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Thread: Black Ops 2

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    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    Default Black Ops 2

    New Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Details – Game Modes, Challenges, Player Card, Theater and Prestige

    Call of Duty is seeing some major improvements and additions in Black Ops 2′s multiplayer – more that you might of initially expected.

    We’ve already learned about some of the initial Black Ops 2 multiplayer features back in September, including Pick 10, scorestreaks and wildcards etc., but after having recently visited the Treyarch Studios down in Santa Monica LA, MP1st was fortunate enough to preview a slew of brand new multiplayer features and content that have yet to be revealed.

    Though unable to attend the event in person, game design director David Vonderhaar put together an informative presentation detailing some the exciting new multiplayer goodness making its way to Black Ops 2 this November 13.

    Game Modes


    At launch, three modes will be playable with up to three different teams within the regular assortment of playlists. These three teams can be made up of three to four players. Treyarch calls these “3×3′s” and “3X4′s.” Multi-team game modes include:

    Team Deathmatch
    Kill Confirmed
    Party Games

    Party Games essentially replaces Wager Matches from the original Black Ops. However, players will now be able to earn XP and rank up in the regular progression. Game types include:

    Gun Game
    Sticks and Stones (Yes, the crossbow and ballistic knife are returning.)
    One in the Chamber
    Combat Training

    Combat Training is now integrated into the main game and will include three different modes at launch.

    Bootcamp – In Bootcamp, players can rank up from level 1 to level 10 while gaining full experience. This playlist is solely made up of the Team Deathmatch game mode and pits one team of humans and bots against another team of human and bots. This eases the level of expectation placed on someone who may be new to the game.
    Objective – Here, players can rank past level 10, but will not earn the full amount of XP. Once again, two teams made up of both humans and bots are pitted against each other in various objective-based game modes.
    Bot Stomp – No XP is earned in Bot Stomp. Quite simply, a team of humans is pitted agains a team of bots – great for practice, map knowledge, and nailing down the basics of Call of Duty.

    All game modes are customizable in Black Ops 2. Bots can be added to almost all game modes if a team needs filling out, for example. Players will also have the power to restrict content like certain attachments, perks and equipment. Interestingly, players will also be able to redesign the Pick 10 system to either a Pick 3 to Pick 17 system and anything in between. This can make for some extremely skill-based matches when weapons, perks and equipment are limited to only three slots. A slew of competitive settings and options have also been thrown in, including how FFA, TDM and CTS are scored, the ability to turn off 3rd person spectating, the ability to disable the announcer and a whole lot more.


    Challenges reward players for almost anything and everything – ranging from simple tasks to more difficult feats. Completing challenges is ‘the’ way to unlock cosmetic content for your character which can be shared throughout all aspects of the multiplayer. These challenges, numbering in the thousands, also reward players with XP in order to level up even faster.

    Every weapon in the game, including atypical weapons like launchers, knives and assault shields all have challenges for camoflage patterns. Once these base camos are unlocked for a weapon, a whole new set of challenges are unlocked to complete for special camos, including some interesting hidden ones.

    These challenges also extend to optic reticles. There are a total of eight unique reticles for each optic that are all unique to that optic which can all help your aim and precision. Just for the lol’s, Treyarch has also thrown in a number of comical shapes, including a mustache, aka “The Steve,” as well as the “EOTech Zombie Stopper.”

    In-game, these rewards show up as a neatly presented icon in the top center of the screen when earned and are reviewable in the after-action report.

    Player Cards

    Every Player Card in Black Ops 2 is made up of these elements: a background, a clan tag, a player’s matchmaking level and a player’s current League Play rank.

    In the emblem editor, players will have up to 32 layers to work with. Objects can be flipped, moved, rotated, scaled and copied and pasted from one layer to another. The choice of colors has been improved and RGB color mixing can also be tweaked. The emblem editor now also supports transparency.

    Should you choose not to create your own emblem, default emblems will also be provided. For those willing to get creative, more complex shapes will become available upon completing specific challenges. When it comes to backgrounds, over 150 are selectable, not all of which are simple rectangular shapes.


    The theater mode in Black Ops 2 is back and has seen some major improvements while keeping all the same tools, including the dolly cam, from previous Call of Duty’s. The new Social Features allow players to bookmark gameplays so that they can be revisited, meaning it’s now much easier to go back and search for your favorite moments after a plentiful night of games. The Meta Data has been expanded to include score, captures and defends while the robust Community Filter can help sort videos to a player’s preference. Up and down-voting is now also included for both films and screenshots.

    An extremely powerful new feature, the Highlight Reel, allows players to create a film with the simple touch of a button. Simply load a game in the theater, select ‘Hightlight Reel,’ and “bam,” the game instantly creates your very own montage of your most excellent moments. Settings can be customized, however, to expand or simplify the contents of your film. Further editing can be done once completed as well.

    As previously mentioned, players can also CoDCast previously recorded games in order to either get some practice in, or create some nifty commentaries. Parties can now head into theater mode and watch videos together while having the ability to watch any player from a first-person perspective.

    Treyarch has also doubled the amount of clips or segments that can be put together in one video – up to 20 in total. Additionally, clips can now be merged into each other, creating one big clip. The brand new Attach to Object feature, a brilliant addition, will let players produce some really fancy shots. By entering free-roam, objects that are selectable will turn green. When selected, the camera will simply follow that object as it moves throughout the gameplay. Objects can range from various scorestreaks all the way down to the rocket that is launched out of an RPG. This means you can now follow said rocket in slow-mo as it plows into your enemies face.


    What everyone’s been waiting for.

    Treyarch is handling prestige very differently in Black Ops 2. Once again, assumptions are being challenged. No longer is Prestige a “restart” as it was in previous Call of Duty titles. This time around, weapon experience and earned attachments are are carried over, as are all challenges.

    Black Ops 2 is meant to be played all the way to prestige 10. Upon prestige-ing, tokens are rewarded to the player which can then be used to unlock what ever item you want forever, including items that you have yet to reach the required level for. On top of these tokens, an additional reward can be selected. These rewards include:

    New create a class slot – Up to 5 extra slots.
    Stats Reset – This is a complete wipe of all stats and unlocks. This is essentially like buying the game new.
    Refund – This gives back all unlock tokens a player has spent so far that prestige level. This basically allows players to re-roll or re-spec their character.
    Only at prestige 10 is absolutely everything unlocked for the player. It seems Treyarch really wants players to see it through to the end in Black Ops 2 in order to achieve 100% of the benefits.

    Ambitious, indeed, is Call of Duty: Black Ops 2′s multiplayer, but that’s not even the half of it. There’s still Zombies. Treyarch is holding nothing back this year and is sure to prove that Call of Duty’s still got the magic. Stay tuned for more undead info, as well as our very own thoughts and impressions of the multiplayer gameplay.

    Any of these new features in particular have you interested? Let us know in the comments below!
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  2. #2
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Preview – Best CoD Yet?

    So I got to play Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for several hours, and it was awesome. It was so awesome, in fact, that I dare say it was the most fun I’ve had with a Call of Duty title since the original Modern Warfare… if not more.

    Let me elaborate.

    Operation Play Tons of Black Ops 2
    Pvt. D. Veselka
    Treyarch Headquarters, Santa Monica, LA
    1000h Wednesday, September 26, 2012
    Upon arriving at our destination on a sunny Tuesday morning, our platoon made up of fellow website owners, CoD forum moderators, live streamers, members of Optic gaming and YouTubers, the likes of Hutch, SeaNanners, TmarTn and PrestigeIsKey, were escorted to the Black Ops 2 media room deep within the Treyarch headquarters. The festivities began with an introduction by studio head Mark Lamia who then gave the floor to a digitalized David Vonderhaar, senior game design director. Via a subscription/like/favorite-worthy video presentation, he filled us in on all the good stuff there is to know about Black Ops 2 multiplayer. No worries. You can read up on everything we learned in this detailed recap!

    Afterwards, the gaming began. Set up on two rows of Xbox 360′s, we were treated to hours of Black Ops 2 multiplayer. Lucky for us, absolutely every weapon, perk and piece of equipment was unlocked, giving us complete free reign over the Pick 10 create-a-class system. Speaking of the create-a-class system, I personally found the simplicity and freedom that Pick 10 has to offer very enjoyable. The lack of Pro Perks is a welcome addition (or take-away) in my books and brought back those fond memories of Modern Warfare and World at War. Same goes for Scorestreaks. I, for one, didn’t even notice the lack of “Strike Packages,” introduced by Modern Warfare 3, nor did I feel restricted in anyway. Others may feel different, but as the saying goes, sometimes less is more.

    Since you can read about the plethora of features being added to Black Ops 2 multiplayer in my earlier report, I’d like to strictly speak of the gameplay we experienced in my impressions below. I’ll also lay out right away that since we were playing over a LAN connection, lag or network complications were non-existent, and therefore, will not be judged in these impressions.

    I’ll start off by saying the gameplay in Black Ops 2 is fast – much faster than the original. I could compare it to Modern Warfare 3, but I’d be hesitant to considering the insufficient amount hours I’ve put into it. The last Call of Duty I sunk some good hours into was the original Black Ops, and this blows it out of the water. Improvements in every aspect greet you with a shiny smile as bright as a police officer’s tac-light. Improvements to the presentation, the visuals, the sound (oh my god, the sound) are all apparent. The menu and in-game HUD both feature that slick 2025-design, textures have been upped while the new lighting is just gorgeous and the sound design will blow you out of the water. Weapons, grenades and explosions now have that “kick” and “boom” they’ve been missing in almost all previous Call of Duty titles while some of the realistic Scorestreak sounds are just plain frightening. The Stealth Chopper in particular had me jump in my seat a few times.

    Though the gameplay itself is very fast-paced, you’ll find that most of it tends to be gun-on-gun. Previous Call of Duty titles will have touted this as a focus in their game design, but I think Treyarch has really found the sweet-spot here. Scorestreaks are much harder to obtain since their transition to scorestreaks, rather than killstreaks. If you’re set on playing that “Slayer” role, you’ll find yourself climbing the Scorestreak ladder rather slowly, as kills don’t earn you a whole lot. However, start killin’ fools occupying the “Hardpoint” or capturing and defending Domination points and now we’re talkin’. Of course, though being more objective-minded will build your score rather quickly, it’s also a much more risky style of play, meaning you could very well die before reaching that K9 Unit or Drone Swarm. I can safely say that you can say goodbye to the days of old when wave after wave of attack dogs ruled the battlefield.

    The guns in Black Ops 2 felt great. As mentioned earlier, they grew some balls and now have that satisfying kick. They also look great thanks to the many engine improvements. In my time with the game, it seemed that many of us found the most comfort using the SMG class of weapons. They were simply bad-ass. I especially favored the MP7 with the silencer, fast mag, and laser sight attachments. This made hip firing a breeze. (I should also quickly mention that adding a suppressor to your weapon no longer makes it sound like a beebee gun.) And, yes, this also meant that I needed to employ the use of the “Primary Warfighter” Wildcard which would allow me up to three attachments on my primary. In fact, most of my loadouts were focused on the use of attachments as they provided some real nifty benefits like aiming down sight faster, reloading faster and better hip-fire accuracy, all attributes that used to be Perks in previous titles. This, of course, didn’t allow me much room to experiment with normal Perks or equipment as a trade-off. Like the SMG’s, Shotguns, once again, have a mean bite. The R-870 MCS in particular was rather beastly, especially with the laser sight attachment.

    My favorite class set-up by far, however, was this:


    DSR 50 - Bolt-action sniper rifle [Carbon camoflauge]

    Variable Zoom | Ballistics CPU | Fast Mag


    B23R - Burst-fire pistol

    Dual Weild


    Primary Gunfighter - Use up to three attachments on your primary weapon | None | None


    Hardline - Earn Score Faster
    Fast Hands - Swap Weapons Faster
    Dexterity - ADS After Sprinting Faster




    UAV | Hunter Killer | Care Package

    That’s 10 points right there, plus your Scorestreaks.

    Now, when it comes to Call of Duty, I can safely say that I haven’t touched a sniper rifle since World at War. It just wasn’t my style since then as I never found the same sense of enjoyment post-WaW. However, in Black Ops 2, once I went DSR 50, I couldn’t go back. This gun (as do all sniper rifles) just feels and sounds bloody amazing. I don’t care that I wasn’t the best with it. It was just so much fun and so satisfying to use.

    Turn up your speakers and have a listen to its ferocity below.

    You’ll notice that this map in particular, Hijacked, is very action packed. It’s design is very familiar and really rocks that old-school Call of Duty feel. Modern Warfare 3 this is not. Not to mention, the new game mode Hardpoint (aka King-of-the-Hill, displayed here) really focuses all the action in one particular spot and is sure to become a favorite for both myself and many others. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Turbine, a rather large map, was also one of my personal favorites. Its layout lent perfectly to the Capture-the-Flag game mode which we primarily played when on this map. The many paths one could take to and from the objective created tense situations at all times – not knowing where the enemy could come from, while trying to find the perfect route to your objective. Turbine also happened to be the most visually stunning of the locations we sampled. However, I was generally impressed anywhere we played. There were no maps whatsoever (of the six that we tried anyway) that I would have put on my “ignore” list.

    Now, I’ll admit that within the several hours of time I spent with Black Ops 2, I was unable to get any indication as to what sort of connection or network issues might pop up once millions of gamers get their hands on it this fall. I also cannot tell you if any particular class set-up is unbalanced or unfair, as all that will be discovered in due time. But in all, Black Ops 2 filled me with enjoyment and satisfaction on many fronts – more so than any of the more recent Call of Duty titles. Will it surpass WaW, MW2, BO1 and MW3? I think yes. Will it surpass the original, highly-acclaimed Modern Warfare? Tough to say, but if there is one title to beat it, it would be Black Ops 2.

    I know I’ll be cheering for this guy as best CoD yet when Black Ops 2 hits this November 13, 2012.
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  3. #3
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    Launch trailer

    shit looks too dope

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  4. #4
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    Multiplayer footage

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  5. #5
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    ill buy..i hooked any way and prob buy the one after and the next one after that lol....I dont play much games nowa days been about 9 months since i touched any game. but cant wait to play this

  6. #6
    BuddaHazeMysteryDeepSpace pro.Graveface's Avatar
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    its in 3d,,, waiting on declassifeid, enthusiastic thread!
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  7. #7
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    more leaks

    map loading images

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  8. #8
    Veteran Member TheFunkyDrummer's Avatar
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    TreyArch's games shit on Infinity Ward's copy paste same formula. Ill buy this for zombies, I like that mode, don't care that its the most overrated franchise. Ill cop this and play zombies at night lol

  9. #9
    Are U aware I ban @ will? MASTER PAI MEI's Avatar
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    I cant wait!!!

  10. #10
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    I preordered it today
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    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    i preordered like two months ago

    i just found out yesterday that Halo 4 comes out today lol - preordered that shit too so i could get the extras

  12. #12
    Balls Deep food for thought's Avatar
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    Theyre doing a Multiplayer gameplay live stream (you can live stream all your games) for this on Thursday at 11 am pacific time

    Ill be watching from work

    If you can’t wait to get your hands on Black Ops 2 on November 13, we have a treat in store for you. It has been confirmed that an official Black Ops 2 live stream event will take place this Thursday, November 8th, offering you two hours of full multiplayer gameplay.

    If you head on to YouTube now, you can probably still watch various leaked gameplay videos, as it’s clear that a lot of you already have your copy and Activision simply cannot remove each video every second. However, one early gameplay preview that will be officially condoned by Activision comes courtesy of IGN and their live stream event this Thursday.

    This will be an unmissable event for all those planning to pick up the game on November 13 and we can tell you that the live gameplay will begin at 11am Pacific Time, ending two hours later at 1pm. For those of you that are in the UK, the event will start at 7PM.

    From the gameplay preview that we played in September, we can definitely say that we’re really looking forward to playing the full package, more so than that of Modern Warfare 3. Treyarch seems to have got a better gameplay blend than Infinity Ward and the fact that Treyarch has access to zombies helps a lot as well.

    The good news is that there are multiple ways to tune into the live stream. You can simply visit their site, or view on alternative places like your Xbox 360, YouTube or even your smartphone if you won’t be at home. Either way, it is not one to be missed.
    Two hours of solid multiplayer gameplay, plus commentary from IGN sounds like a perfect warmup to the full game on November 8. Let us know if you will be tuning in, or if you have been lucky enough to buy the game already.
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  13. #13
    Veteran Member TheFunkyDrummer's Avatar
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    Thx I will be watching this too. Some zombie footage also leaked recently, don't know if you saw it.

  14. #14
    Veteran Member TheFunkyDrummer's Avatar
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    Got this 4 hours ago. I'm going to play it tonight, still haven't opened it yet

  15. #15
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    got home and played Black Ops II for 30 mins and now i think their servers crashed lol


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