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  1. #136
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    probably correct
    but I just wanna fux around right now, plus I don't have the money to be droppin on equipment

  2. #137
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    actually once I have some spare money to toss about - i want a mpd 32. I really know next to nothing about producing atm but it seems like a dope piece of equipment for relatively cheap.
    anywayz if anyone can help with my FL question it'd be appreciated!

  3. #138
    Groovallegiance 5hundred&one's Avatar
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    you gotta fucks with the top pitch knob on the sampler in fruity loops.

    the top one adjusts the speed (and therefore the pitch) where as the bottom one adjusts the pitch and only the pitch.

    first set the project tempo as close to the tempo of the sample as you can.

    on the sampler, the number next to the top pitch is the amount of increments for each turn of the knob, so change it to a low number like 1 or 2 and then turn the knob a little bit at a time until the sample speed matches the tempo perfectly.

    then if you need to, change the bottom pitch to compensate for the change since it won't alter the speed... that way if you move the top pitch to +30 to make the sample match the beat you can move the bottom to -30 so that there's no change in actual pitch, but the speed will be adjusted.

    hope this helps.

  4. #139
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    word up that looks like some useful stuff thanks!
    Ima fux with it some more later and try that out
    but I just got home from work and noticed I won a $100 ebay bid on an mpd 24. fuck yeah!

  5. #140
    HONOLULU STATUS Shogah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    I'm getting so fucking frustrated with Fl studio! AHHH
    I know exactly what I want to do but can't figure how to do it lol
    anywayz, I'm a noob at it and I got this like 5 second sample I want to loop, but I have no idea how to have it match perfectly with the number of beats
    like it either cuts it off, or I have space left after the sample plays

    this should be a very simple thing to fix I would imagine, but I've been working at this specific thing for a few hours now
    Well FL is very strangely made.

    I use it for a long time and i think i still don't know to use it properly...

    Some functions that are essential to beat making like cutting samples and adjusting they're speed are so hard to find and use them.

    Like the one you asked about

    Here's a pic form the net.

    You see there you have TIME STRETCHING layer.

    And you got 3 knobs .

    Frist is pitch, second one is time stretching, and the 3rd is also time stretching, but it works on different principle.

    Use the second knob, it stretches the time of the sample by multiplicating the sample.

    With some little practise it should be easy, although it may seem real pain in the ass in the beginning.

  6. #141
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    alright I'm using my newly acquired mpd 32 with reason 4.0 and it's frustrating the hell outta me
    I'm usually pretty tech savvy but I can't figure out how to map all 16 pads (reason only lists 10)
    or map different pad banks for me to switch between

  7. #142
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    [problem solved!]
    Last edited by Mumm Ra; 08-01-2009 at 04:31 PM.

  8. #143


    For Vocal's i have found that my setup works well for good quality vocal recording:

    Audio Techniqa 2020 USB MIC this is one of the best USB MICS for the price tag. Id recommend using it for a crisp professional sound

    Cubase sx3: You can cop this lil software from torrents

    The settings in cubase such as MultiBanCompression, Q Filter, and Tonic aswell as Room Works can make the vocals more prevalant and more crisp.

    After swithching software and gear people asked me what studio i had recorded. Thats the proof of it.

    Peace FAm

  9. #144
    the diz membered one's Avatar
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    Yeh homie,in the step sequencer left click the channel selector.a window will appear.make sure you check the cut itself or it will sound like some crazy shit!then click on load sample.it will take you to your music saved on your computer.click on the track press open.it'll take you back to fl.then click the channel button.tht channel setting window will appear.then press the smp button.on the very botton left click on the audio wave.a window will appear press edit.it will take you to the edison record window. In side there is were you cut and edit the samp.when done in the left up hand coner click the tools.a window will appear go to and click go to selected channel.make sure the rite channel is green in the pattern window or it will replace another channel and ease the tracks.

  10. #145
    Death Poet
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    Anyone use pro tools? I need a really good quick key reference guide like asap.

  11. #146
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    seems like a simple thing i should be able to do -
    but when i open a new sampler channel in FL Studio, add some effects to it in that channel such as echo -
    how can I save that to it's own wav sound??

  12. #147
    Groovallegiance 5hundred&one's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what you mean, but if you're talking about saving the output of one channel as it's own wav just solo the channel, put it on it's own pattern, lay it out in the playlist and export it as a wav.

  13. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    seems like a simple thing i should be able to do -
    but when i open a new sampler channel in FL Studio, add some effects to it in that channel such as echo -
    how can I save that to it's own wav sound??

    simple solution - resampling

    if you have fl studio 7 or higher add "edison" on the mixers master ctrl+E play the sound you want recorded then hit record on edison. Save all your sounds with effects, no need to export or solo tracks.

  14. #149
    Groovallegiance 5hundred&one's Avatar
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    good idea, never thought to use edison like that, but never really had a reason to I guess. yeah do it his way, lol.

  15. #150

    Default some simple advice

    i'll keep this simple: I use a cheap program to just see how i want a mix arranged. I play it on the fly. I uploaded the version i use. http://sharebee.com/9f97d6f1 I'll use this to maybe test how my beat sounds sped up or slowed down "time stretched" or just use it to get an idea how my levels should be adjusted. I usually record several different versions of my beat. For instance i might slide in 4 different versions i did of the same beat or 4 different sequences to a single song and use this low memory usage mixer to get an idea of what i want to then do in my audio mastering software. For that you can't be relying on windows sound recorder. There are plenty of free programs you can get that will do what you need them to do. put "free wave editor" in a search engine and download something. you fork up some doe you can get mastering software with functions such as noise reduction, low pass and high pass filters, normalizing, effects, phases, dynamic processing and envelope functions, auto loop finding, time stretching and whatever the audio engineers can conjure up. cut copy and paste the various sequences you recorded to make up one master song. Fix any sequencing glitches.....get comfortable normalizing everything , and often. everytime i sample the first thing i do is normalize. or truncate and then normalize. You'll get in routine habits like this. I'm also not afraid to refer to a manual. I get the pdf manuals and keep them saved and i use them. Some people won't even help you if you ask a simple question that is answered on page 10 of the software/hardware manual.

    Clipping. The idea is not to have a recording ever clip in the first place. Monitor your levels! If you have two guys in a session and one raps louder than the other, know this ahead of time. have a different preset for each vocalist or for each instrument. If you are just a kid using fl studio demo, think about getting a cheap midi controller. usb, plugs right in lets you play the keys for the sounds on your computer. Or take the extra step and get a drum machine or synthesizer that is also a sampler and/or sound module as well as a midi controller. I know a lot of you make beats on your PC. i recommend having at least a good sound card, and at least one real peice of hardware or musical instrument beside a pc. but do what you want.

    If you are only recording one set of balanced/unbalanced inputs, have each sound within the recording mastered/tweaked FIRST so that the kicks have punch and the snare isn't too loud whatever. You won't be able to change each element later. Other people will track out each instrument in the sequence on a separate line and record so that each instrument is on its own channel. that way you can tweak/master a particular element of the track such as later deciding to turn up the hi hat or the bass drum. But this takes up a lot of RAM memory, you better have a good pc, soundcard, large hd, and software setup to record 8+ channels at the same time.

    midi basics. Midi doesn't transfer sound. when i talk about a midi controller, it just tells the computer when to play a certain note. the sound is still coming out of the audio application/computer. You can use different midi devices to control parameters of another midi device. It works out good when you want to use an mpc for the sequencer but a synthesizer/sampler for the sounds. or if you want to use hardware for your sounds but your computer for the sequencer.

    My preferred method of transferring audio is sampling. I will sample a sound from one instrument to another instead of wasting time converting files and saving / loading etc. I guess you can get to a point when something sounds oversampled and much of the original audio information is lost. Just depends on what you are trying to do.

    The best drumkits are the ones you make yourself. Just wait for a part of the song when only the drummer is playing. Record the whole part. The chop up the drum track so that you have each different drum hit truncated out and assigned to a different key/pad. Downloading drumkits off the internet is usually something only a rookie will even bother to do. I've tried it and rarely do i even find anything good enough to work with. I'd rather just turn my radio on to a soul station and sample the next song that comes on and get some kind of sound out of it. a piano key or a drum hit or guitar note.

    Sound bounces around. Thats why people use softening materials like padding around the room or foam, blankets on the wall whatever. people even tried using egg cartons. Mic sounds better in the center of the room. make sure the mic has a good pre-amp going to it and that you've tested the levels. If you are going to record, there is a lot of prep work involved. pops and clicks need to be dealt with in the beginning. the prep work is easier than trying to fix a problem later. I've lost plenty of good beats and songs just because i had a bad recording that was beyond repair later on. Don't put yourself through it.


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