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Thread: Article on Mangani

  1. #16
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    Stop bullshiting

  2. #17


    I'm going to have to respond to you with the assumption that you have very little education.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    What's a nacionalist
    -A member of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. This is the first political party formed in Puerto Rico, and counted among it's ranks people like Ramon Emeterio Betances, Pedro Albizu Campos, Luis Munoz Rivera, Alfonso Arturo Schomburg, and other historical figures from Puerto Rico who basically established our political system, and greatly affected our culture, and in the case of Schomburg, African American culture as he was the first person to establish a library on African American History.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    to put to be straight forward anti-americans on the island that don't support america but do like there money and name brand toys a lot.
    -Being a Nationalist does not make you anti-American. In fact, the desire and need for a nation's independence is best chronicled in the American example. The Nationalist Party was first headquartered in New York during the time of Spanish colonial rule, and has maintained that headquarters ever since. From New York, Puerto Ricans and Cubans planned with Americans for the fight that would liberate both countries from Spanish colonial rule. At the end of the Spanish American war, the US granted Cuba it's independence, and maintained Puerto Rico and other countries (Guam, the Philipines, etc.) as territories. Nationalism is the desire for a free and independent nation, nothing more. You will also find more Nationalists who are highly educated, and speak English with greater fluency than most Partido Nuevo Progresistas (pro-statehood party), and you will notice even from Hector's post that the greatest argument for statehood is US support, while the greatest argument for Nationalism is independence.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    basicaly puerto rican communist who share ideas with cuban communist on the island and dominican republicans.
    -You will find very few Nationalists who are Socialists as well, as there is also a Socialist Party in Puerto Rico. Nationalists sympathize with Castro in that Cuba is under an embargo from a greater world power, and is the victim of an empire just as any modern colony, particularly Puerto Rico. This sympathy is neither integral to Nationalism, nor part of the tenets of the party.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    ppd the main group responsable for stealing millions of american dollars that were intended for the fixing up of schools,to help drug addicted youth and aids victims,education etc.and who constently blame or attack the pnp partido nuevo progresista pro american party fighting for are rights and democracy (quote me on this the only democracy the puerto rican people know and will ever know) fighting to be the 51st state of the united states of america a country that has given us a lot enough for these asshole to steal and make themselves rich at the same time there in office.
    -Just as a two party system is counterproductive to American political progress, so it is with Puerto Rican politics. The PPD and the PNP are equally responsible for our current state of finance, polarization, and ignorance. The PIP and the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, as well as other pro-independence parties advocate education, independence, and self-determination. We do not "thank" the US for colonialization, but this does not make us anti-American. Pedro Albizu Campos, as I have, served in the US Army. Once an American soldier, always an American soldier. I was sworn to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This vow re-inforced my nationalism, as it is the heart and soul of the Constitution. If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, then the US should be flattered that we would like to follow in their footsteps and become independent and self-determined. Pro-statehooders advocate more dependence, and subserviance to an empire they see as completely beneficial. The US has given Puerto Rico nothing it did not take in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    and the only way we can say thank you is by expressing that we want puerto rico to become a state since spain turned over puerto rico to the united states of america.
    -Puerto Rico was an autonomous province of Spain. The US invaded Puerto Rico, and enacted an illegal occupation which was later justified by the US Congress. In 1917, after a plebiscite in which the majority of the people refused US Citizenship, the US Congress imposed US Citizenship on Puerto Ricans- two months before the US joined WWI. This served to impose the draft on poor Puerto Ricans who had no reason to fight in a world war.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    town know as (el pueblo de los negritos) a community who population consist of majority of black spanish speaking citisens.decendents of slaves who were brought here from africa during the negro slave trade by the spanish from spain.
    -Though this is a poorly written paragraph, I will try to translate through the ignorance and illiteracy. It seems Hector is referring to Loiza, my home town. I don't understand what is the purpose of this paragraph, but the statements should be common sense to anyone familiar with the slave trade.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    the true inhabitants of the island of puerto rico or boriquen are the taino indians who fought against the spanish and the carib indians(tribe of cannibal indians that lived in the caribeans and navigated its islands). By hector laboy alvarado jr.
    -I also don't understand the purpose of this paragraph. In fact, Loiza is named after Yuisa, a Taino princess. She married a Spaniard and together they established the town of Loiza which became a safe-haven for escaped slaves (both Taino and African). The Tainos did not fight the Spaniards. In fact, "Taino" means "peace", and the indians were Arawak like the Seminoles of Florida. The tri-king Kingdom consisted of Aiti in the island of Hispaniola (Haiti and DR) which they called "Quisqueya", Agueybana in Puerto Rico which they called Boriken, and the Ciboney of Cuba (amongst many other Arawakan Cuban caciques, Ciboney being the largest). Aiti was the head of this confederation of Caciques, and there were many others on each island. There was a Taino revolt in the 1500's in which they joined their more martial neighbors, the Caribes, to try to overthrow the Spaniards. Today over 70% of the Puerto Rican population have Taino mitochondrial DNA as the Spanish did not at first bring females with them on their voyages.

    If Hector wants a battle of wits, he can have one. If he wants a battle on wax, bring it. I am humble when I need to be, but will humiliate others when they need to be put in their place.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    He's asking you the transition between you being a ppd and becoming a nationalist.
    I am not a PPD. Thanks.

  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    Fucken anti-american comunist motherfuckers
    no se muelde la mano que te alimenta.
    Don't bite the hand that feeds me? I feed myself. I'm a grown man, and I trust in the ability of Puerto Ricans to govern themselves. Your position is that the US is somehow more evolved and more capable of governing Puerto Rico. You don't understand that your position is derogatory to Puerto Ricans.

  5. #20
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    Thats true you climb trees pick coconuts and bananas and shit.jane me tarzan shit.

    And where did you get your information from a spaniard.
    That shit you wrote above is funny you actually think you know something
    look at a map of puerto rico son.at the land mass do you think puerto rico could survive as a nation without the help of america and the amercian citisens of different cultural denominations.
    And about loiza that i noticed that the black community segregates itself from other social groups on the island.
    The tainos didn't fight the carib or the spanish they became chiefs by throwing raspa yuca contest,the one that peeled the most yucas became chief.
    Lets talk about haiti and dr.(dominican republic)
    what mangani is not telling you drunken monk is that the haitian people are the decendents of the carib indians cannibal tribe man eaters,human meat eaters,human sacrifice and that d.r. And haiti are on the same island and that the spanish black dominican community discriminate against the haitian population and treat them like slaves and that both practice haitian voodoo or what latinos call brujeria or santeria.and that the carib indians were black indians of a black skin color.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    I'm a born american of the united states of american and don't have to listen to this comi shit.
    And hip-hop started in the united states of america
    eastcoast kid
    so babalu ayae your ass back to africa
    and please refer to me as lord hza when you address me.
    Then quit repping Puerto Rico.

  7. #22


    I left this post here to showcase your ignorance.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    Thats true you climb trees pick coconuts and bananas and shit.jane me tarzan shit.
    -This is what pro-statehood "puerto ricans" do- they either resort to name calling, or the racist within them comes out, or both.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    look at a map of puerto rico son.at the land mass do you think puerto rico could survive as a nation without the help of america and the amercian citisens of different cultural denominations.
    -Puerto Rico has traditionally held one of the highest GDP's in Latin America, and is among the highest for a country of it's size. There are hundreds of independent nations similar in size to Puerto Rico that survive without dependence. I believe the educated of Puerto Rico can develop ways for self-sustainment. I also believe that people who don't believe in self-determination should move out of Puerto Rico and get on welfare.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    And about loiza that i noticed that the black community segregates itself from other social groups on the island.
    -Loiza is not segregated by choice. It is the least developed municipality in the most urban area of the island. If you think that is self-imposed then you must be ignoring the obvious facts.

    Quote Originally Posted by HZA HECTOR View Post
    what mangani is not telling you drunken monk is that the haitian people are the decendents of the carib indians cannibal tribe man eaters,human meat eaters,human sacrifice and that d.r. And haiti are on the same island and that the spanish black dominican community discriminate against the haitian population and treat them like slaves and that both practice haitian voodoo or what latinos call brujeria or santeria.and that the carib indians were black indians of a black skin color.
    -I think it's obvious Hector has a problem with people of African ancestry. He might just hate himself...

  8. #23
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    mangani peace

    ete weon dunnot about whats respeto

    hzactors shit

  9. #24

  10. #25
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    Yah thought i was dead then like a revengful ghost i appeared again.

  11. #26
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    in street slang means
    because a torro has horns and has to do with the quelnos
    por que se lo pegaron
    that what happens when
    sore losers
    thats what happens
    when you tangle wit the devil

  12. #27
    Strider Hiryu RagnaroK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WuLatino- MANGANI View Post
    I trust in the ability of Puerto Ricans to govern themselves
    Im not into politics nor Im here to argue I just wanted to do this post and leave

    Puerto Rico population almost reach the 4 million last year i saw an article on the newspaper "EL Nuvo Dia" that more than 2 million Puertorriqueños are on food stamps
    that means that more than half of Puerto Ricans don't have jobs and I don't use the term unemployed because a great % of those 2 million have never work on their life some of them even quitted their jobs to get free money

    and that # continues to increase you wanna know why because those people grow accustom living life without work never making any effort to find a job or even a simple par time now you have those people on food stamp for their entire lifetime when those people become fathers and mothers they will quickly add those children into the benefits to get more money now these children are raised in that environment where they were never taught what hard work is so once those children become adults become fathers and mothers themselves they will go straight into the Family Department to get food stamps with their names on it so now it becomes a circle with each generation becoming less & less educated without any dreams of their own without any desire to get a degree on the university to the point where they don't know their own addresses their own social security # or the simple difference between credit & debit
    (I know what Im talking about because I work with them)

    my point is for an independent country one of the most important things for it to prosper is a population that can produce for that country you can't have a country where half of its population are uneducated and lazy another thing is IF PR ever reach independence that other half "the working class" will go straight into American soil you'll end up with nothing to support the country

    thats 1 of the many things that I think PR can't become independent
    not to mention the corruption of politics that will certainly increase and the incoming internal battle for the control of the country
    remember some people will use independence to gain power
    Last edited by RagnaroK; 05-05-2010 at 04:21 PM.
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  13. #28
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    yo mangani where u at?

  14. #29



    To answer your question, my brother, DJ Tito (aka DJ Tito Cacoteo), is the owner/CEO of cacoteoradio.com/cacoteo.com

    At one point I owned cacoterecords.com, but took it down last year.

  15. #30
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    gracias por la respuesta bro, cheque tu mail


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