Sajaha 12


Sajaha 12

Chapter Two

Nebuchadnezzar: Tell me - so the king said to Sajaha in Esagila - what you see, until the third Sargon comes? What will be with the people? What will be with the empire/realm?

Sajaha: bad things will be. But nothing can prevent it, so it takes its course.

The poisonous thorn overgrows and scatters its caustic seeds near and far; Lies pour over the worldly circle with poisoned arrows, more and more.

The sun has obscured her light from Chaldea to the base of the midnight mountain. But people do not notice the appearance of falsehood, they are blinded by the reflection of fraudulently obtained gold.

Many benevolent fall, many malicious rise in their place. Shaddai's cruel breath twists the thoughts of many.

What is pure falls, what is unclean lifts up instead.
What was below, will be above; Good and evil switch place.

Many people will be drunken. Madness will rule the world.

Parents lose their children, children reject their parents. The voices of the gods are not heared any more - except the lone righteous that shall be nothing in that time.

The peoples will have lost(will not recognize) their meaning. Armies are fighting against their commanders. The kings fall, and the temples become dust. Garbage comes up, garbage will rule.

All power will be in the claws of the unworthy. This will reverse the world.

Custom is no more, but vice is considered noble. Men will run away with boys, women will not want to be women, but appear with impunity as men themselves, people will mix with impunity with animals and beget hybrids. And hybrids of hybrids will be numberless in the streets of the cities, without being destroyed.

And the lowest will be elevated to the supreme by the servants of the evil spirit. And he is rejoicingly observes all this from his darkness.

The king interrupted frightened the seer.
Nebuchadnezzar: O Sajaha! Faithful counselor of your old King! Give me a better picture of pity, I would like to take with me to the other world.

Sajaha: First must come the bad - and then the more terrible.

The evil spirit himself will enter the earth in human form - worshiped by all emissaries of evil.

He will wipe out the souls of the people, what the spirit of the deity had them previously brought will find a well prepared storage in order to feel comfortable, because the whole worldly circle will be of his mind - only the lonely righteous will wait in the silence of the hour, which will come forth.

First, however, evil needs to let off terrible steam on the earth world.

All that is bad is considered good, all that is good is considered bad.

People will not recognize no god anymore. Gluttony and fornication, treachery and deceit are called their gods. They will drink blood and wallow in slime.

Naughty lies they call truth, and truth will not be in them. Except in the lonely just waiting longingly to the Third Sargon, which they have secretly ordained their courage.

The spark of the new will spring from the trampled soil of Chaldea . He will rise up the sky and fly, carried by rushing clouds to the land of the north. From the tortured land will rise the liberator, the Avenger: The Third Sargon!

And North and South will rise by then, the lonely righteous will be enormous and hastily kindle the fire to carry forward, which burns all evil everywhere, yes everywhere.

As the king raised his hands to the sky.
Nebuchadnezzar: Terrible they shall be, the righteous, and merciless!

Sajaha: So they will!