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Thread: why did they blow up the WTC buildings?

  1. #31


    Rudy's Ties to a Terror Sheikh
    Giuliani's business contracts tie him to the man who let 9/11's mastermind escape the FBI
    Comments (8) By Wayne Barrett Tuesday, Nov 20 2007
    Three weeks after 9/11, when the roar of fighter jets still haunted the city's skyline, the emir of gas-rich Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah al-Thani, toured Ground Zero. Although a member of the emir's own royal family had harbored the man who would later be identified as the mastermind of the attack—a man named Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, often referred to in intelligence circles by his initials, KSM—al-Thani rushed to New York in its aftermath, offering to make a $3 million donation, principally to the families of its victims. Rudy Giuliani, apparently unaware of what the FBI and CIA had long known about Qatari links to Al Qaeda, appeared on CNN with al-Thani that night and vouched for the emir when Larry King asked the mayor: "You are a friend of his, are you not?"

    Illustration by Wes Duvall
    Special reporting by Samuel Rubenfeld and additional research by Adrienne Gaffney and Danielle Schiffman
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    "We had a very good meeting yesterday. Very good," said Giuliani, adding that he was "very, very grateful" for al-Thani's generosity. It was no cinch, of course, that Giuliani would take the money: A week later, he famously rejected a $10 million donation from a Saudi prince who advised America that it should "adopt a more balanced stand toward the Palestinian cause." (Giuliani continues to congratulate himself for that snub on the campaign trail.) Al-Thani waited a month before expressing essentially the same feelings when he returned to New York for a meeting of the U.N. General Assembly and stressed how important it was to "distinguish" between the "phenomenon" of 9/11 and "the legitimate struggles" of the Palestinians "to get rid of the yoke of illegitimate occupation and subjugation." Al-Thani then accused Israel of "state terrorism" against the Palestinians.

    But there was another reason to think twice about accepting al-Thani's generosity that Giuliani had to have been aware of, even as he heaped praise on the emir. Al Jazeera, the Arabic news network based in Qatar (pronounced "Cutter"), had been all but created by al-Thani, who was its largest shareholder. The Bush administration was so upset with the coverage of Osama bin Laden's pronouncements and the U.S. threats to bomb Afghanistan that Secretary of State Colin Powell met the emir just hours before Giuliani's on-air endorsement and asked him to tone down the state-subsidized channel's Islamist footage and rhetoric. The six-foot-eight, 350-pound al-Thani, who was pumping about $30 million a year into Al Jazeera at the time, refused Powell's request, citing the need for "a free and credible media." The administration's burgeoning distaste for what it would later brand "Terror TV" was already so palpable that King—hardly a newsman—asked the emir if he would help "spread the word" that the U.S. was "not targeting the average Afghan citizen." Al-Thani ignored the question—right before Giuliani rushed in to praise him again.

    In retrospect, Giuliani's embrace of the emir appears peculiar. But it was only a sign of bigger things to come: the launching of a cozy business relationship with terrorist-tolerant Qatar that is inconsistent with the core message of Giuliani's current presidential campaign, namely that his experience and toughness uniquely equip him to protect America from what he tauntingly calls "Islamic terrorists"—an enemy that he always portrays himself as ready to confront, and the Democrats as ready to accommodate.

    The contradictory and stunning reality is that Giuliani Partners, the consulting company that has made Giuliani rich, feasts at the Qatar trough, doing business with the ministry run by the very member of the royal family identified in news and government reports as having concealed KSM—the terrorist mastermind who wired funds from Qatar to his nephew Ramzi Yousef prior to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and who also sold the idea of a plane attack on the towers to Osama bin Laden—on his Qatar farm in the mid-1990s.

    This royal family member is Abdallah bin Khalid al-Thani, Qatar's minister of Islamic affairs at the time, who was later installed at the interior ministry in January 2001 and reappointed by the emir during a government shake-up earlier this year. Abdallah al-Thani is also said to have welcomed Osama bin Laden on two visits to the farm, a charge repeated as recently as October 10, 2007, in a Congressional Research Service study. Abdallah al-Thani's interior ministry or the state-owned company it helps oversee, Qatar Petroleum, has worked with Giuliani Security & Safety LLC, a subsidiary of Giuliani Partners, on an undisclosed number of contracts, the value of which neither the government nor the company will release. But there's little question that a security agreement with Qatar's government, or with Qatar Petroleum, would put a company like Giuliani's in direct contact with the ministry run by Abdallah al-Thani: The website of Qatar's government, and the interior ministry's press office, as well as numerous press stories, all confirm that the ministry controls a 2,500-member police force, the General Administration of Public Security, and the Mubahathat, or secret police. The ministry's charge under law is to "create and institute security in this country." Hassan Sidibe, a public-relations officer for the ministry, says that "a company that does security work, they have to get permission from the interior ministry."

    NO one is above the Law

  2. #32


    Paul Isaac

    Saturday, December 22, 2007
    Prothink Interviews NYC First Responder Paul Isaac



    Paul is going to be presenting evidence of 9/11 to the courts and would like your support if you are in the Brooklyn area. This will be going on at the Brooklyn Criminal Court December 7th, 2007. He requests that people come to support him in his efforts to obtain justice for 9/11/01. Here is some of the evidence he will be presenting:

    More Unanswered Questions re: Keyspan Tanks

    Paul Isaac is an Auxiliary Fireman and first responder.
    He has spent an untold number of hours doing in-depth research compiling
    many areas of evidence challenging the official account of 9/11.

    The image below illustrates a parallel between the
    demolition of the Keyspan Maspeth Holding Tanks in Queens, NY on
    July 15th, just a few months before 9/11. Although explosives were
    outlawed, somehow with the Giuliani administration in power, this
    demolition was carried out even though the surrounding area was
    residential. You can still see the Queens Gazette article from 7/18/01

    The height of the tanks is approximately the same
    as the height from where Flight 175 struck the south tower and the
    top of the building. The angle of the collapse of the South Tower
    (see Image 2) was almost identical to the angle of the demolition-cased
    collapse of the tanks (see Image 3). Also, the antenna from Tower
    One came down in the same direction, into Tobin Plaza rather than
    west towards the World Financial Centers. The demolition of the
    tanks was planned and carried out by Controlled Demolition, Inc.
    Isn't it interesting that this company also was contracted to do
    the cleanup after the Oklahoma City Bombing, then again for cleanup
    of the World Trade Center towers? Also, see the Online Journal article
    by Jerry Mazza.

    It's important to realize that pilots flying planes
    into LaGuardia Airport used the Keyspan tanks

    as markers on their approach route.

    Below we see the flattened tanks on the left, and
    the complete demolition at Ground Zero. Also, below we see what
    very much appears to be 2 different Osama Bin Ladins. Which one
    are we supposed to believe was responsible for 9/11? If he indeed
    did orchestrate 9/11, why isn't this listed on the FBI web site's
    Most Wanted section? Why did an FBI official named Rex Tomb claim
    "the FBI has no hard evidence connecting him to 9/11"?

    Did you know Enron supplied gas to Keyspan? Did
    you know Enron, which was being investigated by the Security and
    Exchange Commission, had files destroyed in the collapse of WTC7?

    Did you know Keyspan was in a joint venture with Enron in 1998?
    Here's an excerpt from a press release:


    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, February 13, 1998

    HOUSTON - KeySpan Energy Corporation and Enron Capital & Trade
    Resources Corp. (ECT), a subsidiary of Enron Corp., today announced
    an agreement whereby ECT will provide gas supply management services
    for Brooklyn Union Gas, the primary subsidiary of KeySpan Energy.
    Under the terms of this agreement, which is subject to approval
    by New York Public Service Commission, ECT will assume responsibility
    for managing Brooklyn Union's interstate pipeline transportation,
    gas supply and storage.

    Wouldn't a real investigation pursue
    this trail and see where it leads?

    The brochure cover below from a city publication prior
    to 2000 shows a strange looking shadow on the north face of Tower
    1 coming from 250 Broadway which stood next to WTC7. Paul noticed
    this strange shadow, pointing out that the sun could not have caused
    this due to the direction of its path. Why would an official city
    document have this oddity? Could this signify something ominous?
    Could this shadow be pointing towards the Keyspan Tanks? Note the
    yellow line in the image below. These are questions Paul is calling
    to our attention.

    Also, did you know Keyspan got a baseball park built
    under the company's name? For more, click

    And also information in this article:
    Paul also has a video interview linked HERE
    NewYorker Magazine article on "Why The Towers Fell"
    Click Here
    Giuliani knew the towers would collapse: Click Here
    Click Here to see: Rudy's Ties to a Terror Sheikh
    Posted by Paul Isaac at 12:20 PM 0 comments

  3. #33

    Default Reply

    Alex Jones Loves/Craves/Supports Child Pornography and Child Exploitation.
    screwloosechange.blogspot.com — Alex Jones is not only a lair and a fruad, hes a Child Porn Supporter, and I have evidence hes defending child porn studios. I reported suspected sick content and they refused to delete it, and the cops wouldn't delete it. Child Pornography is ILLEGAL but thanks to ALEX JONES child porn is protected. BREAKING NEWS: ALEX JONES SUPPORTS CHILD PORN (Political News)

    Is Alex Jones A Child Molester? - Yahoo! Answers
    Nov 4, 2007 … Is Alex Jones A Child Molester? I saw on here: … they claim hes a child molester and that he supports child porn. …
    answers.yahoo.com/question/index - Options

    'Oath Keepers' Leader Arrested for Child Rape; Cops Find Stolen ...
    Child porn also is the fastest growing segment of porn. .... This will give Alex Jones and the other tinfoil hat bunch of whack jobs ..... Teabagges support baby rapers? Oh, wait....Where's all the TeaBaggers …
    crooksandliars.com/david-neiwer... - Options

    "Thorn's short story, "The Blow-up Doll", for instance, tells the story of a young boy's first wet dream. In another story that appears in the book, "Latex Dreams," by Stellar, a young woman graphically recounts her first abortion. "Skeletons," a short story by Jeremy Fleming, relates the tale of a young man turned on by the sound of coughing.

    "Thorn and Guliani are happy to get these works into print.

    "It gives it more of a legitimacy," Thorn said.

    Scott Makufka of WING TV in his home-made press pass that is found on-line. It certainly lacks legitimacy.

    Yeah, seeing the high reputation of your so-called "911Twoof" leaders I can see why you'd be quick to bann me...LOL

    Keep giving them your money

  4. #34
    PRODIGAL SUN Ninja's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
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    ^^^^^Is this guy spam or something??
    "So Dark the Con of Man"

  5. #35

    Default You censored my post but kept the fake shit...

    “Interestingly enough, Paul Isaac, Jr. also made a point of contacting the American Free Press newspaper a few weeks ago for the same purpose. He spoke with the editor, Chris Petherick, saying he had a “videotape” that refutes the article by Victor Thorn about our protest at Ground Zero. The article at issue repeats what Paul Isaac, Jr. told both Thorn and I directly to our faces that morning. Isaac wants that article to go away.*But guess what: not a chance. The article is staying exactly where it is. Period. Petherick told Isaac to write a statement and send them a copy of the “alleged” videotape.”
    -Lisa Giuliani

    *On the road again Fri Oct 21, 2005
    Ok, I’m going to let the cat out of the bag. I’m leaving for NYC in a couple hours to interveiw none other than paul isaac jr. he wants to clear the air about a couple things,on the record,and give us some things off the record. But i’d like to speak ahead of time for him and say that this article right here…*“I know 911 was an inside job, the police know its an inside job, and the firemen know it too” Yeah total bullshit !!!
    He never said anything of the sort. I’ve got three different videos of paul having it out with lisa and nothing close to that is ever said. Somebodys stretching the truth and I don’t think its paul. Couple that with the complete lack of compliance on the part of chris petherick of AFP who refuses paul request to remove wingtvs article and every other website on the inter which is touting that article as gospel and you can say that pauls a little upset.*RIGHTFULL SO. I just wanted to vent a little because wingtv hasn”t been on the movements goodside for some time now and this incident further throws their character into question.
    Dylan Avery
    “And please, I urge you: don’t let Alex fool you into thinking this was some sort of accidental mistake. Rather, Alex went into a piece written by Randy Lavello (Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is a Conspiracy Fact) and deleted an entire sentence referencing Lisa Guliani’s article, along with the adjoining hyperlink – without notifying the author beforehand, and without the author’s permission (See: Alex Jones = Bis Brother). This is a direct case of OVERT CENSORSHIP, and Randy Lavello was irate about it. Worse, Alex Jones refused to answer any of the repeated inquiries from Lisa Guliani or Randy Lavello as to why he engaged in such a sordid practice. Alex’s actions are very troublesome, and they should be of great concern to each and every person who demands a free press. In fact, when my 9-11 on Trial op-ed piece appeared in the Centre Daily Times (a Knight-Ridder subsidiary), guess what they did. Censor my article – just like Alex Jones did to Randy Lavello’s article!”
    -Lisa Giuliani ?

    "Just recently, Thorn edited and compiled what he feels was the strongest material from Babel's first year. The result is Rebellious Confessions (published by Black Sheep Books), a book which deals with such taboo subjects as masturbation, misogyny, fetishes and fellatio.

    "Thorn's short story, "The Blow-up Doll", for instance, tells the story of a young boy's first wet dream. In another story that appears in the book, "Latex Dreams," by Stellar, a young woman graphically recounts her first abortion. "Skeletons," a short story by Jeremy Fleming, relates the tale of a young man turned on by the sound of coughing.

    "Thorn and Guliani are happy to get these works into print.

    "It gives it more of a legitimacy," Thorn said.

    Scott Makufka of WING TV in his home-made press pass that is found on-line. It certainly lacks legitimacy.

    (Christopher Bollyn)

  6. #36

    Default Wtf?

    You cant be that fucking stupid

    You trust the word of child porm promoters and cointel over my post?

    You know what?


    Stay Lost

    For Real

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2008
    SOUTH PHILA. PA MiddleEast
    Rep Power


    vesey and church sts., okay...and the pentagon [pentagram]...

  8. #38

    Default Reply

    (DAY 51) 31 October 2001
    “I have been alarmed by a featured item in the morning paper. It was announced today that the CITY (IE Giuliani) is reducing the presence at Ground Zero of the fire department, police department, and the port authority police to 25 personnel from each uniformed service for each eight-hour shift."*“Also, more than $200 million in gold and silver was recovered from a vault deep in the basement area that was leased by the bank of Nova Scotia.”
    -Dennis Smith (Author)
    Pages 335-336
    Report From Ground Zero

    Holloween Scoop $ Dump !!!

    Genesis 6...

  9. #39

    Default Reply

    I guess Jay-Z ain't the only one who sold his soul?

    Thanks for proving that ignorance isn't about race.

    Equal opportunity stupid

  10. #40

    Default Reply

    Who is WING TV?

    An Appeal to Lisa Guliani on Behalf of Her Abandoned Children

    An Open Letter from Christopher Bollyn

    Lisa Guliani and others on the Signs of the Times website have written dozens of pages seeking to discredit me as a liar. Lisa attacks me for writing about Sam Danner, the man who claims to have seen a Global Hawk at the Pentagon, and about my arrest.

    This bizarre and vicious attack, led by Lisa Guliani and Scott Makufka of Wing TV, seems to be a concerted effort and only commenced after I was assaulted and arrested by three unidentified armed men in my front yard on August 15.

    The Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith also joined in the attack on September 7 with their press release. As I said, this seems to be a concerted effort to attack me and discredit my writing. Are Guliani and Makufka in league with the ADL? It seems that way.

    See ADL press release on Bollyn here: http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=71912

    Ms Guliani, as a "member of the press," called the Hoffman Estates police after my arrest and spoke with acting spokesman Lt. Richard Russo and accepted everything he said as gospel truth.

    In Lisa's world Chicago cops don't lie – independent journalists like Christopher Bollyn do. He probably made the whole thing up as a publicity stunt she says.

    He elbow didn't get hurt; there was water in the cell, she said –

    Ergo: [in Lisa's logic] Christopher Bollyn is a liar and everything he says or writes about 9/11 or anything else is discredited. Lisa has shown the world the Truth.

    When I said that there was no water in the cell and that I had been told to drink from the toilet, I must have been lying because Lt. Russo said the cells are equipped with water, Lisa said. Therefore Bollyn must be a liar.

    Neither Guliani nor her sidekick Scott Makufka even contacted me before they went on the air with their "scoop" from the HEPD.

    Way to go, Lisa. Way to go, Scott. You guys are great journalists. You will probably be hearing from the Pulitzer board soon. You are going to be rich!

    Not really, Lisa. You are not going to be rich and your attacks on me and Eric Hufschmid will take you nowhere. You won't be famous for having discredited two "liars" of the 9/11 truth movement. You will be disgraced for attacking honest people who are looking for the truth of 9/11.

    Lisa, do yourself a favor and go back to your children, they miss you.

    You are obviously not cut out to be an investigative journalist digging up dirt and analyzing the minutiae of Christopher Bollyn's life.

    Your little boys miss you. They are probably very sad that their mother walked out on them 5 years ago. Do you walk away from everything in your life so easily?

    If anyone is truly interested in what I have written about 9/11 they can simply go to Google or Yahoo and type in my name and 9/11. There they will find hundreds of my articles about all different aspects of 9/11 on some 200,000 websites.

    I stand by every word I have written. I have never lied in a single article, and I should know. I don't peddle hoaxes or lies. I am an honest guy who asks questions.

    So, why is this Lisa Guliani attacking me? And why does she not want to reveal who she is?

    Well. That is understandable for a woman who left her husband and three children 5 years ago to shack up with the world famous Victor Thorn (a.k.a. Scott Makufka, a taxi driver and writer of bizarre fiction in State College, Penn.)

    Makufka has written and sells several books about 9/11 in which he uses a great deal of the research of Christopher Bollyn and Eric Hufschmid.

    Meanwhile, his significant other, Lisa Guliani is busy calling Bollyn and Hufschmid liars in every forum she can find. Who is not making sense here? Why would you sell books based on the research of a couple liars?

    Wouldn't that make you peddlers of lies?

    Lisa's bizarre anger against me, after I had been beaten by three armed goons in my yard, is simply not normal. No. Not at all.

    Perhaps it is a pent up depression she carries with her after having left her three boys, now aged 13, 16, and 18, with her last (of three) husband Cris.

    Lisa said that her ancestors had changed the name Giuliani to Guliani. Well.

    Not quite. The name of her father-in-law, Eugene Giuliani, was misspelled on his birth certificate "Guliani" and he changed his name to fit that misspelled document later in life.
    Lisa Guliani has three sons with three different men. Before she was Guliani, she was Lisa Morton, and before that she was...?

    Scott Makufka has a son, Joshua Adam, who is now grown up.

    The Star Tribune (St. Paul, Minn.) described Lisa in 1995 (Jan. 22) as a 28-year-old certified respiratory technician who was having a hard time making ends meet in Red Wing, Minnesota.

    "We were thinking we were going to have to go on welfare," she said.

    "Tired of the crime and other problems in their town near Daytona Beach, Fla., Guliani and her husband Cris sold most of their belongings and moved with their [her] three kids and a dog to Minnesota in search of a better life," the Star Tribune reported. I wonder what those "other problems" were, Lisa.

    Well after 9/11, Lisa, now age 34, was shocked and left her "other problems" for good and shacked up with Scott Makufka. She left her three children and husband to join up with the aspiring author Victor Thorn.

    What she left behind were three young boys aged 8, 11, and 13. She left them with Cris Guliani, her last husband. Cris, however, is only the father of the youngest. Lisa has three sons from three different men.

    So, erudite readers (on Signs of the Times) of Lisa Guliani, search on for the lies of Christopher Bollyn. Knock yourselves out. Read everything I wrote about 9/11, depleted uranium, Israel and the Middle East.

    You will learn a lot, but you won't find any lies.

    Because I don't lie or cheat or leave my children. But I know it happens and that it is not right.

    Lisa. Do the right thing for your sons and go back to your family. Your boys need you – it's not too late.

    You are not doing the right thing. Attacking truthful researchers and writers won't take you anywhere.

    Christopher Bollyn

    Lisa Guliani, give it up. You are as phoney as this press pass you and Scott Makufka made for yourselves. Go home to your children - before it really is too late. They must miss you terribly.

  11. #41

    Default Reply

    “For months, we had in place an exercise in which we’d drill on our responseto a bio/chem attack, specifically practicing for the distribution of medication. The planned date: Wednesday, september 12. We had stored much of the materials for THAT DRILL at pier 92. Pier 92 offered 125.000 square feet of open space and easy transportation to and from Ground Zero by way of boat and the Westside Highway. Moreover, Because IT WAS ALREADY IN USE BY THE MILITARY, the points of access were relatively easy to guard. Richie told me he’d pulled his OEM guys to start setting up pier 92 as a command center. My most optimistic expectation would have been that even a rudimentary replacement for the felled center at 7 world trade would be seven to ten days. By saturday morning, we held our fist meeting.”
    Page 355Leadership-Rudolph W Giuliani

    (DAY 51) 31 October 2001 "I have been alarmed by a featured item in the morning paper. It waas announced today that the CITY (IE Giuliani) is reducing the presence at Ground Zero of the fire department, police department, and the port authority police to 25 personnel from each uniformed service for each eight-hour shift…” “Also, more than $200 million in gold and silver was recovered from a vault deep in the basement area that was leased by the bank of Nova Scotia.”(Author-Dennis Smith)page 335-336Report From Ground Zero

    Day 2, September 12
    Dennis Smith FDNY Ret.*
    Page 190*
    Report From Ground Zero*
    (Dennis Smith)*

    Day 2, September 12
    "Mayor Giuliani is on television this morning, and it seems he has the media under control. He Has undoubtedly made a decision to speak for the city and that all information will be supplied by a single voice,his. He promises to appear each day at a 10 o'Clock press conference. He had been on 50th street and Fifth avenue when word of the first crash came, and he rushed down to his bunker,at #7. But not long after he arrived, the south tower collapsed and he had to leave through the basement. He went to 75 Barclay street, but that area was also determined to be unsafe so he traveled to the firehouse of ladder 5 on th avenue and Houston street, where he worked for a few hours"*
    Dennis Smith*
    Pages 190-191*
    Report from Ground Zero*
    (Dennis Smith FDNY Ret)

    FDNY Captain Dennis Tardio*
    Engine Company 7*
    Page 18 Report From Ground Zero*
    (Dennis Smith FDNY Ret)

    “As Im starting to pick up her personal effects, we heard this rumbling.*BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Its coming, this roaring sound. The lights flicker,*but as I look outside to see whats going on, I start to see what unitially looks like a storm, but*it was the dust cloud starting to form from way up on top of the building.*All of a sudden, I could see the facade of the south tower falling against battery park city.*And then all hell broke loose and BOOM BOOM BOOM. Everything came crashing In.*A tremendous wind comes Through”
    Captain Tim Pearson
    NYPD PSA (Police Service Area) 2
    Page 136
    Report From Ground Zero
    (Dennis Smith)
    Note: The NYPD Captain was operating inside the lobby of the North Tower*when the booms started. Before the South Tower began to collapse.

    "I heard that a number of people were burnt in the elevator because of falling jet fuel. IT COULD BE TRUE THAT THAT HAPPENED BECAUSE THERE WERE AT LEAST SIX OR EIGHT PEOPLE RIGHT OUTSIDE THE BUILDING WHEN WE CAME IN THAT WERE BADLY BURNED. So there must have been some type of BLAST somewhere. I was wondering how they got burned, and I remember saying to myself,HOW DID THEY GET DOWN THE STAIRS SO FAST?"*
    FDNY Deputy Chief Hayden*
    Commander, Division 1*
    page 28 Report from Ground Zero
    (Dennis Smith FDNY Ret)

    -Proof of Pre-Impact Detonations*
    Subject: September 11 First Plane Attack at WTC -- Rare WNYW TV Video

    Check out this video on YouTube:


    Subject: WTC 2nd attack Gary Pollard CamPlan

    Check out this video on YouTube:


    Proof of pre-impact detonations

    Paul Isaac Jr - NYsentinel at Large*

    Career Army Officer Sues Cheney, Rumsfeld For 9/11 Complicity
    April Gallop files suit for failure to warn people inside Pentagon despite advance knowledge, as well as prior knowledge and complicity in terror attacksPaul Joseph Watson
    Thursday, December 18, 2008
    A career Army officer who was injured in the attack on the Pentagon on 9/11 is suing Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld for failing to issue a warning that American Airlines Flight 77 was about to hit the building despite receiving knowledge of its approach some 20 minutes in advance.
    Retired Army officer April Gallop, a ranking specialist with top secret clearance who began working at the Pentagon in 2000, has also filed suit against US Air Force General Richard Myers, who was acting chairman of the joint chiefs on 9/11.
    54. Similarly, defendant Rumsfeld — like the President himself, then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Defendant Gen. Richard Myers and others — testified and said in public, repeatedly, that no one in the Government security apparatus ever imagined terrorists suicidally crashing planes into buildings. This claim was also absolutely false. In point of fact, the CIA, the NSA, the FAA and NORAD had planned and trained for just such a possibility. Indeed, the record shows training exercises involving such a potential attack had in fact been carried on at the Pentagon in October, 2000 and May, 2001, and that NORAD had begun planning in July, 2001, for a training exercise in which the premise would be that a hijacked airliner was crashed into the World Trade Center. The 9/11 Commission, however — with the same studied indifference it showed towards the Mineta testimony — failed even to mention these contradictions in its Report, let alone explain them away.

    Paul Isaac Jr (NYsentinel at Large)

    "Next to war everything else pales by comparison"
    General George Patton USA 3ID

  12. #42

    Default Reply

    Here's why you should read the label first :

    Jimmy Walters, who appeared at St Marks church at a 9/11 Truth event and showed a film focusing on the sexual habits, homosexuality, bestiality and sexual perversions (in detail) of members of the Bush administration. Many of those in attendance left, appalled at the content being presented at a Les Jamieson promoted 9/11 event.

    Les Jamieson
    National Coordinator
    NYC Ballot Initiative/NYCCAN (Con)

    WTF !!!???
    IN A CHURCH !!!???


  13. #43

    Default Reply

    "Joeblows" 411
    Hey "JoeBlow" aka "Pedo Luvin Looney",
    According to you:
    1. Your GF left you*
    2. You stayed w/pedo drug dealer 5 days
    3. "Watched" the little boys come & go
    4. Didnt know he was Ex-LEO
    5. "Watched" porn all day
    Quote source (youtube -*100222 02/06)

    Member of Ohio Militia?

    Not only does "joeblow" associate as per his own account w/Pedophile Drug deallers but he also commits illegal wire-tapping too...

    "A few days ago I posted this article about a phone call from Hogarl. It has turned out that "Joe Blow" was indeed secretly listening in and recording the conversation because he eventually posted the conversation and admitted it here."
    – Eric Hufschmid, August 2009
    *05-25-2009, 11:10 PM
    Super Moderator
    Join Date: May 2007
    Posts: 8,766
    Re: Good Conspiracy Radio Show
    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why a guy by the name of "Joe Blow" would have advertisements on his forum that link to pornography sites.
    He's real credible and so, too, are you for posting this garbage.
    *Louie Bees Bestest Good Buddy
    JoeBlows 411
    help center | e-mail options | report spam
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    no one has banned shit idiot .the only time anyone is banned is when the start shit like you are right now by insulting people. and if you have a problem with me it is simple to solve..13181 sw 10 st....and here is my number tuff guy...7865531553....come get some.
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  14. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Sicka than aidZ View Post
    yeah, suicide bombers
    Exactly, why is it so hard to believe that a bunch of angry catz from Saudi Arabia did this?! But I guess "dumb Arabs" couldn't possibly have done it! Must have been intelligent white men who orchestrated this!

    For heavens sake, Arabs have enough reasons to take revenge on Western imperialism.

  15. #45

    Default Reply

    This is for Dan Wallace(RIP)and his father FDNY Lt Robert WallaceE205(LODD 911RIP)

    Watch the following three post and see if you can spot the bullshit.

    A. Louie bee posted the following issue of Luke R stealing WAC/NY from Sabrina Rivera:

    Quote from: louiebee on*Today*at 04:26:01 AM
    Hi everyone my name is*Louie*Bee. My team and I have been pursuing transparency of the finances publicly since we were kicked out of We are change NY.*

    Luke's records have been turned over to the authorities. I have been told that there is a case. So I wont be able to post anymore of his records however if you saw in my last post i compared when they used chip-in and described what they used donations for and now the swapped it for the non-transparent papal widget with no description of what donations would be used for.

    As far as Fitzgerald he is in charge of what gets posted on the site. That used to be my job when i was in Luke's inner circle. So*Luke*must trust him with the password. So he must not mind he is a mason.*

    I am telling you Duncan WAC NY is corrupt from the time*Luke*Stole the group fromSabrina*Rivera.*

    It was Dan Wallace (Sabrina's Original BoyFriend before he died + Victims Family member not the same[email protected]) and*Sabrina*Rivera(not a victims family member however she uses Dan Wallace's fathers funeral card to gain access to strictly victims family member events for*Luke) that started WAC. Then after Dan Wallace died one month later she started dating*Luke*and then*Luke*took control. So it really isn’t Luke's group its technically Sabrina's however she relinquished control toLuke

    please read my latest post however with more damning evidence

    http://crotchshotradio.com/2010/03/16/l*... s-account/


    Now watch this post from 2009 where Sabrina Rivera still declares her love for Luke R while only mention Dan Wallace as a friend:

    ‎25 Things you either probably or not know about meeee♥ ‎
    از*‎BRi Karma*Rivera‎‏ (یادداشت ها‏)*در تاریخ دوشنبه, فوریه 09, 2009‏ و ساعت 11:02 قبل از ظهر‏
    RULES: Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it is because I want to know more about you.*

    1. I love you babe. Yeah, you*LukeRudkowski. hehe*
    2. I’m hopeful that all this hard work is bringing us closer to saving the world and getting justice for all 9/11 Victim’s Family Members.*
    3. I want more guts to do truth squads!*
    4. When someone hurts my feelings, I never forget it.*
    5. I would like not to hold grudges anymore and learn to just let go of the anger and animosity because the people who you hold grudges against or are angry at don’t really care that you are, so why bother. It just ruins you in the long run.*
    6. I wish I had more talents like singing, dancing, playing an instrument or all three. I just don’t have the right coordination or a good singing voice.*
    7. I have been through some tough times in my life and if you can’t see that then you’re obviously not someone I should associate myself with.*
    8. I’m scared of ending up in a FEMA camp, America fascism and losing our national sovereignty.*
    9. I actually thought in the year 2000 we would be living like the Jetsons or at least like Michael J Fox in Back to The Future. I was very disappointed that it didn’t happen.*
    10. I would like real news to be reported for a change. I DON’T CARE THAT JESSICA SIMPSON GOT FAT!*
    11. It disgusts me how people will bid on ridiculous things on e-bay like a piece of paper with the number*867-5309*or purchasing the number itself. It’s on e-bay for $369,100.*
    12. I hate it when people tell me what to do, so don't, ever.*
    13. My taste in music is so eclectic you wouldn’t believe some of the artists I listen to.*
    14. The groupies of this movement make me laugh. I’m glad I’m not one.*
    15. Like my moods, my handwriting changes with each one.*
    16. I love all of my friends and they know who they are and I want to apologize that I don't get to see ya'll as much as I want, but I want you to know that I think of you always.*
    17. I'm the type of person that will let you know exactly where you stand in my book. Right Bitch? LOL*
    18. I smoke every chance I get and I'm not ashmed to admit it.*
    19. I'm totally lost without my electronics and that includes my mac, my ipod, my video camera, my picture camera, my gps, and my phone. Yes I am a nerd and what! oh and yes I carry all of these with me on a daily basis.*
    20. i really really really really want a bull doggie.*
    21. I'm running out of things to say.*
    22. For those sluts who think they can cross me and not get away with, HAHA hun think again. I will hunt you down where ever you are.*
    23. My full name is*Sabrina*Asuncion*Rivera*
    24. I will never have regrets. Everything you do at that moment in time had a specific purpose.*
    25. Dan Wallace was a bestfriend and even though he isn't here physically I know he watches over all of us. I will always miss him and he will always be in my heart.

    Now check out the suspicious circumstances regarding Dan Wallaces passing including the statement made by NLarosa (Dans Uncle):

    On Jun 16, 2009, at 4:43 PM, wearechange latino <[email protected]> wrote:

    "... Lukaz is in it for the fame. |You no they broke up right but sabrina still loves him cause she say she has ptsd from Dan's passing she took self perscribe zanax's before she got a script for it. mexican drugs website are awsome (sarcasm intended)
    A few weeks after this turbulent meeting Dan Wallace died (or was killed) and “We Are Change” initiated when Luke and Les Jamieson, the leader of 9/11 “Truth” parted ways.”
    Suijuris InfoWarrior: 9/11 A Legal Holiday?*
    Jul 9, 2008*… 417*Sabrina Rivera, Ozone Park NY -- Peace & Love,*Sabrina A. Rivera Treasurer*-Founder*www.WeAreChange.org*…
    Well Julian i think we spoke before. We met in person. I am a real truther. I have been after luke for transparency for a while now i got the records from his Ex (Sabrina Rivera) but we have to wait for law enforcement to give us the ok to release information.
    -Louie Bee /*truthmove.org
    He(Dan Wallace) only knew Luke for 3-4 months, so this was all new to him. From what i know Rivera (Sabrina) manages all the money coming in for the fund raiser of selling t-shirts for the Feal good foundation and wearechange donations. she claims all the money goes go to the feal good foundation but i think it’s a lie…
    NLarosa / Dan Wallaces Uncle
    Luke Rudkowski is dating Dan’s girlfriend. They used her lie that she was a family member of a victim to gain access to the memorial service at Ground Zero this year, in order to yell at Rudy Guiliani.
    -Mark Roberts “Gravy”
    On Jun 16, 2009, at 4:43 PM, wearechange latino <[email protected]> wrote:

    "... Lukaz is in it for the fame. |You no they broke up right but sabrina still loves him cause she say she has ptsd from Dan's passing she took self perscribe zanax's before she got a script for it. mexican drugs website are awsome (sarcasm intended)
    On Jun 16, 2009, at 7:04 PM, wearechange latino <[email protected]> wrote:

    The thing is i have no confirmation which is why i have not mad these things public i just have what i personally heard from her which can be confirmed by people. Most of the stuff i know is what i heard from Luke and sabrinas own lips


    On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:57 AM, wearechange latino <[email protected]> wrote:
    well everytime dan is mentioned in front of sabby she goes off...thats a sign of guilt and NO autopsy thats foul play
    His girl friend sabrina*rivera*was with him the night he died. She is*heavily into the*911truth.orgmovement.

    I do not know the full story of what happened to my nephew but from what my family were told by Danny’s girl friend sabrina*rivera*(what i am about to tell you i am still so confused about because her story changed so much into what happened or what he or she did that night, only sabrina Rivera really knows)

    Version 1: Danny stayed over at her house that night in Queens and was having*trouble breathing, sabrinarivera*thought nothing of it and just let him sleep and in the morning she found him very blue and called 911..

    Version 2: Danny was having*trouble sleeping*so he took some sleeping pills was having*trouble breathing*sabrinarivera*thought nothing of it so in the morning when she woke she found him blue and not breathing.

    Version 3: sabrina*rivera*and Danny had just got back from a party and Danny had bought the pills at the party from someone, took them to help*him fall asleep. He took 1, then said these pills aren’t working so took about 15 or some stupid amount of these pills and later that night was having trouble breathing, sabrina*rivera*waited till morning when she woke*and saw he was blue and not breathing.

    Version 4: Danny had bought these pills from this kid and sabrina*rivera*is unsure how many pills he took or what kind they were but the pills had some numbers on it. In the morning She found him blue and not breathing.
    -NLarosa (Dans Uncle)

    Dan Wallace (RIP) son of*
    FDNY Lt Robert Wallace E205 (911 KIA-RIP)

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