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Thread: Why Do White People want be Native Americans?

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by APOLLO STASH View Post
    maybe it sounds cliche because it's simple and straight to the point. i'm not with you or against you.

    there's an innumerable amount of cultures out there with many different people that are part of them. it's impossible for strip this planet of culture and i highly believe you can't prevent it from happening again if you start fresh.

    so being that we currently live in this culture filled planet, we might as well learn to unite through accepting other people's preferences. doesn't mean you have to, and you don't have to take part in any one else's culture...but if you wanna be a highly effective, interdependent being, why not accept their inevitable differences and build on it?
    I'm perfectly fine with recognizing, understanding and accepting cultural norms and practices. But.. I am curious though of how humanity would operate/react in the event - if all of it was stripped over night on a global or micro scale. Maybe it's curiosity or an engineer's perspective of making things work and move more efficiently.. I dunno... However the amount of science journals I've read (leisurely - in my spare time) and developments in the transhumanism movement has left me very optimistic (70%), and then (30%) pessimistic. WE have so much potential, but it's being smoldered like a fire.

  2. #32
    Local 363 APOLLO STASH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARPATH View Post

    Kids found out she was a Native and started teasing her.

    Speaking from experience, I'd say that's more likely to be the case here.

    Yes there are racist parents out there.....and yes children pick up the attitudes of the parents....

    But, why teach your kids your racist view points then send them to a primarily white school?

    The parents tried to get the school to be more sensitive in what they were teaching, and the school retaliated. The kid was sensitive enough to know something wasn't right.

    but the event was innocuous. it's for kids. maybe if it was a community center gathering filled with a bunch of immature adults only there for food and drinks and calling each other ridiculous made up Native names the parents could protest.

    the school didn't contribute anything positive to the situation either with their out of line retaliation. everything could have just been handled totally differently without anyone feeling angry.

    Quote Originally Posted by EAGLE EYE View Post
    I'm perfectly fine with recognizing, understanding and accepting cultural norms and practices. But.. I am curious though of how humanity would operate/react in the event - if all of it was stripped over night on a global or micro scale. Maybe it's curiosity or an engineer's perspective of making things work and move more efficiently.. I dunno... However the amount of science journals I've read (leisurely - in my spare time) and developments in the transhumanism movement has left me very optimistic (70%), and then (30%) pessimistic. WE have so much potential, but it's being smoldered like a fire.
    i know what you mean with the engineer's perspective. and your last line is very true. but it starts with people changing themselves for the better first, then the interdependence comes naturally.

  3. #33

  4. #34
    Local 363 APOLLO STASH's Avatar
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    people have nothing better to do

  5. #35


    I just realized something. All this pc bullshit is grinding us down to the point where one day we'll all be stale and hollow and boring, just a bunch of robots who better watch what they say or be deactivated by society. Scary thought. Here's a meme to cheer me up.

  6. #36
    Local 363 APOLLO STASH's Avatar
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  7. #37

  8. #38
    Local 363 APOLLO STASH's Avatar
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    ^^^^ wow...

  9. #39

  10. #40
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    This thread never ends

  11. #41
    Local 363 APOLLO STASH's Avatar
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    just like racial issues

  12. #42
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    --- Bundy Supporters Drove ATVs Through Native American Ruins

    If there's one thing that will get your point across and persuade the general public to support your cause, it's driving a bunch of ATVs through Native American ruins and burials.

    That seems to be the logic used by anti-Bureau of Land Management, pro-Cliven Bundy protestors who drove ATVs through a Utah canyon trail where motorized vehicles are banned. The rally was organized by Phil Lyman who, believe it or not, is actually a commissioner of San Juan county, home of Recapture Canyon. Hundreds of years ago, it was also home to the Puebloans, as evidenced by the ruins of their homes dug into the canyon rock. It is currently on federal land.

    In 2007, an illegal ATV trail was discovered, sections of which ran right through some of these archaeological sites. The BLM then ruled that motorized vehicles were illegal in the canyon, and ATV and anti-federal enthusiasts have protested ever since -- well before the Bundy Ranch debacle.

    "For 130 years people have been using that canyon as a highway," Lyman told the Salt Lake Tribune, apparently not realizing that 130 years ago, motorized vehicles were only just being invented and were certainly not in mainstream use.

    Bundy Ranch put squabbles with the BLM in the national spotlight, and so Lyman's rally for the right to potentially destroy Native American artifacts brought several Bundy supporters -- including Bundy's son, Ryan. Also people wearing camouflage and a guy with an assault rifle, according to the Tribune. There were also American flags, which makes no sense.

    Both the BLM and the sheriff's department came to the rally, but whatever skirmishes the ATV riders were anticipating/hoping for didn't come to pass. The BLM simply recorded the proceedings to prosecute offenders later. The sheriff's deputies said they were only there to keep the peace, and any punishment would have to come from the BLM, since "they're the ones that closed the road." Thanks, deputies.

    Lyman won't have to worry about any federal repercussions, as he ultimately did not drive on the trail. Bundy did ride on the illegal trail, but I guess he doesn't think there will be consequences for his actions for some reason.

    A Navajo Warrior ceremony for returning veterans was scheduled for the area that weekend, but the rally forced organizers to reschedule it for October. So the rally was a slap in the face of Native Americans from the past and the present.

    "Damage to archaeological sites is permanent and the information about our collective past is then lost forever," said Jerry Spangler, director of the Colorado Plateau Archaeological Alliance. "It is sad that irreplaceable treasures of importance to all Americans would be sacrificed on the altar of anti-government fervor. It is worse that protesters would be so blinded to their own insensitivity as to what others consider to be sacred treasures of their past."

  13. #43


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