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Thread: The Black Man's 10 Job Commandments...

  1. #16
    Don't grab my jacket dunn Hollow Dartz's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Cabin near Crystal Lake
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    LOL reminds me of CharlesJones
    Only a few years ago Hip Hop purists may have felt superior listening to hard core while their less enlightened companions snacked on commercial rap. As Shaolin research began to point out the overwhelming benefits of raw production, true hip hop enthusiasts started turning back to traditional styles. Wu-Tang in particular, has been shown to myriad beneficial effects, from warding off ignorance and poverty to reducing the risk of incarceration and death.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Cleveland, Ohio
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    LOL@Sweet Tartz hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Check Two, that black guy you're talking about that lives in your apartment, you know he's getting government money if he isn't working and he does nothing all day. Now see people like that don't need to be getting government money and he needs to be working. It pisses me off that unemployed people like me want a job and I can't get one and I might have to possibly depend on government money to survive. Then you got lazy people that don't work and they can get government money when they shouldn't be getting it. I bet if their government money gets cut off, they'll try to find a job. I have a excuse for wanting to get government money because I have a learning disability which is preventing me from getting a job.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    The TV dinners I like is macaroni and cheese with fish and rice with chicken and broccoli. I also like Stouffer's microwaved spaghetti.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I also like the food U-God talked about. He said he can cook spaghetti and fried chicken and i would like to taste it to see if he's a good cook. I like spaghetti and fried chicken.


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