Yeah right LOL. Ironman i'm sure doesn't do that much traveling to visit other cities LOL.
That's Heat, a tranny, and Greg Oden practicing sitting on a bench . He hired heat to tie his shoes so he doesn't get injured again.
CharlesJones you don't think saying a fifteen year old is hot is on the grounds of pedophile? Well let's test your theory, go to your local mall, and a place where lots of teenage girls hang out, say "wow that girl is hot" make sure she looks fifteen, and make sure other people hear you, and let's see if one: you don't get arrested, two: your eye does not get introduced to someone's fist, and three, if you don't get dirty looks.
There are some things you just shouldn't say, and that is one of them.
CJ is out of his mind. How come he hasn't got himself killed yet?
Haha at dudes hating on CJ like they never looked at teen porn in their lives...Most people 'think' that shit but never publicly share it.
Saying that, I still think CJ would probably kidnap a teen and make them tweak his chest nipples while watching 'the roots'.
I feel like CJ is on the verge of turning into Ted Bundy.
We can be pretty certain that CJ has a blue barrel and a shitload of sulphuric acid stocked up in his abode
Charles is a weirdo for sure, but there is a double standard. For example, I saw a lot of adult women saying that wolf dude from Twilight was hot when he was underage, but that isn't looked at as bad for some reason. Also, a lot of women teachers sleep with underage male students, and it's not looked at nearly as bad as the reverse.
Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty
Sometimes I wonder if CJ is just a troll... or an imbecile extreme. Now add I wonder if CJ is a pedo...
Break fast is served
LOL he set himself up good with this one