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Thread: Dear Admins

  1. #1
    SLIMEY SAVAGE Mindsword's Avatar
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    Default Dear Admins

    Please reconsider your total boycott of using the ban button, and banning the trolls etc. that are actively trying to destroy this forum and the Wu community.

    The ban button is there, the people destroying this forum are there too. I dont see the problem?

    Try it! It will make you feel better! while making the face and finger movement and laughing at them! do it! lets purge/cleanse the forum for all Trolls, constant & random haters and post whores!

    And im not hating, and yes i realize that my new account is pretty new, but still i would like for the reputation of the wu community to not be one of a kindergarten.. Much respect for all your other work of maintaining and designing the website, except this.

    Last edited by Mindsword; 08-17-2010 at 12:21 PM.
    13 months (19 minus 6 months parole)

  2. #2
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    cosign this.

    i dont understand why racists, pedophiles etc are allowed to post here.

    do your fucking job.
    We do it for the people.

  3. #3
    SLIMEY SAVAGE Mindsword's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by food for thought View Post
    do your fucking job.
    while i understand your frustration, perfectly!, and letting these people ruin it for everyone else is very ugly, the admins are not the ones posting this stuff.. I would like to keep the tone a polite.. (it will also improve out chances of removing these fuckheads once and for all) even if they may have 1000 posts or more, i dont care if they have 1 million posts, that does not give them some divine right of suddenly not giving a fuck about the community your a member of, it actually makes it even worse.. it just shows you how long they have been allowed to stay here, dragging it further and further down the drain without anyone even considering stopping them..

    suggestion: the top trolls with 1000 posts or more, should maybe be given a final warning and be blacklisted, with a 10 day notice (ultimatum!) to either stop it completely or be IP-banned forever.. this should startle at least most of them, and those who are not at least a little moved by this, DO NOT DESVERVE TO BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, because they do not appreciate being here they are simply using their post count as an excuse to act like assholes..

    having 10000 posts is a priviledge, not a right, and should involve SOME fucking responsibility!

    ive seen teenage chatrooms maintained better than this, with people having more respect for eachother.. there is something called online courtesy and it is a pretty normal thing (except on 4chan, youtube and wucorp ofc)..

    while most of the "in the middle of the trolling tree" newbies are getting banned one by one, the hardcore real lowlife rock bottom trolling scumbags are not only getting away with it, they are being rewarded for it.

    lets lead by example..! peace god
    Last edited by Mindsword; 08-17-2010 at 10:56 AM.
    13 months (19 minus 6 months parole)

  4. #4
    SLIMEY SAVAGE Mindsword's Avatar
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    please read this thread and consider some very very good examples of what im talking about:


    i may even have lost my temper a few times, but some of these people are Actively seeking to provoke this things/reactions by destroying any good discussion made by people they somehow dont like or agree with.. a way better option would be to just stfu and not say anything, or at least contribute to the discussion, but they are doing the complete opposite of what any normal & civilized person would do. so instead of waiting politely for them to stfu, lets just shut them the fuck up...

    some of them are even bragging about how their trolling has made people leave the forums in frustration (bragging about it!), and telling people who disagree to "stfu and [b]leave[/]" because they have more posts. they are actively promoting people to not only not register but to leave wucorp, and have never themselves contributed with ANYTHING except posten 6 posts a minute thereby raising their post cont with 500 one liners, calling this contribution, while people who take the time to write good comments dont have as many posts, therefore have "not contributed as much" to the forum. heres an idea: they have contributed, while you have been spreading your shit for years and years without any retributions or consequences..

    how the hell is this constructive?????
    Last edited by Mindsword; 08-17-2010 at 11:05 AM.
    13 months (19 minus 6 months parole)

  5. #5
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    How is there a boycott on the ban button though? One of our fellow souljas was just banned pretty recently.

  6. #6
    SLIMEY SAVAGE Mindsword's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by check two View Post
    How is there a boycott on the ban button though? One of our fellow souljas was just banned pretty recently.
    yeah thats another thing.. some of the pretty normal/average posters are banned, while the trolls are not. i adressed this in my second post on this thread.

    take f.ex drunken monk - he DID get pretty annoying at times, but at least he had heart, but then again he DID alot of flooding too! and that is indeed a good reason to ban, so he did deserve it;

    but still there are houndreds of posters that are THOUSAND times worse and dont even give fuck, and the whole forum is just crumbling in on itself because of them while their actually laughing about it..!

    it makes me want to hurt people.. badly. i dont like those thoughts.. they scare me lol

    and there are no faces to connect the hatred to, and you know you cant reach them to give them a proper ass whooping either! haha god damn

    infact some of them are actually making me reconsider being on here sometimes, but as a loyal wu tang disciple im not caving in that easily, and id rather see them throw their computers out the windows for having their precious 10 billion post account being whooped and deleted

    i could finally die with a smile on my face.. but i think wucorp is just scared of loosing 50% of its members.. thats how bad it is. for some reason they want quantity, not quality. there is a balance you know..

    but the least you can do is to limit the trolls to the general forum if not anything else.. just do Something! whatever! but dont just do nothing!
    Last edited by Mindsword; 08-17-2010 at 12:26 PM.
    13 months (19 minus 6 months parole)

  7. #7
    SLIMEY SAVAGE Mindsword's Avatar
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  8. #8


    What a crybaby bitch.

  9. #9
    SLIMEY SAVAGE Mindsword's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulrock View Post
    What a crybaby bitch.
    thank you for reporting yourself voluntarily.. i didnt want to mention names

    but i would really like a higher ranking moderator to review this guys posts.. i believe most of them are like this one: offtopic, random, unintelligent personal attacks, and attempts at derailing threads and creating a bad atmosphere on the forum, without ever contributing with anything.
    Last edited by Mindsword; 08-17-2010 at 04:21 PM.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by food for thought View Post
    cosign this.

    i dont understand why pedophiles are allowed to post here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mindsword View Post

    ive seen teenage chatrooms maintained better than this, with people having more respect for eachother.
    foodd4thought, according to mindsword, we should keep the pedophiles around. according to him, they are more respectful than wu-tang fans.

  11. #11
    Semi Retired Prolifical ENG's Avatar
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    I've been away from this place for about 2 months so Im not up to par with all the members and if they are angry and unemployed right now....

    To those that "Mindsword" is talking about who should be banned: Stop being fucking jerkstores! I know that some of you like to be entertained and want to shit on other, but some people want to be serious on a website's forum. Let them be serious on a website's forum!

  12. #12


    Seriously, who narcs like this after three days of unnecessary irrelevant posting?

  13. #13
    SLIMEY SAVAGE Mindsword's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulrock View Post
    Seriously, who narcs like this after three days of unnecessary irrelevant posting?
    i never mentioned names as i said.. u did that perfectly to yourself lol.. you dont rob a police station dude...

    and by "narcing" u mean exposing people for what they are? childish, problemkids causing trouble in he community...?

    then consider this a town meeting

    or better yet, consider me the Blood reporting to my superior officers about the little kid running around with red rags in the neighborhood claiming and acting like a moron

    (not claiming btw)

    the stop snitching movement is not about doing whatever the fuck you want without consequences.... if anything the complete opposite. learn your culture, stop snitching originates from when the black panther party members were being arrested, not because of drug dealers and random psychos.... although it has come to mean the latter in these backward days, as some progressive people do not have any other means of earning a living..

    i bet you have a whole lot more to do than acting like a jackass on an internet forum..
    Last edited by Mindsword; 08-17-2010 at 05:38 PM.
    13 months (19 minus 6 months parole)

  14. #14


    you're a little bitch, nobody is banning me.

  15. #15
    Semi Retired Prolifical ENG's Avatar
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    So this is about beautifulrock? beautifulrock, what's your problem?


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