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Thread: Spirituality, Mysticism, and Personal Experience in Relation to Psychedelics

  1. #16
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SID View Post
    TV is a no no, watch TV peking off acid, it's a sad affair to say the least.
    try unplugging your cable for 2-3 months then watch it again -
    it's a sad affair to say the least

    Quote Originally Posted by SID View Post
    never said i knew it all, what i,m sayin is tht lsd gave me insights tht most people dont find in their entire liftime
    anybody can see something - inner sight
    it's another thing to live it, and program it onto your spirit

    im sure tens/ hundreds of thousands of people have had similar insightful LSD experiences

    Quote Originally Posted by FMJ View Post

    A youngster should not be so arrogant as to think they know it all. Let a few years pass, and maybe you'll be surprised at how wrong you were.

    Quote Originally Posted by SID View Post
    Eat a dick retard

  2. #17
    crushed out heavenly Ghost In The 'Lac's Avatar
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    you shouldnt be watching anything on psychadelics, turn the lights off, darker the better. on shrooms though, you can choose because certain things like music and nature take on new meanings.

  3. #18
    Transcendent ۞StarPriest۞'s Avatar
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    LSD post updated.

  4. #19
    crushed out heavenly Ghost In The 'Lac's Avatar
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    lol why dont you just post the link to the erowid website?

    i thought you were actually going to detail some of your own experiances, not just copy and paste shit from erowid

  5. #20
    Transcendent ۞StarPriest۞'s Avatar
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    I am going to detail my own experiences lmao

    Just giving basic background. There's no reason for me to type all of that shit when I can just link it.

    I'm typing up the LSD trip reports from yours truly in Google docs right fuckin now, hold your horses.

  6. #21
    Transcendent ۞StarPriest۞'s Avatar
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    LSD post updated with first personal experience.

    I'll post it here as well:

    My first experience with LSD came when I was 13 years old. It was the summer between 7th and 8th grade, a time when we'd spent nearly everyday in the following order: waking up and going straight to the beach for a swim; meeting up with girls; toking up; going back to the beach; getting drunk; crashing at some kids place. It was July 15th, and my boy told me that he'd scored some acid.

    Now, I'd heard of 'cid before, and had been warned against it by the usual biased, ignorant authorities (read, school), but I had no clear idea on what it was or what it even did. The same was true of my boy... his weed man had told him that he had some acid available, and he'd simply thrown in for six tabs.

    We were supposed to meet some girls at the pizza joint in about half an hour, so we quickly split up the loot (3 tabs each), and dropped 'em (he'd asked the collie man how exactly to use the 'cid).

    5 minutes later and not much was happening. We were starting to get a little pissed, my boy more than me since he'd paid for everything. 20 minutes out, and we're just about to get some food, and the come up really starts. At about 15 minutes in I'd noticed some gentle "waviness" around the corners of my vision, but whenever I turned to look everything seemed normal. I also was noticing a sort of slow blur and dilution of colors, but for some reason did not relate this to the acid and instead checked to make sure iI didn't have any shit in my eyes. So anyway, at 20 minutes: things really started to happen. I began to experience a slow tingling in all of my joints, and colors washed together now in a sort of pastel blur. The sun was the cause of this, it seemed -- a source of white light like a nuke detonating in the sky above our bicycle-riding heads. We passed the docks and the water was simply unbelievable to look at. And remember at this point I had never tripped before. The only substances I'd used were alcohol and weed. So the water. God damn, the water. Every wave, eddy, and ripple danced in its own little rhythm -- it seemed the water was many colors but yet remained a rich shade of blue. The sidewalk at this time had become brilliant silver while the road was like an abyss -- it seemed not to exist for its blackness.

    We reached the pizza joint right on schedule, relieved to see the girls already there waiting for us. Neither of us had said anything about was happening to us to the other yet, but it was clear that we were both affected. It felt like it took forever to come to a stop, and to get off the bike, but the chicks didn't seem to notice a thing. Around this time the euphoria hit me -- a long golden streak of vibrations (no other way to describe this shit) bathed my whole body. To be frank, I was pretty close to losing the thread at this point (dunno what terminology you all have -- around here "losing the thread" isn't necessarily having a bad trip but it entails really losing yourself in the experience and becoming [sometimes dangerously] unwaware of your normal plane of existence). One of the girls said something and it brought me back down. I managed to order our food but I couldn't escape the feeling that the good ol' rasta man behind the counter knew exactly what was going on.

    We ate. If you don't know, pizza is fucking delicious.

    After we'd ate we managed to make it to this little clearing in the woods that was an is a mad hangout for local kids. My boy and I collapsed and its a good thing we were where we were because now we really did lose the thread. The girls and my boy were talking, saying things, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Sounds seemed to come to me as if from a great distance -- as if I were suspended in the womb, surrounded by warm yellow and gold, occasional pinks and greens and blues. It's hard to describe this to someone who has never tripped, but, while I could still see my surroundings, I couldn't see them. It was like I was looking through them, seeing exactly what was behind them. For a 13 year old, this was a profoundly intense experience. My girl decided to fuck with me at this point. She comes over (and she moves so fucking slow, like a piece of dust falling in a sunbeam -- she's always moving but she never makes any progress and then suddenly... there she is laying right next to me), and the pink of her shirt was blinding, i lost myself in it. I closed my eyes and the root we were laying next to became the tail of a pink dragon... open them again and the world is still the world. She kissed me.

    It was hours before the trip started to slow down, before I found the thread again. I can't say for certain for my boy because he's never wanted to talk about it, as though talking about it would besmirch the sanctity of that experience. But in the hours after my loss of the V-card, I grew up. I can't really say how, but things that before had seemed important lost their importance, just as if they were gobbled up by the dragon. I gained a certain perspective on things that I have had ever since then, but that I had never had any inkling of previously. It's like... imagine that you're walking down the street and everything is so much BIGGER than you, and every movement of other things and other people threatens with the resulting vibrations to knock you clean off your feet. And then you step on a crack and you're BIGGER than everything else, and the vibrations no longer affect you, because you can anticipate them, you can ride them out. This was my gaining of perspective.

    The come down was gentle. We slept like newborns on the beach.
    Last edited by ۞StarPriest۞; 11-03-2009 at 02:58 PM.

  7. #22
    Groovallegiance 5hundred&one's Avatar
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    this is a decent idea for a thread, which one of you knobs 1 starred it?

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by SID View Post
    never said i knew it all, what i,m sayin is tht lsd gave me insights tht most people dont find in their entire liftime

    It is impossible for you to know for certain that you have "insights that most people don't find".

    A true student is humble. Like Moses realizing that Al-Kidr had more wisdom than him, there is always someone who has more of what you think you have the most.

  9. #24
    I see you dawg SID's Avatar
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    You have no idea what i am talking about diggy, no offense.Take LSD then come talk to me..
    Bank heist in Kathmandu, it was a slaughter
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  10. #25
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    lol i cosign SID on this particular back and forth^
    We do it for the people.

  11. #26
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Spirituality and psychedelics shouldn't be lumped into the same field. I know there are some cultures that use Peyote and what not in their religion and I'm sure they don't consider it a psychedelic.

  12. #27
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Same goes for mysticism and psychedelics........it just doesn't mesh right.

  13. #28
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    So in contrast I'll drop a quote from Ghost Dog:

    It's bad when one thing becomes two. One should not look for anything else in the way of the Samurai. It's the same for anything else that is called a way. If one understands things in this manner he should be able to hear about all ways, and be more and more in accord with his own.

  14. #29
    crushed out heavenly Ghost In The 'Lac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slippy The Pimp View Post
    Spirituality and psychedelics shouldn't be lumped into the same field. I know there are some cultures that use Peyote and what not in their religion and I'm sure they don't consider it a psychedelic.
    Your lacking in knowledge friend.

  15. #30
    Transcendent ۞StarPriest۞'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SID View Post
    You have no idea what i am talking about diggy, no offense.Take LSD then come talk to me..
    I'm going to agree with this as well. An experience with LSD, shrooms, mescaline, etc. is not really something you can do an honest job of analyzing/discussing/theorizing about without actually having taken x substance. Of course, there are instances when people take what they experience far too seriously, but I for one am not willing to rule out any possibilities. I know that my own experiences have almost completely changed me as a person (see the first story I posted -- should be another one coming tonight), and there are certain things that I have seen/fealt/heard that have convinced me of a few spiritual and metaphysical truths.

    The best thing to do if you haven't had a psychonautical experience is to simply ask questions. After my first trip, that's all I did. Ask those with more experience. I learned a lot, and what I learned helped me influence my experience on later trips.


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