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peace to 5%, righteous whites, buddhists, esoterics, native indians, rastas, hebrews, caucasioans and each man woman child in this thread or in the universe for that matter for we all serve a purpose within the master plan.
so how do the all the races stand in the grand scheme of things? truth is before we are body we are soul first, meaning each human has a sphere of awareness - consciousness, we are aware of being conscious. each and every conscious being has the ability to elevate his or her status to divinity/godlihood by living and acting in accordance with the laws and order of the natural world.
let's not forgot that a lot of caucasians got tricked by the devil the same way the blacks were tricked. we are all living in the same gimmick and the same tricks of the devil and are suffering the same outcomes. im talking about the caucasians on the recieving and nbot the creating end of the spectrum!
also it's important to look into the caucasian's man's history to see how all the ancient white tribes evolved into the world we know today. there is a big difference in the slavic and Germanic people for instance and the effect they had on the planet. to further brake it down there is a big difference between the east slavic and the west slavic as well so it all relates we need to know where, why and how we evolved/how the world evolved. study how all the bullshit developed into what it is today and how it came to be and who did it.
the point is the devil tricked a lot of whites as well. the devil tricknowledged everybody we're all caught up in this same puddle. we all also have the ability to rise above our evil self whether white or black and elevate our status to divine or the highest possible level (supreme) at which that human being will live in accordance with the natural world.
the devil exists in lots of blacks as well as whites and other races. the devil is not a man the devil is a state of consciousness. it's the altered, bedazzled, immoral, bastardized state of mind which crystallizes itself into a physical body and immoral physical expressions. if you were born white u needed to be white to make your realization in that type of modalit/expression of the spectrum of reality representing one stripe of the whole piece.
our free will has been abused. devils and gods, plus and minus, ying and yang, black and white the perpetual influx of life yo! at the deepest roots of our inner consciousness we are the exact same being. the drop in an ocean of a body of water. conquer satan within yourself, it exists within everyone, praise the god within yourself which is your righteous ways and actions to make yourself clean! PZ i be civil eye son