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Thread: Can anybody explain the 'blackman is god' religion to me?

  1. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiGitalChamberz View Post
    i think - God left truth everywhere so that no matter who you are or where you come from, or who introduced you to it there was a way to get to him. All praises due.
    I saw that in my life and others, so I think you got it right. Not only is the truth with people, but in all forms of creation.

    You're right - all praises due to the supreme being.

  2. #77
    Guardian of the 1st house Hellspawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    Malcolm X was the man that Elijah Muhammad cleaned up, stood up,and instructed to deliver the greatest impact on the dialogue between the races in the USA - his anger and disappointment lead him astray and he then made poor choices
    Either way he left a huge trace in this world and I don't see what are the poor choices, is it because he left Elijah when he discovered the truth ?

    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    Muhammad Ali was a Great Minister in the NOI - he became great when he joined the NOI - shook the world, made poor choices later on and went astray -
    Same as above.

    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    i know what a person who has left the ranks and went astray looks and sounds like - the person going astray usually doesn't realize how far they fell, and outsiders (like yourself) usually has no idea of what to look and listen for
    That would be your own angle to look at the picture. I can say the same about you (in the opposite sens ).

    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    there is one i know who decided to join the church
    people make choices - Islam is the fastest growing religion in this world because of US - you ever think about that ?
    the NOI and NGE make the Islam you speak of popular - Hip Hop in the states have made Islam popular all over the world - you will never ever convince me otherwise with your words - i've been in this too long
    Nobody said this isnt true, but not totally. Hiphop contributed to make Islam popular but in the wrong way, they deface it and practice their own Islam in the sens that they drink, fuck, smoke, shoot people, lie and dont make prayers etc.... So they're only muslims by the name

    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    open the flood gates then
    so open, that american soldiers are on the holy land right now fuckin it up
    that's how wide and open it is - had yall known the true shaytan, yall wouldn't have openly let him in
    I didnt said muslims are perfect beigns, there's corrupted ones like every where. Humans are feeble and they fell into the traps of the shytan even if they're muslims. But you can't close ya doors because if you stop tellin the truth then the lie become the truth, that's a risk and you have to accept every one (especially because god tell us so). On the other hand, we have to bring a maximum of people because -as you know- it's a constent battle against the sytan (in general not the US).

    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    we have to heal ourselves - everyone we went to and go to, shits on us - no one came to help the black man in america - yall came to america and made money at the same time poisoning us - the Muslims that follow the Islam you speak of come to america and sell out - because they have no idea of who the real shaytan is - you keep looking for a bad energy midst, while the true and living devil is stomping all over the holy land - you feel strongly about your belief though - so what we don't accept everyone into our home -
    As I told you before muslims are humans and not exempted from errors, there's corrupted muslims and evil muslims too. Every one can use his religion for bad porpuses when the shytan whispers in his heart. But don't worry, it's all written and the shytan won't prevail. I'd rather open myself to my human brother and tell him the truth so maybe I can touch him and let him feel the compassion and the justice of god than keep it for myself because that make me an egoist selfish human beign (no offense intended).
    As for the devil stomping on holy land whether you speak about US in Arabia or Jews in Palestine that's part of the great battle (even the first is more politic ; for fuel especially because of the greedy saudi government (if we can call it a government)) and we all know the outcome -critical ??? lol -

    Peace Sunny (Sunni )

  3. #78
    Guardian of the 1st house Hellspawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiGitalChamberz View Post
    Peace Hellspawn, I feel what you are saying. There is sum truth to your last comment. But, I would encourage you to go to Harlem and visit the NGE Allah's Universal Development Center and have this dialogue with some of the Gods & Earths there, you might have a very good understanding of things after a good mind to mind discussion where your views of 5% sectarianism are concerned.
    I would love to I know there's great people out there or I wouldn't even be on this site, I preafer 5%ers on alot of other ideologies, I know they don't cause harm, they elevate themselves and that that's a logic reaction to the white man oppression. I have absolutely nothing against the Gods and Earths, like I told you I like these people alot and that's why I take the time to discuss because I see them so close to the truth and so far in the same time. I'm sad that these people I like (I'm fan of some of them of course) don't make the little effort to question themselves and see beyond the stories they been told (the graftin of yakub and the white devil etc...) to recieve the true light of islam wich is written in the quran, this is a great book, and I dare you to still emotionless if you read it even by curiousity.
    This book is a miracle by itself, it had been written in arabic and that language is still practiced so theres no alteration, no translatin, no deviation. Theres only one copy of the book (not like the 36000 bibles nor the Torah/Talmud I'd rather don't speak of) and that contains scientific miracles, mathematical miracles, grammatical miracles and in the same time it's a manual for a peaceful and righteous living).
    When I see people like Ali, Malcolm and Ghostface who became true muslims through this ideaology I can only be grateful to the NOI/NGE.



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