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Thread: Why do black people complain about racism?

  1. #31
    420 the Hedgehog JASPER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EAGLE EYE View Post
    Palehorse.. The kind of dude who makes you say the pledge of allegiance before checking out his knife collection

  2. #32
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diggy View Post
    Interesting that ol paley agrees with tsa and tsa calls him a racist.
    did i call him a racist or are you gay?

  3. #33
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EAGLE EYE View Post
    Palehorse... That kind of dude who tries to tell you about his Cash 4 Gold business with coffee breath

    Palehorse that kind of nigga to GET CASH NOW

  4. #34
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Palehorse the type of pre-teen to develop female breasts from respirdol

  5. #35
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    Sorry to interrupt the Paleforce/horse bashing but I will give my 2 p on the subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    The stories below are true events:

    In 2010, I was in NM taking a field course. I encountered a Mexican guy who happened to be a "tough guy". He stood still for a moment in front of me and then said, "Hey! It's a nigger!" I didn't get upset nor angry because that's what he wanted. My classmates looked at me seeing if I would get upset and start a fight. I didn't say anything to him nor to anyone. I simply just walked away. It's life.

    A few days after that, two whites looked at me as if I was going rob or rap a female classmate who I was having a conversation with. I didn't upset because it's life.

    When I was living in NC, there was a KKK march in the community I was living in 1990 (mostly whites, blacks and Mexicans). Everyone in that community went inside and closed their doors. They did that because they didn't want to provide them with the power they wanted. We simply ignored them.

    A few days ago, I decided not to drive to the store because I wanted to walk instead. As I approached the store, I happened to see a black woman getting out of he car to enter the store too. She looks at me as if I were a criminal and then stands still with a nasty look on her face. I said, "Listen, I'm not here to hurt anyone! I'm not going to do anything". Apparently, that put her at ease but the black bitch still was upset!

    I have so many stories I can share but you get the point. It's life. There's no racism. It is what it is.

    I've learned to take things and move on. I understand who I am as an individual.
    Good examples, as a white I don't think there are equivalents to a couple of those. Others scenarios you mentioned might have been influenced by other factors, or maybe not, just speculation on my part.

    Also, on the topic in general, what we need to realise is the simple fact that we are all on this tiny planet together which is out in the universe and nothing out there gives a fuck whether we do or don't like each other so the sooner we start getting along the damn better. This is a realist's solution.

  6. #36
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    Well i do blame racism for the reason why a lot of black men are unemployed because if there were more black men supervisors that there wouldn't be a lot of black men unemployed. But also some of the reasons why black men are unemployed is because they start trouble by bullying good black men that they think are lame and coming to work late. I know these things because i've worked with a lot of black men at my previous jobs and i don't like working with them because of their ignorance. Black men have themselves to blame for killing each other, dropping outta high school, selling drugs and going to prison, having babies outta wedlock, bullying kids at school. They can't blame white people for these problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    The TV dinners I like is macaroni and cheese with fish and rice with chicken and broccoli. I also like Stouffer's microwaved spaghetti.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I also like the food U-God talked about. He said he can cook spaghetti and fried chicken and i would like to taste it to see if he's a good cook. I like spaghetti and fried chicken.

  7. #37
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Charles, i have a question for you, how come the japanese are a thriving nation who had to start from scratch in a little time after the bombing,doing it on the own and yet...blacks still feel.the need to be employed by someone to thrive and get ahead? Do blacks lack the will to self sustain their communities?

  8. #38
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    Well i agree with you that blacks need to own their own businesses instead of working for somebody but a lot of blacks don't have the money to start businesses. Blacks back in the 50's, 60's, 70's had to own their own businesses because whites wouldn't let blacks work for them. Also most black men don't wanna work for low pay and i don't blame them but black men need to go to school to learn some job skills for the jobs that pay good if they don't wanna work for low pay. Most black men don't like school and they don't have the money. So they aren't gonna go to school to learn jobs that pay good.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    The TV dinners I like is macaroni and cheese with fish and rice with chicken and broccoli. I also like Stouffer's microwaved spaghetti.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I also like the food U-God talked about. He said he can cook spaghetti and fried chicken and i would like to taste it to see if he's a good cook. I like spaghetti and fried chicken.

  9. #39
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    See u nailed it where u said alot of black men do not like school or sway away from getting educated,the hood mentality limits the scope of any brother endevourwise, its not a situation about money,its more about values, there are alot of brothers with moneh,drug dealers,atheletes,actors,even professionals who do not value their assets, so they either splurge, stunt or blow it on whores instead of investing, another issue is alot of brothers are easily bought out of their thriving endevours, they have a lack of foresight for the future,they do not hold legacies in high regard...did u know that BET and most hip hop labels are white owned? Do u get what im saying here?

  10. #40
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    Yeah i agree with you. Most black men don't care about a education and therefore that's why so many of them are unemployed. If they would read more and stop speaking street slang and stop being ignorant, they would be successful. They also need to stop idolizing rappers, basketball players, football players, drug dealers and realize that you can get a lot of money by working a regular 9 to 5 job. They also need to stop chasing these stuck up, golddigging, black bitches and you know that's not gonna happen because black men think about sex often hahahahahahahahahaha. That's why they can't stay outta the strip clubs LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    The TV dinners I like is macaroni and cheese with fish and rice with chicken and broccoli. I also like Stouffer's microwaved spaghetti.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I also like the food U-God talked about. He said he can cook spaghetti and fried chicken and i would like to taste it to see if he's a good cook. I like spaghetti and fried chicken.

  11. #41
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    Charles, i have a question for you, how come the japanese are a thriving nation who had to start from scratch in a little time after the bombing,doing it on the own and yet...blacks still feel.the need to be employed by someone to thrive and get ahead? Do blacks lack the will to self sustain their communities?
    The japanese aren't a minority within a country. Their path to development with be different than the african american path. It took the jews thousands of years to master the art of being a minority in a larger context and I personally don't feel that blacks are too far off.

    As it stands, black america has built a nearly self sustaining, highly influential and ENORMOUS economy. If they were to be separated from the US, they would possess an economy greater than Canada. What should be noted isn't that blacks are 'failing' but that the amount of things they've survived and the power the wield today is incredible in context of what they had to content against. Most groups that have faced the same have died off.

    The issues is manufacturing, and farming, which the structures at hard keep blacks away from and blacks themselves haven't made a big enough issue of for things to be revised. The black population is now strong enough to influence legislation and voting in an enormous way. It's what Kanye West wants to be talking about but didn't go to school long enough to understand in full. Hence the album College Dropout. That's what King is talking about here. Hence his album College Completion.

    I think some of you are confusing the subject of this thread. The subject is I don't think we should but so much energy and care into making sure whites like us because it's a futile and childish pursuit.
    Last edited by TSA; 12-07-2013 at 02:16 PM.

  12. #42
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    See u nailed it where u said alot of black men do not like school or sway away from getting educated,the hood mentality limits the scope of any brother endevourwise, its not a situation about money,its more about values, there are alot of brothers with moneh,drug dealers,atheletes,actors,even professionals who do not value their assets, so they either splurge, stunt or blow it on whores instead of investing, another issue is alot of brothers are easily bought out of their thriving endevours, they have a lack of foresight for the future,they do not hold legacies in high regard...did u know that BET and most hip hop labels are white owned? Do u get what im saying here?
    the fallacy in this whole thing is the obnoxious assumption that the entire black population, or even a majority of it, lives in the ghetto and abides by it's completely retarded self contained mores.

  13. #43
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    the fallacy in this whole thing is the obnoxious assumption that the entire black population, or even a majority of it, lives in the ghetto and abides by it's completely retarded self contained mores.
    if u read and comprehended my statement..u would have caught the part where i didn't say all....i saw it coming..

  14. #44
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    The japanese aren't a minority within a country. Their path to development with be different than the african american path. It took the jews thousands of years to master the art of being a minority in a larger context and I personally don't feel that blacks are too far off.

    As it stands, black america has built a nearly self sustaining, highly influential and ENORMOUS economy. If they were to be separated from the US, they would possess an economy greater than Canada. What should be noted isn't that blacks are 'failing' but that the amount of things they've survived and the power the wield today is incredible in context of what they had to content against. Most groups that have faced the same have died off.

    The issues is manufacturing, and farming, which the structures at hard keep blacks away from and blacks themselves haven't made a big enough issue of for things to be revised. The black population is now strong enough to influence legislation and voting in an enormous way. It's what Kanye West wants to be talking about but didn't go to school long enough to understand in full. Hence the album College Dropout. That's what King is talking about here. Hence his album College Completion.

    I think some of you are confusing the subject of this thread. The subject is I don't think we should but so much energy and care into making sure whites like us because it's a futile and childish pursuit.

    which would make it harder for the japanese to build and advance as fast as they having to build an economy as a massive front not just within a country with its own economic power, in other words,my point stands that blacks could have and can still be just as influential as the jews if not for factors i mentioned in my latter statement, another thing is, the economic power most blacks in this country is one way or another tied to the Main stronghold in the US as a whole, no matter how you wanna slice it,theres an element of white money in a black related business, hence why its easier said than done talking about them being a powerhouse as their own entity, their thriving endevours in the current climate has alot to do with whites too,dont get it twisted,if u wanna speak on the main thing blacks are known for..lets start with hip hop, have u been to shows lately, have u been to labels lately, do you know where most rappers,especially the non sambo ones get the most tour money??...ill wait for your answer

    you wanna touch on sports or athletes, do i really need to go into detail here?

    this system is built in such a way that certain elements will always exist in the world of minorities whether they like it or not, blacks, if focused could have easily been on the level of jews here had there not been division within and slave mentality, we can sit here and pretend all day about it but its fact, ive seen black men start movements here trying to do something groundbreaking and all it takes is another black man making videos,going into media etc talking about "im gonna expose him" etc...hell even their media will destroy them before anyone else (check tyler the creator mountain dew commercial), some of their women will also do their part to destroy him if given 5 minutes of fame, my point stands, alot of issues in the black community is lack of value and pride, how many jews do u see on youtube trying to expose another jew for either being gay,a snitch or fake?

    ill wait

    lets pretend what u suggest happens and blacks in america become their own seperate state,country

    theres more to sustaining economic power than just have cold cash, your bargaining chip must have longetivity and yeild enough to hold the whole mass of people your objective is focused upon,selling sneakers and dominating pop culture wont cut it in the real world...these are things any other nation can provide on their own accord, so what exactly would the current generation in the black community provide to the world to build its own country economically, what would be their primary export? who would their primary consumer be? what can be offered to the world in form of international trade that will have other nations investing

    ill wait
    Last edited by RADIOACTIVE MAN; 12-07-2013 at 02:58 PM.

  15. #45
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    Lemme add my two cents, Radioman. There is no other ethnicity that has gone thru what the black man has gone thru in the Americas. Who else was kidnapped and enslaved, forced to live in the land of the slavemasters choice, denied basic human rights and dignities, forced away from families, treated worse than farm animals, told he was less than human because of skin colour by white supremacists, hunted down in the public and lynched, selected for dehumanizing and murderous medical testing like lab rats, had our leaders sniped for trying to raise us out of that, had dogs set on use for demanding human rights, put in lead and asbestus filled schools, had our neighborhoods beside landfills with toxic waste in them, faced systematic oppresion by police, the medical establishment (mentioned earlier), politicians, had laws shaped in favour of getting us locked up for longer time than a white lawbreaker would get commiting the same crime.....????? I could go on. You are being hard and not recognizing how bad we got it.

    Show me some other ethnicity who went thru what we went thru and came thru unscathed. You are holding us up to an iimpossible standard. The djooz did not even get half of what we got. The japanese did not even get 1/4 of what we got. They,. the japanese are a tightly nit group of people who faced a disaster. That is totally different. The djooz are a tightly nit group of people with a strong self identity that underwent a disaster and had the british gov give them a homland in the "middle east' and went to war for them - they had sympathizers.

    Who is the sympathizer of the black people? Which government gives us land? Who goes to war for us against our enemies?

    There is no comparison!!! None!


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