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Thread: KATRINA- The whole story..

  1. #46
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    Quote Originally Posted by urbanlegendmf
    it's not about whether Bush doesn't care about black people, it is simply - the 'rich' doesn't care about the poor, regardless of color.
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  2. #47
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    yes im crying coz america's gonne get raped.
    and im here tryin to let u people know of the cumming events..
    as i said
    its all good.

  3. #48
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    Quote Originally Posted by Os3y3ris
    Dude, I'm black. The only statement I'm making with my post is illustrating the type of ignorance displayed, NOT saying it for myself. Regardless of context, you recognize it immediately, no? So how is the image in the clouds NOT recognizable?
    guy how many times to I have to tell you- that's not a jewish guy in the clouds- it's an indian thing and you just don't get it- it's to much for your feeble mind to comprehend- because if you did get it you wouldn't be in here whining about it- you be saying oh that's different take on things- but you obviousley have a problem with me so you won't just let it go- let it go- let it go - let it go- it's not a jewish guy- let it go- guy native americans have been put in that big nose stereo type also- but this picture is about one guys vision of the storm- this is what he saw- if to you it resembles a jewish guy- and your the only one- then it makes you out to be the racist- show some respect- let it go- build on the topic- think about the possiblities but if you wanna get into some racial shit- make a totally different thread- leave this for hurricane Katrina discussion- theories- peace

  4. #49
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    word up
    check check

    a popular mechnics piece on hurricanes
    released on 9/11 in their online magazine aswell as their journal

    Published on: September 11, 2001
    var partnerID=77396; window.onerror=function(){clickURL=document.locati on.href;return true;} if(!self.clickURL) clickURL=parent.location.href; var _hb=1; initBtn(1,1,1,1,0,0,'ff0000','ff0000');initSponsor (0,'right',' ','000000',' ',' ',' ');initAlt(1,1,1,1);eval(sponFunc);drawBtn('H',1);

    The surge of a Category 5 storm could put New Orleans under 18 ft. of water.

    They don't bury the dead in New Orleans. The highest point in the city is only 6 ft. above sea level, which makes for watery graves. Fearful that rotting corpses caused epidemics, the city limited ground burials in 1830. Mausoleums built on soggy cemetery grounds became the final resting place for generations. Beyond providing a macabre tourist attraction, these "cities of the dead" serve as a reminder of the Big Easy's vulnerability to flooding. The reason water rushes into graves is because New Orleans sits atop a delta made of unconsolidated material that has washed down the Mississippi River.

    Think of the city as a chin jutting out, waiting for a one-two punch from Mother Nature. The first blow comes from the sky. Hurricanes plying the Gulf of Mexico push massive domes of water (storm surges) ahead of their swirling winds. After the surges hit, the second blow strikes from below. The same swampy delta ground that necessitates above-ground burials leaves water from the storm surge with no place to go but up.

    The fact that New Orleans has not already sunk is a matter of luck. If slightly different paths had been followed by Hurricanes Camille, which struck in August 1969, Andrew in August 1992 or George in September 1998, today we might need scuba gear to tour the French Quarter.

    "In New Orleans, you never get above sea level, so you're always going to be isolated during a strong hurricane," says Kay Wilkins of the southeast Louisiana chapter of the American Red Cross.

    During a strong hurricane, the city could be inundated with water blocking all streets in and out for days, leaving people stranded without electricity and access to clean drinking water. Many also could die because the city has few buildings that could withstand the sustained 96- to 100-mph winds and 6- to 8-ft. storm surges of a Category 2 hurricane. Moving to higher elevations would be just as dangerous as staying on low ground. Had Camille, a Category 5 storm, made landfall at New Orleans, instead of losing her punch before arriving, her winds would have blown twice as hard and her storm surge would have been three times as high.

    Yet knowing all this, area residents have made their potential problem worse. "Over the past 30 years, the coastal region impacted by Camille has changed dramatically. Coastal erosion combined with soaring commercial and residential development in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have all combined to significantly increase the vulnerability of the area," says Sandy Ward Eslinger, of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Coastal Services Center in Charleston, S.C.

    Early Warning
    Emergency planners believe that it is a foregone conclusion that the Big Easy someday will be hit by a scouring storm surge. And, given the tremendous amount of coastal-area development, this watery "big one" will produce a staggering amount of damage. Yet, this doesn't necessarily mean that there will be a massive loss of lives.

    The key is a new emergency warning system developed by Gregory Stone, a professor at Louisiana State University (LSU). It is called WAVCIS, which stands for wave-current surge information system. Within 30 minutes to an hour after raw data is collected from monitoring stations in the Gulf, an assessment of storm-surge damage would be available to emergency planners. Disaster relief agencies then would be able to mobilize resources--rescue personnel, the Red Cross, and so forth.

    The $4.5 million WAVCIS project, which is now coming on line, will fill a major void in the Louisiana storm warning system, which was practically nonexistent compared to those of other Gulf Coast states. A system of 20 "weather buoys" along the U.S. coastline serves as a warning system for the Gulf of Mexico. However, the buoys are not distributed evenly and Louisiana falls into one of the gaps. From the mouth of the Mississippi River to the Louisiana-Texas border, there are no buoys. Only one buoy serves Louisiana, and it is 62 miles east of the Mississippi River and more than 300 miles to the south. So it's a bit like predicting the weather in Boston when your thermometer is in Philadelphia. The other buoys are near the coastlines of Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, and several hundred miles out into the Gulf.

    Stable Platforms
    One reason that WAVCIS will be more accurate is that its sensors are attached to offshore oil platforms. The older, floating buoys ride up and down with the waves and often can't give accurate pictures of wave heights and storm surges. Stable platforms mean that the sensors can be placed above and below the water, allowing more precise measurements. Data from each of the 13 stations, five of which are now on line, is transmitted to LSU, where it'll be interpreted and sent to emergency planners centers, via the Internet.

    "With this new system [WAVCIS], we get to see real information on storm surge and we can feed that into our models and come up with real data," says Mike Brown, assistant director of the New Orleans emergency management office.

    Because large areas would have to be evacuated, false alarms could be harmful to the economy. Stone sees it as a reasonable tradeoff.

    "It's better to have that frustration than the loss of life. The potential loss of life in Louisiana could be catastrophic because there is just nowhere to go."


    It's not only strange in the fact that it was published on 911, and spoke about the NEXT major destructive event in the US, Katrina, but BECAUSE of the 911 hit piece that Popular Mechanics did, written by the cousin of Michael Chertoff.

    Whose saying that Popular Mechanics caused Katrina? Nobody. Only that, perhaps, there was some human element in power that might have known the New Orleans event was going to take place, and hence, the story was published on 911...

    It could just be a coincidence, but, more then likely it's synchronicity, and it's far from meaningless.

    Also, the GeeK in me should mention that Jim Wilson was the name of one of the sidekicks to the comic character "The Incredible Hulk." Jim Wilson was black, and he died of AIDS in the comic during the late 1990's.

    About 2 weeks before the Katrina disaster occcured a video game was released called "Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction!" At the final stage of the video game, the task of the Hulk is to defeat a villain named the Abomination who is trying trying to destroy a dam. You must stop him from flooding the city before the evacuation is complete.

    Funny early warning systems on offshore oil platforms....well they got demolished, guess they got a clear early warning message!

    plus nasa had prior knowledge through satelites and such
    and all they did was make these new weird logo's


    do u see something their? check the propertys of the pics and u can see they are linked directly from the nasa site.. ebverything i post is fully fact, prooven.

    all u have to do is connect the dots!

    and know about alot of aspects of life..
    their is no conspiracy

    their is an unfolding agenda.


  5. #50

    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    Quote Originally Posted by soul controller
    Also, the GeeK in me should mention that Jim Wilson was the name of one of the sidekicks to the comic character "The Incredible Hulk." Jim Wilson was black, and he died of AIDS in the comic during the late 1990's.

    About 2 weeks before the Katrina disaster occcured a video game was released called "Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction!" At the final stage of the video game, the task of the Hulk is to defeat a villain named the Abomination who is trying trying to destroy a dam. You must stop him from flooding the city before the evacuation is complete.
    jesus christ dude, are you for real

    and once again, you have nothing. new orleans' vulnerability to flooding has been well known for decades. i searched on usenet for references to it before 2005 and there were loads even with a fairly specific search:


  6. #51
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    i did that especially for u!

    feel proud.

    if u couldnt tell i did that for u


    but im sure ur search.. lol dang

    do u know who 0wnz popular mechanics?
    do u know the background of the person?
    and what socities they are in?

    if u do then u would know why this article was important thus why i put it on here

    come at me with facts. not ur user net groups

    u will only6 get conpsiracy theories with that lame shit.

    i like how the powers that be have associated conspiracy with theory
    indoctrined muppets automatically put them words together
    an no one questions the govt versions of events coz the media sticks to them like glue and the reporters and the whistle blowers who ask or try to find out
    end up dead
    their is no conspiraCY except
    that 19 mnuslims from the pooriest part of the world managed to get the toughest nation on earth to stand down, millitary wise and all their normal procedures i.e norad was over looked
    how did 19 A-RABS do that..
    with box cutters
    how did they do that when they couldnt evn fly bi planes

    now u fucking muppet
    that is a conpsiracry throey, and thats the official govt line

    i love robots

  7. #52
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    Quote Originally Posted by Os3y3ris
    Oh? So what are seeing exactly? Please explain to me how that is NOT a Jewish charicature(sp?).
    what, all jewish people have big noses now?shame on you

  8. #53
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    No, but all jewish caricatures do. Anyways, done with it. ive made my point. take it or leave it.

  9. #54
    I'll Fuck You Up TeknicelStylez's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    The puppets are out in full force on KTL. They're so lovely, bouncing around awkwardly with their limbs flapping around in each direction. Letting other people talk for them and stuff, its cute.

  10. #55
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    I was emailed a copy this week of a document called ‘Silent Weapons for a Quiet War’. I read it a alooooooong time ago, (when i was gettin to the killarmy 1st album.. of the same name..), but looking through it again reminded me of just how perfectly it describes ‘modern’ society.

    It is claimed that the document was adopted by the Policy Committee of the Illuminati-created Bilderberg Group during its first known meeting in 1954 and that a copy found in 1969 was in the possession of Naval Intelligence. The version emailed to me, dated May 1979, is said to have been found on July 7th, 1986, in an IBM copier purchased at a surplus sale. The background, however, whatever it may be, is less important than the content. It is, simply, a summary of how to mind control the masses and get them to react as required for the benefit of the Elite. Click here to read it in full. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/metasystems/GB/SilentWeaponsGB.html

    Social engineering is as old as humanity in the sense of manipulating people and societies to do the will of the manipulator. This document is merely the modern expression of that – on a massive scale. The methods described can be observed daily as the battle for control of the collective human mind continues apace. Here, for example, it details the foundation techniques of the quiet war:

    ‘It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of chemical reaction (explosion); originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general.

    It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, and does not obviously interfere with anyone's daily social life. Yet it makes an unmistakable 'noise', causes unmistakable physical and mental damage, and unmistakably interferes with daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows what to look for.

    The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon. The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.

    When a silent weapon is applied gradually to the public, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up.

    Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.’

    This is why there is so much manipulated conflict, suffering, hunger, poverty and so on. They are using fear in its endless guises to attack the peoples’ ‘sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses’.

    What has been happening in the wake of Hurricane Katrina is a topical example of these methods, as were 9/11 and the London bombings. Katrina and the collapse of the levees was an engineered disaster with the engineered lack of response. It is part of the silent war on human perception. I was highly suspicious from the start of the American media’s enthusiastic condemnation of the Katrina fiasco because it was so out of character. As the Silent Weapons document says, the media’s role is to ‘Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.’ The media’s other prime focus is normally to scour Washington in search of bums to lick. But not this time. There was clearly a campaign to enrage public opinion to the maximum. Why? To manipulate the nation to change the rules on military involvement in domestic law enforcement. In others words, the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.

    This act was intended to prohibit Federal troops from supervising elections in former Confederate states. It generally prohibits Federal military personnel and units of the United States National Guard under Federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorised by the Constitution or Congress. Coupled with the Insurrection Act the powers of the federal government to use the US military for law enforcement are limited and delayed. The original act only referred to the Army, but the Air Force was added in 1956 and the Navy and Marine Corps have been included by a regulation of the Department of Defense. This law is mentioned whenever it appears that the Department of Defense is interfering in domestic disturbances

    To change the rules on military law enforcement on American soil they have created a massive problem – the chaos and lack of response to Hurricane Katrina. It requires only the most basic understanding of the human survival response to know that if help was delayed all hell would start to break loose as the victims did whatever they could to survive. They knew it would lead to looting and violence, and that the sick and depraved would take advantage of the weak with rape and other grotesque abuses of physical power. That was the idea because the silent weapon methodology was targeting, in part, the reluctance of many Americans to have the military involved in law enforcement. But that is what is happening now in New Orleans and, as these reports detail, there is pressure to change the rules altogether:


    Wider Powers for U.S. Forces in Disasters Are Under Review

    http://<span style="font-family: ver...ans</b></span>

    'A senior White House official said Saturday that in the wake of the hurricane that demolished part of the nation's Gulf Coast, the Bush administration was studying whether to expand the president's powers to deploy the U.S. military in natural disasters. Dan Bartlett, counsellor to President Bush, said that the administration was reviewing whether to increase the president's power to dispatch troops at the outset of a disaster and to give them law enforcement duties.

    "There's agreement that this is something that has to be studied," Bartlett said in an interview.'


    ... all of which makes sense of this story about CNN ...


    After weeks of intense Katrina coverage from the main press, LA TIMES guru and former CNN host Michael Kinsley divulges that CNN was coaching guests to artificially enhance emotions!

    Kinsley writes:

    "The TV news networks, which only a few months ago were piously suppressing emotional fireworks by their pundits, are now piously encouraging their news anchors to break out of the emotional straitjackets and express outrage. A Los Angeles Times colleague of mine, appearing on CNN last week to talk about Katrina, was told by a producer to 'get angry.'"

    Source ... http://www.drudgereport.com/flash.htm

    From Federal Failure Arises More Federal Power

    'Lawlessness, the eruption of which was guaranteed by delayed relief, provides cover both for martial law, which suspends constitutional protections, and for the confiscation of legally owned private firearms in violation of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. Everyone has by now seen the images of troops and police breaking into New Orleans homes and pointing weapons in the faces of residents. US military even described survivors as "insurgents." (At time of writing news reports are confused whether martial law exists in New Orleans. Some reports have the mayor declaring martial law; others report that the state has declared its version of martial law. Most constitutional experts believe martial law requires an act of Congress or a presidential order or both.)'

    Click here for more...

    'A picture postcard of the new Amerika, where flaming skull festooned SWAT Team thugs go house to house dragging out old ladies and seizing legally held firearms. It's the perfect government response to a human catastrophe, send trained killers in to intimidate the desperate refugees!'

    Flaming skulls.. with all the Symbolry used, how can people ridicule the existence of a force like the illuminati?

    Police forcibly tackling elderly, confiscating firearms and dragging them out of their homes

    Video of just one such incident - and disinformation about why they have to go.

    'Louisiana must fight planned bio-attack on New Orleans'

    '... Dr. Michael Baden appeared on Geraldo Rivera's Saturday night hour to explain that you will get more exposure to active bacteria by changing a baby's diaper than you will walking through the New Orleans floodwaters. Baden pointed out that as long as you don't drink the water you should be fine, and the idea that people on dry land with access to clean water should be forcibly evacuated is ridiculous. And earlier that night on Fox, former Public Health Director for New Orleans, Brobson Lutz explained that the idea mosquitoes would spread diseases from corpses to the living, has long since been proven to be nonsense.'

    Click here for more...

    To enforce the domestic law and, in the words of the neocons, ‘fight and win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars’, they will need to instigate the Draft – the forced enlistment of young people, and the not so young, into the military to kill and be killed while building and policing their own prison. Silent Weapons for a Quiet War explains how they seek to manipulate people into the Draft mentality:

    ‘Few efforts of human behavior modification are more remarkable or more effective than that of the socio-military institution known as the draft. A primary purpose of a draft or other such institution is to instil, by intimidation, in the young males of a society the uncritical conviction that the government is omnipotent. He is soon taught that a prayer is slow to reverse what a bullet can do in an instant. Thus, a man trained in a religious environment for eighteen years of his life can, by this instrument of the government, be broken down, be purged of his fantasies and delusions in a matter of mere months. Once that conviction is instilled, all else becomes easy to instil.

    Even more interesting is the process by which a young man's parents, who purportedly love him, can be induced to send him off to war to his death. Although the scope of this work will not allow this matter to be expanded in full detail, nevertheless, a course overview will be possible and can serve to reveal those factors which must be included in some numerical form in a computer analysis of social and war systems.

    We begin with a tentative definition of the draft.

    The draft: (selective service, etc.) is an institution of compulsory collective sacrifice and slavery, devised by the middle aged and the elderly for the purpose of pressing the young into doing the public dirty work. It further serves to make the youth as guilty as the elders, thus making criticism of the elders by the youth less likely (Generational Stabilizer). It is marketed and sold to the public under the label of "patriotic - national" service.'

    taken from the Quiet weapons for a quiet war.

    It is vital that Americans – or anyone else – do not fall for this. They can’t fight wars if we won’t fight them and they can’t create their military state if we won’t don the uniform and point the gun.


    FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, that has taken the fall for the [manufactured] chaos following Katrina. But the ‘fall’ is just more smoke and mirrors. FEMA will end up with much more money and power as a result of its engineer incompetence, just as the FBI and CIA have done since 9/11. FEMA is part of a network of interconnecting control that includes Homeland Security and the now centralised ‘Intelligence’ network headed by the utterly disgraceful John Negroponte. Talking of utterly disgraceful, one of the key people behind FEMA was Oliver North of Iran-Contra drugs-for-arms fame. Below is a story this week about his REX 84 ‘exercise’ and a very good article about the background to REX 84 and the incredible powers given to FEMA. The agency was created in 1979 by executive order signed by president Carter, but really developed during the Reagan-Bush (Bush-Reagan) administration. An early director was one Louis O. Giuffrida, a Bush cousin. To give you an idea of the mentality controlling FEMA, ‘during the late sixties and early seventies, Giuffrida had served as Governor Reagan's terrorism advisor and at Reagan's request founded the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI), a school for police and military commandos. To quote an early CSTI instruction manual: "Legitimate violence is integral to our form of government, for it is from this source that we can continue to purge our weaknesses."’

    FEMA - The Disaster [of an] Agency

    Most Americans had never even heard of this obscure government agency before syndicated columnist Jack Anderson reported in October 1984 that FEMA had prepared bizarre "standby legislation" that would, in the event of a national crisis, "suspend the constitution and the Bill of Rights, effectively eliminate private property, abolish free enterprise, and generally clamp Americans in a totalitarian vice." In any self-respecting banana republic, such a document might be called a blueprint for a coup d'état. FEMA called it "national security" planning.”’

    FEMA is the Patriot Act on crack

    'Once its powers are unleashed, Oliver North's REX 84 "exercise" will become a reality. The Constitution will be suspended and FEMA will have the right to detain or seize the property of anyone even suspected of engaging in, or who might be thinking of conspiring with others to engage in acts of espionage or sabotage. REX 84 also advocated rounding up and transferring to "assembly centers or relocation camps" of at least 21 million American Negroes in the event of massive rioting or disorder, not unlike the rounding up of the Jews in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.'

    This is what has been planned and organised while most of the people have been watching a game or a game show - ignorance may be bliss, but only for a while.

    Click here for more...

    These are some reports this week that have further confirmed both the military control of New Orleans and the disaster area and the financial killing the Elite are preparing to make:

    Blackwater Mercenaries: Coming Soon to Your Town

    'It is now obvious how martial law (not officially declared as such) will work in America in the wake of the devastation of New Orleans. Instead of federal troops or an influx of National Guard troops sent to “restore order” (the latter mandated in our now anachronistic Constitution; see Article 1, Section 8) and empowered to “suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions,” in Louisiana the state and federal governments have brazenly violated the Constitution by sending in Blackwater Security and other private goon squads.'

    Click here for more...

    New Orleans: covert operations underway?

    'Malik Rahim ... gave a gut-wrenching and shocking firsthand account of the staggering horror of still-neglected New Orleans that he and other survivors are facing. In stark contrast to increasingly optimistic mainstream media coverage (cover-up) about "improving relief efforts" and "rebuilding," Rahim exposed the fact that there is no relief. No Red Cross, no food, no emergency medical care under a FEMA lockdown that has kept any relief from getting into New Orleans.

    Meanwhile, as the Bush administration's combat operations ramp up, and troops prowl the streets, no help whatsoever has been offered to residents, according to Rahim. Rotting corpses litter the streets. People, heroically fending for themselves and their own, are being left in shocking conditions to suffer and die.'

    Click here for more...

    Power Grab in New Orleans - Riptide of the Brownshirts

    The response of federal emergency management was delayed until survivors desperate for food and water (and some for a drug fix) began looting. In keeping with James Q. Wilson's "broken window" analogy, looting for survival quickly spread into general lawlessness on the part of some elements.

    The lawlessness provided cover for the federal government to violate the Posse Commitatus Act and send in regular military troops to police civilian populations. (Both the New York Times on September 8 and the Washington Post on September 4 and September 11 report that federal or active duty troops are being used along with National Guard and police.)'

    Click here for more...

    Same old story: Firms with Bush ties win Katrina deals

    'Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President George W. Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast. One is Shaw Group Inc. and the other is Halliburton Co. subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of Halliburton.'

    Click here for more...

    Dallas Meeting Plans New Orleans Rebuilding - Without Poor Blacks

    'Dallas meeting plans reconstruction of New Orleans without poor African Americans. According to well-informed New Orleans sources, New Orleans' wealthiest families, including those who are direct descendants of the French who settled New Orleans (not the Acadians [Cajuns] who were poor refugees from British tyranny in Nova Scotia) are meeting in Dallas today with Bush administration officials, New Orleans city officials, wealthy Texas oilmen, and bankers to plan for the reconstruction of New Orleans.

    These wealthy New Orleans residents live in the gated community of Audobon Place, a section of the city near the Garden District replete with personal helipads that still has running water and sewage and was only slightly affected by hurricane Katrina. It is now reportedly being patrolled by private Israeli security forces.'

    Click here for more...

    Joe Allbaugh, Disaster Pimp

    'Allbaugh is no mere dabbler in "the private-sector response" to government needs. He's a lobbyist and a consultant who's been cashing in on his close ties to President Bush since 2003. Allbaugh, in addition to being Bush's first FEMA chief (Allbaugh's college roommate Michael Brown succeeded him), was Bush's chief of staff when he was governor of Texas and campaign manager to Bush during the 2000 election. Now Allbaugh is the man to see if you want a contract in Iraq, or a piece of the action on homeland security, or, apparently, a shot at rebuilding New Orleans. "I don't buy the 'revolving door' argument," Allbaugh told the National Journal last year. "This is America. We all have a right to make a living."'

    Click here for more...


    'A rumor from inside FEMA states that the Bush administration has devised a strategy to try to handle the death count issue...it plans to "lowball" the figures (that's already come true with the statement by Brown's replacement), and to dribble the figures out, released not as cumulative totals, but in groups of several hundred...over a prolonged period time. All the while blocking the release of any graphic photos, putting a gag order on all people involved in the body recovery, and not listing unclaimed bodies (in some cases, whole families died and there is no one to claim them) with the "official count."'

    Click here for more...

    check previous post,,

    Silent Weapons for a Quiet War details the ‘diversion strategy’ used all the time to focus attention in the required direction and away from what the public mustn’t see. This is why whenever there is a major event, like 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina, we need to be especially vigilant for what is happening elsewhere behind that cover, a fact encapsulated by the infamous email by UK government spinner, Jo Moore, on September 11th 2001 which said that this was a ‘good day to bury bad news.’ This is the Silent Weapons formula for mass diversion:

    ‘Experience has prevent that the simplest method of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of the basic system principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, a and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand.

    This is achieved by:

    1. disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities; providing a low-quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design and economics; and discouraging technical creativity.

    2. engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by:

    (a) unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media - especially the TV and the newspapers.
    (b) giving them what they desire - in excess - "junk food for thought" - and depriving them of what they really need.

    (3) rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricated outside priorities.

    These preclude their interest in and discovery of the silent weapons of social automation technology.

    The general rule is that there is a profit in confusion; the more confusion, the more profit. Therefore, the best approach is to create problems and then offer solutions.’

    note the emphasis on creating chaos. In this case, the problem causing the chaos is Hurricane Katrina and the collapse of the levees. How appropriate, then, that both the strength of the hurricane, its location and the ‘failed’ levees are now coming under increasing scrutiny by people with a mind to call their own:


    'Divers inspecting the ruptured levee walls surrounding New Orleans found something that piqued their interest: Burn marks on underwater debris chunks from the broken levee wall! One diver, a member of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, saw the burn marks and knew immediately what caused them. When he surfaced and showed the evidence to his superior, the on-site Coordinator for FEMA stepped-in and said "You are not here to conduct an investigation as to why this rupture occurred, but only to determine how best to close it."

    The FEMA coordinator then threw the evidence back into the water and said "You will tell no one about this.” At that point, the diver went back down to do more inspection of the levee. On the second dive, he secreted a small chunk of the debris inside his wet suit and later arranged for it to be sent to trusted military friends at the U.S. Army Forensic Laboratory at Fort Gillem, Georgia for testing. According to well placed sources, a military forensic specialist determined the burn marks on the cement chunks did, in fact, come from high explosives. The source, speaking on condition of anonymity said "We found traces of boron-enhanced fluoronitramino explosives as well as PBXN-111 embedded in the debris. This would indicate at least two separate types of explosive devices."'

    Click here for more...

    Locals and Officials Suggest Levees were Intentionally Blown

    'Could the levees in New Orleans have been INTENTIONALLY blown out in order to provide the justification for total FEMA federal takeover? The locals certainly seem to think so, yet, as usual, the mainstream media is barely picking up on this wave of opinion, so it is left to us once again to bring the issue into the open.'

    Click here for more...

    Floodwall breaches a 'mystery'

    'It probably will take months to investigate and make a conclusive determination about what happened, according to the Army Corps of Engineers. But two Louisiana State University scientists who have examined the breaches suggest that a structural flaw in the floodwalls might be to blame.

    "Why did we have no hurricane levee failures but five separate places with floodwall failures?" asked Joseph Suhayda, a retired LSU coastal engineer who examined the breaches last week. "That suggests there may be something about floodwalls that makes them more susceptible to failure.'

    (And explosives)

    Click here for more...

    These paramedics have confirmed the claims by countless people that many who could have escaped from New Orleans were not allowed to do so:


    '... the group set out for a bridge called the Crescent City Connection, where they would find the help they so desperately needed. But when they arrived atop the highway, the paramedics said, they were met by more police officers, this time from neighboring Gretna, La., who weren't letting anyone pass.

    "If I weren't there, and hadn't witnessed it for myself, I don't think I would have ever believed this," Bradshaw said. The officers fired warning shots into the air and then levelled their weapons at members of the crowd, Bradshaw said. He approached, hands in the air, displaying his paramedic's badge.

    "They told us that there would be no Superdomes in their city,'' the couple wrote. "These were code words that if you are poor and black, you are not crossing the Mississippi River -- and you weren't getting out of New Orleans.'''

    Click here for more...

    just to ... add a little a flavour

    While Katrina dominates the news ... massacres continue in Talafar

    'For the tenth consecutive day, the Iraqi city of Talafar is being subject to air and land siege by the U.S. occupation forces that are committing the ugliest forms of military operations against this city.

    Information received indicate a human disaster that the residents of this city are facing as a result of the one-week siege imposed on them. This siege is coupled with a fierce military operation that has resulted in countless civilian deaths while also destroying the city. Dozens of martyrs have fallen as a result of this military operation in addition to hundreds wounded, including women and children. Houses and infrastructure are being destroyed and electricity and water has been cut. Occupation forces are preventing any food and medical assistance to enter the city, foreboding an even worse human disaster.'

    Click here for more...


  11. #56
    Master of Tasks Taskmaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..


    It may be the oddest tale to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.

    Dolphins have been trained in attack-and-kill missions since the Cold War. The US Atlantic bottlenose dolphins have apparently been taught to shoot terrorists attacking military vessels. Their coastal compound was breached during the storm, sweeping them out to sea. But those who have studied the controversial use of dolphins in the US defence programme claim it is vital they are caught quickly.

    Leo Sheridan, 72, a respected accident investigator who has worked for government and industry, said he had received intelligence from sources close to the US government's marine fisheries service confirming dolphins had escaped.

    'My concern is that they have learnt to shoot at divers in wetsuits who have simulated terrorists in exercises. If divers or windsurfers are mistaken for a spy or suicide bomber and if equipped with special harnesses carrying toxic darts, they could fire,' he said. 'The darts are designed to put the target to sleep so they can be interrogated later, but what happens if the victim is not found for hours?'

    Usually dolphins were controlled via signals transmitted through a neck harness. 'The question is, were these dolphins made secure before Katrina struck?' said Sheridan.

    The mystery surfaced when a separate group of dolphins was washed from a commercial oceanarium on the Mississippi coast during Katrina. Eight were found with the navy's help, but the dolphins were not returned until US navy scientists had examined them.

    Sheridan is convinced the scientists were keen to ensure the dolphins were not the navy's, understood to be kept in training ponds in a sound in Louisiana, close to Lake Pontchartrain, whose waters devastated New Orleans.

    The navy launched the classified Cetacean Intelligence Mission in San Diego in 1989, where dolphins, fitted with harnesses and small electrodes planted under their skin, were taught to patrol and protect Trident submarines in harbour and stationary warships at sea. Criticism from animal rights groups ensured the use of dolphins became more secretive. But the project gained impetus after the Yemen terror attack on the USS Cole in 2000. Dolphins have also been used to detect mines near an Iraqi port

    deep deep shit happening 2012 is soo soo near
    the corp is old

  12. #57

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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    funny, I read an article simlilar to this one last week, but there they were blaming the russian KGB and Yakuza-mob for hurricane katrina lol..

    anyway, I'm gonna look into that weather manipulation biznizz, sounds interesting.

    edit: here's the article: http://www.weatherwars.info/

  13. #58
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    Controller, my question would be, accepting that the Illuminati is real, what as a people can we do to stop them?

  14. #59
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    to stop them.. spread love.. dont resinate frequencys that stem from FEAR

  15. #60
    Yes Yes Yall 7EL7's Avatar
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    Default Re: KATRINA- The whole story..

    was nothing natural about that disaster

    "See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes.
    He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse."

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