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Thread: Some Observations on KTL

  1. #31
    Semi Retired Prolifical ENG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rollo View Post
    Elitism... that's a cop out and it stands to make people dislike this forum even more than they already do.
    Scholastic achievement doesn't make you correct.

    There are scientists who have achieved great things without any college level education what so ever.
    Am I supposed to think that people from a Wu-tang board are superior with their insights because they have gone to grad scool for liberal arts? Or have a four year degree in business management?

    Not trying to be a dick or anything, but what makes the people criticizing any better than the rest here? Because they say so?
    I never thought the whole thing was about school. Before it was about where the poster got their information from. A few years back everyone got questioned on their sources if a concept was far from sound.

    People always question concepts in academia and there is nothing wrong with that. The structure behind it is what makes it good.

    There are indeed people that have achieved great things with no collage education.

    On the other hand there are people that have been called out on bullshit. That is, they did bad in school and come in with the "school is not for me" and "education brainwashes people" attitudes. Some people try to make up for their crappy GPA in high school by learning all this trivial knowledge from the internet to make themselves seem smart but they still look like an idiot.

    If you are younger and lack education, it is harder to sell an idea but not impossible. If you are older and more experienced, education starts to become less relevant even if you dont have much. Same with finding a job as your work experience when it starts outweighing whatever degree you acquired.

  2. #32
    An act of God
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prolifical ENG View Post
    I never thought the whole thing was about school. Before it was about where the poster got their information from. A few years back everyone got questioned on their sources if a concept was far from sound.

    People always question concepts in academia and there is nothing wrong with that. The structure behind it is what makes it good.

    There are indeed people that have achieved great things with no collage education.

    On the other hand there are people that have been called out on bullshit. That is, they did bad in school and come in with the "school is not for me" and "education brainwashes people" attitudes. Some people try to make up for their crappy GPA in high school by learning all this trivial knowledge from the internet to make themselves seem smart but they still look like an idiot.

    If you are younger and lack education, it is harder to sell an idea but not impossible. If you are older and more experienced, education starts to become less relevant even if you dont have much. Same with finding a job as your work experience when it starts outweighing whatever degree you acquired.

    I understand.
    However, as someone who himself was never a good student, I would tell you those people who often staked their pride on a high GPA in highschool, a good deal of the time are the very same people I look down on now.
    I half assed my way through grade school, highschool on to college. I'm now here and realizing just how completely and utterly meaningless formal education is.

    Everything that is taught in school is nothing more than memorization of what the teacher/prof/course instructor wants to hear. That kind of learning is absolutely useless.
    As an MBI student, I get to work with some things in the field such as bacterial cultures... but other than that, I'm not going to use a God damn thing I learned there because most of it thus far is trivial knowledge.

    Come grad school, I'm sure I'll get more lab experience if I choose to continue with this major though... Still I wouldn't stake a comment's worth on a person's education. Educated people are often immune to simple reason.

    I have no idea what I want to do in life... I've never been interested in anything, I hate the human condition and consider it nothing more than sentimental garbage. What then is my motivation to go through the formal education process? I'd rather learn because I'm curious as opposed to having justified my own self importance.
    If you have to do that, you likely weren't worth shit as a person to start.

    Mind my babble...I go through negative streaks a lot.
    Last edited by Rollo; 03-31-2010 at 12:38 AM.

  3. #33
    Semi Retired Prolifical ENG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rollo View Post
    Everything that is taught in school is nothing more than memorization of what the teacher/prof/course instructor wants to hear. That kind of learning is absolutely useless.
    That is mostly grade school. The memorization part is what makes it easy. In a good post secondary program having material memorized will increase your grade by less that 10% on well made tests. Not understanding the fundamental concepts and not knowing how to solve the problems will cause you to fail. What the prof wants to hear is that you fully understand the concepts introduced and can apply them and be able to build on the concepts yourself.

    Regurgitating information from a text will kill you. Therefore I agree the academic system when it comes to grades is flawed. If there were no grades you would be able to learn a lot.

  4. #34


    What's KTL?
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  5. #35
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    The problem I see with KTL is a lot of people don't have the basics in biology, psychology, history pre 1492...........science and social studies in general.

    I suggested we have a thread that gives people a overview of our education, or the things we like to study- formal or informal- doesn't matter.

    I get tired of hearing people telling me I don't understand "something" just because I don't support that "something." Or because I don't use "Anchor man talk" as Sunny would put it.

    I mean, I went to school and did the whole education bit. I'm pretty fucking wise on a lot of topics, but because I also support spirituality I won't be taken seriously on some topics. Some times I feel like (and do) tell these kids to shut the fuck up when grown folks are talking.
    Last edited by Slippy The Pimp; 03-31-2010 at 10:24 AM.

  6. #36
    Master of the yung'n dojo praise the almitey W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visionz View Post
    So how about bringing some new topics of conversation to the table?

    Your post reeks of "I sooooo above all you people" arrogance whether its intended or not.

    If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem.
    i agree visionz
    he should bring some new topics some of us enjoy this because we learn more
    about what goes on,whats going on,or what has happened in the passed, or whats going to happen. we even get into more details about other things ive actually learned alot from other ppl on this website.
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