally made so that one drop is a single medium dose.


    Generally sold by the single hit of blotter, LSD sells for $3 to $10 per hit, though it sometimes ranges as high as $25 depending on where you purchase it. Captive markets such as raves generally produce high prices while friend to friend it is often sold at cheaper prices. Less common forms of LSD sell for somewhat higher prices ($8-10 for a single hit), and as with most substances, the price goes down if you buy in bulk. Sheets of 100 hits (blotter) generally range from $1-$2 per hit. One of the more novel things about the illicit LSD market is that within the LSD using community, it is somewhat common to give single doses away to friends and acquaintances at extremely cheap prices, if not free.


    LSD is illegal in the United States (Schedule I) and in most other countries. It is also listed as Schedule I in the International Convention on Psychotropic Substances, an international drug control treaty.


    d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a synthetic chemical derived from ergot alkaloids which are produced by the ergot fungus which grows on rye.


    LSD requires an experienced organic chemist to produce. All useful synthesis methods begin with Lysergic Acid which is schudule III. It is produced in crystal form, primarily by a small number of knowledgeable chemists in fully equipped laboratories. The DEA speculates that it is produced mainly in the United States and Canada.


    LSD was first synthesized in 1938 and discovered to be psychoactive in 1943. It became popular in the '60's and was made illegal to possess in 1968. It has been widely available on the black market since that time.

    Terminology / Slang

    The Substance:

    LSD (Lyserg-Saeure-Diaethylamid in German); Acid; Cid; L; Blotter (on paper); Tabs (on paper); LAD; Doses; Trips; Microdots (small tablets).

    The Experience:

    Tripping; Flying; Frying.


    In the beginning stages of onset, LSD is likely to cause a sort of undefinable feeling similar to anticipation or anxiety. There is often a slight feeling of energy in the body, an extra twinkle to lights, or the feeling that things are somehow different than usual. As the effects become stronger, a wide variety of perceptual changes may occur; non-specific mental and physical stimulation, pupil dilation, closed and open eye patterning and visuals, changed thought patterns, feelings of insight, confusion, or paranoia, and quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, giddiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation).


    Depending on how much and how recently one has eaten, LSD generally takes 20 - 60 minutes (though sometimes as long as 2 hrs) to take effect.


    The primary effects of LSD last for 6-8 hours.. For many people there is an additional period of time (2-6 hrs) where it is difficult to go to sleep and there is definitely a noticeable difference from everyday reality, but which is not strong enough to be considered 'tripping'.


    LSD can precipitate strong, temporary changes in an individual's experience of life and reality. Even in low doses, it is a powerful psychoactive that can be significantly affected by experiences, set and setting. Recent experiences, especially strong ones, can have a substantial effect on a trip. Physically or psychologically unsettling events in the days before an LSD trip can blossom into more serious distress and trauma while tripping.

    It is important to be prepared for the possibility of encountering difficult or frightening mental states. There are many ways of minimizing possible dangers and trauma: by making sure to have others around for first time or high dose experiences, choosing carefully when and where to use a substance, taking a little time to prepare mentally for an experience with LSD by relaxing, having an intent for the experience, or by incorporating comforting and calming ritual into the preparation (clean the house, adjust the lighting, choose music that will go with the sort of experience you're looking for,etc) Using a 'sitter', a sober friend who's job it is to watch out for you while you're tripping can go a long way toward easing anxiety and ensuring that someone will be able to deal with any situation that might arise. It's amazing how confusing a ringing phone or a cop at the door can be if you're on LSD. Read up on the Psychedelic Crisis FAQ so you and your friends will have some idea what to do if things get difficult.


    * Do not operate heavy machinery. Do not drive.
    * Individuals currently in the midst of emotional or psychological upheaval in their everyday lives should be careful about choosing to use strong psychedelics such as LSD as they can trigger even more difficulty.
    * Individuals with a family history of schizophrenia or early onset mental illness should be extremely careful because LSD is known to trigger latent psychological and mental problems.
    * LSD can cause uterine contractions and is probably better avoided by women who are pregnant.

    Addiction Potential

    LSD is not physically addicting, and is quite unlikely to lead to psychological addiction in most people. Withdrawal effects following discontinuation have not been reported. As with most substances, a few people have reported becoming mentally habituated to LSD. There is a short period of tolerance after use. Using LSD two days in a row is likely to lead to a diminished experience the second day, though spaced 3 or more days apart, this effect is nearly non-existent.

    Albert Hofmann

    Jan 11, 1906 - Apr 29, 2008

    Albert Hofmann was born in Baden, Switzerland in 1906. He graduated from the University of Zürich with a degree in chemistry in 1929 and went to work for Sandoz Pharmaceutical in Basel, Switzerland. With the laboratory goal of working towards isolation of the active principles of known medicinal plants, Hofmann worked with Mediterranean squill (Scilla maritima) for several years, before moving on to the study of Claviceps purpurea (ergot) and ergot alkaloids.

    Over the next few years, he worked his way through the lysergic acid derivatives, eventually synthesizing LSD-25 for the first time in 1938. After minimal testing, LSD-25 was set aside as he continued with other derivatives. Four years later, on April 16, 1943, he re-synthesized LSD-25 because he felt he might have missed something the first time around. That day, he became the first human to experience the effects of LSD after accidentally ingesting a minute amount. Three days later, on April 19, 1943, he decided to verify his results by intentionally ingesting 250 ug of LSD. This day has become known as "Bicycle Day" as Hofmann experienced an incredible bicycle ride on his way home from the lab.

    In addition to his discovery of LSD, he was also the first to synthesize psilocybin (the active constituent of 'magic mushrooms') in 1958. Albert Hofmann, known as the 'father of LSD', continued to work at Sandoz until 1971 when he retired as Director of Research for the Department of Natural Products. He continued to write, lecture, and play a leading role as an elder in the psychedelic community until his quick and relatively painless death from a heart attack at the age of 102.


    Personal Experience

    1) My first experience with LSD came when I was 13 years old. It was the summer between 7th and 8th grade, a time when we'd spent nearly everyday in the following order: waking up and going straight to the beach for a swim; meeting up with girls; toking up; going back to the beach; getting drunk; crashing at some kids place. It was July 15th, and my boy told me that he'd scored some acid.

    Now, I'd heard of 'cid before, and had been warned against it by the usual biased, ignorant authorities (read, school), but I had no clear idea on what it was or what it even did. The same was true of my boy... his weed man had told him that he had some acid available, and he'd simply thrown in for six tabs.

    We were supposed to meet some girls at the pizza joint in about half an hour, so we quickly split up the loot (3 tabs each), and dropped 'em (he'd asked the collie man how exactly to use the 'cid).

    5 minutes later and not much was happening. We were starting to get a little pissed, my boy more than me since he'd paid for everything. 20 minutes out, and we're just about to get some food, and the come up really starts. At about 15 minutes in I'd noticed some gentle "waviness" around the corners of my vision, but whenever I turned to look everything seemed normal. I also was noticing a sort of slow blur and dilution of colors, but for some reason did not relate this to the acid and instead checked to make sure iI didn't have any shit in my eyes. So anyway, at 20 minutes: things really started to happen. I began to experience a slow tingling in all of my joints, and colors washed together now in a sort of pastel blur. The sun was the cause of this, it seemed -- a source of white light like a nuke detonating in the sky above our bicycle-riding heads. We passed the docks and the water was simply unbelievable to look at. And remember at this point I had never tripped before. The only substances I'd used were alcohol and weed. So the water. God damn, the water. Every wave, eddy, and ripple danced in its own little rhythm -- it seemed the water was many colors but yet remained a rich shade of blue. The sidewalk at this time had become brilliant silver while the road was like an abyss -- it seemed not to exist for its blackness.

    We reached the pizza joint right on schedule, relieved to see the girls already there waiting for us. Neither of us had said anything about was happening to us to the other yet, but it was clear that we were both affected. It felt like it took forever to come to a stop, and to get off the bike, but the chicks didn't seem to notice a thing. Around this time the euphoria hit me -- a long golden streak of vibrations (no other way to describe this shit) bathed my whole body. To be frank, I was pretty close to losing the thread at this point (dunno what terminology you all have -- around here "losing the thread" isn't necessarily having a bad trip but it entails really losing yourself in the experience and becoming [sometimes dangerously] unwaware of your normal plane of existence). One of the girls said something and it brought me back down. I managed to order our food but I couldn't escape the feeling that the good ol' rasta man behind the counter knew exactly what was going on.

    We ate. If you don't know, pizza is fucking delicious.

    After we'd ate we managed to make it to this little clearing in the woods that was an is a mad hangout for local kids. My boy and I collapsed and its a good thing we were where we were because now we really did lose the thread. The girls and my boy were talking, saying things, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Sounds seemed to come to me as if from a great distance -- as if I were suspended in the womb, surrounded by warm yellow and gold, occasional pinks and greens and blues. It's hard to describe this to someone who has never tripped, but, while I could still see my surroundings, I couldn't see them. It was like I was looking through them, seeing exactly what was behind them. For a 13 year old, this was a profoundly intense experience. My girl decided to fuck with me at this point. She comes over (and she moves so fucking slow, like a piece of dust falling in a sunbeam -- she's always moving but she never makes any progress and then suddenly... there she is laying right next to me), and the pink of her shirt was blinding, i lost myself in it. I closed my eyes and the root we were laying next to became the tail of a pink dragon... open them again and the world is still the world. She kissed me.

    It was hours before the trip started to slow down, before I found the thread again. I can't say for certain for my boy because he's never wanted to talk about it, as though talking about it would besmirch the sanctity of that experience. But in the hours after my loss of the V-card, I grew up. I can't really say how, but things that before had seemed important lost their importance, just as if they were gobbled up by the dragon. I gained a certain perspective on things that I have had ever since then, but that I had never had any inkling of previously. It's like... imagine that you're walking down the street and everything is so much BIGGER than you, and every movement of other things and other people threatens with the resulting vibrations to knock you clean off your feet. And then you step on a crack and you're BIGGER than everything else, and the vibrations no longer affect you, because you can anticipate them, you can ride them out. This was my gaining of perspective.

    The come down was gentle. We slept like newborns on the beach.
    Last edited by ۞StarPriest۞; 11-03-2009 at 12:00 PM.

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    #2 of 5.

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    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    chemical alterations

  8. #8
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    nice thread.
    We do it for the people.

  9. #9


    I find the whole premise fallacious at best.

  10. #10
    I see you dawg SID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ۞StarPriest۞ View Post
    Nice sounding title, no?

    Anyway, the point of this thread is to get one or more intelligent, respectful discussions going about spirituality, mysticism, and experiences with psychedelic substances including but by no means limited to:


    -Mushrooms (active Psilocybe mushrooms and Amanitas)


    -Mescaline (San Pedro cactus, peyote, etc.)


    -Ecstasy (MDMA)


    This is also intended as a place to post trip reports, and information on your local laws, availabiliy, degree of social acceptance, etc.

    The next several posts are reserved as follows: for LSD information (1 post); for Psilocybe mushrooms and Amanita information (1 post); for Salvia information (1 post); for Mescaline information; for Ayahuasca information (1 post in combination with Mescaline); for Ecstasy (MDMA) information (1 post); for DMT information (1 post).
    Peace man, well i've done LSD about 8 times now, its hard at first as you know, its a reality shifting conciousness shifting distortion of now. Once you get acustomed to the effects and have a humble respectful approach toward the entheogen you can view the world from teh highest owl perch and be able to decipher the world round you piece by piece, i believe in Psychonautics.

    Once i understood the nature of the drug and how sensistive your senses and emotions become, i started using it wisely at the right times and built on the positive.
    I mean i was seeing all the subliminal messages of everything when i was peaking off acid, mental bombardmnets coming from every angle, in every shape and form. TV is a no no, watch TV peking off acid, it's a sad affair to say the least.

    My 4th tab is when i got comfortable in my cosmic chair, the music of tool was a lovely guiding hand throught it all and i pay my repects to the band to the fullest, some people are trying to make them out as sell outs and have been since they started but their shit is timeless and made under a higher concsiouness thenn most music.

    My perceptions of reality, existence, energy, communication and time changed, and my cosmic inner core bathed in the secrets of the universe, and shit iam only 20, its a powerful reality altering drug that must be used in a controlled manner.
    Bank heist in Kathmandu, it was a slaughter
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  11. #11


    ^^^LOL ethered

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    A youngster should not be so arrogant as to think they know it all. Let a few years pass, and maybe you'll be surprised at how wrong you were.

  13. #13
    sleepless in basedworld ALCATRAZ's Avatar
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    shrooms r da shiznit haven't done acid yet but i'm sure i will someday

  14. #14
    I see you dawg SID's Avatar
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    never said i knew it all, what i,m sayin is tht lsd gave me insights tht most people dont find in their entire liftime
    Bank heist in Kathmandu, it was a slaughter
    The day Buddha was born it rained tea instead of water

  15. #15
    crushed out heavenly Ghost In The 'Lac's Avatar
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    I was doing MDMA last night in fact. Pretty sure is was mixed with speed though so its like wtf waste of time they are 2 drugs that are exact opposite. ITs hard to find pure MDMA compared to mixed.

    Anyway I reccomend any interested in psycadelics to read DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman, I finished reading it a few weeks ago, he is the only person to ever conduct a scientific study on the effects of DMT.

    Now people are making connections with endegonous DMT and alien abductions, and outer body and near death experiacnes.


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