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Thread: my take on the sith and unlimited power

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    Default my take on the sith and unlimited power

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman yeah thats the sith im talking about i studied it and its the complete opposite of zen but it played a big roll in helping me become a zen master and the sith in me is dormanant but i can sometimes feel its energies. imagine what emotion he most be feeling in order to be making a face like that and to be thrusting the sword like that. its even cooler if you watch the movie. i am capable and well adept at emotions like that if i choose to bring them out
    December 4 at 1:11pm · Edited · Like · 1

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman but my zen is always in control and im carefull of the sith cuz it wants control too but i defeated it a long time ago and it works for me!
    December 4 at 4:03pm · Edited · Like · 1

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ive always been a lover of philosophy!
    December 4 at 1:14pm · Like · 2

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman in zen the purpose is to silence your mind. in the sith the purpose is to use your passions and shit for power and the sith are all about gaining power thats what they are all about............
    December 4 at 2:28pm · Edited · Like · 1

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman the sith code:
    December 4 at 2:27pm · Like · 1

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The Force shall free me.
    December 4 at 2:28pm · Like · 1

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman end sith code
    December 4 at 2:28pm · Like · 1

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman this pic i believe is from the time that i got all into the sith and at first it consumed me! the good ting about it was that it burnt away all my negative emotions and shit completley and made me strong. i no longer got sad, i got angry. heres a pic from about the time when the sith cosumed me can you see it in my eyes? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=1&theater
    about 2009
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman with James Rainerson
    about 2009

    December 4 at 2:31pm · Like · Remove Preview

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman i can
    December 4 at 2:31pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman the energy and power of the sith is one of the reasons why im so confident but there are others
    December 4 at 2:33pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman of course when i studied the sith i wanted to use it for good so i only used the parts that i thought were good and i threw away the rest but that still some powerfull ass shit!
    December 4 at 2:33pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman this shit is real too!
    December 4 at 2:34pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman but im a good boy i really am one of the most decent people you will ever meet atleast till the wrong person fucks with me then i can get crazy in an instant with the full power of the sith. ive lost my temper and scared true ass gangsters before but i never loose my temper i really never do unless its full on fight or flight. because of zen i have the ability to stay calm when others are loosing their temper but there is a point of no return
    December 4 at 2:37pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman "The tenets of the Sith are more than just words to be memorized. Learn them, understand them. They will lead you to the true power of the Force; the power of the dark side."―Qordis[src]
    December 4 at 2:40pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman "Conflict forces one to better oneself. It forces change, growth, adaption, evolution… or death."―Yuthura Ban
    December 4 at 2:41pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman "It is our goal to be stronger, to achieve our potential and not rest upon our laurels. We are the seekers, not the shepherds."―Yuthura Ban
    December 4 at 2:41pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman "Without strife, the victory has no meaning. Without strife, one does not advance. Without strife, there is only stagnation."―Yuthura Ban
    December 4 at 2:42pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman "One who has freed themselves from all restrictions has reached perfection… their potential fulfilled. Perfect strength, perfect power, perfect destiny."―Yuthura Ban
    December 4 at 2:42pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “What truly differentitiates the Sith from the Jedi is our philosophy-and our way of understanding the Force.”
    -Darth Talon
    December 4 at 2:43pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “Art embodies the thought and philosophy of a civilization. Gives it a form.”
    -Darth Talon
    December 4 at 2:43pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “Darkness calls to darkness. It calls to you. You can feel it like a heart beating within this temple. How will you respond?”
    -Darth Talon
    December 4 at 2:43pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Equality is a perversion of the natural order!…It binds the strong to the weak. They [the weak] become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They [the strong] suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.”
    -Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:44pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “Equality is a lie…A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow—those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence”
    -Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:45pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “I can feel your anger. It gives you focus, makes you stronger.”
    -Darth Sidious
    December 4 at 2:45pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman funny i would choose those quotes about equality cuz i treat everyone equally but deep down do i really or is it that im just nice?
    December 4 at 2:46pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “Do you feel it? Do you feel the power of the dark side? The only real power! The only thing worth living for! Do you feel invincible? Invulnerable? Immortal? Are you ready to kill a world?”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:47pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “I know many rituals. Many secrets. And I have the strength to use them.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:47pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “Power is only a means to an end. It is not an end in itself.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:49pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “Few beings in this galaxy ever get what they truly deserve.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:51pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “You did what was necessary to achieve your goal. You showed the power and the strength of will to destroy those who stood in your way. You saw what you wanted and you took it, no matter what the cost. You acted like a Sith.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:52pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman i sacrificed everything for rap like a sith and i did it from the shadows. my goal is global domination!
    December 4 at 2:53pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “Information is a commodity. It can be traded, sold, and purchased. And in the end, credits are only as valuable as the secrets they can buy.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:54pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The Force manifests itself in many different ways. Every individual has strengths and weaknesses – talents the excel at and others that are more difficult.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:54pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “To unleash your full potential you will have to do much of the study and research on your own. It will be… perilous.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:57pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The future is never static. It is constantly shaped by the Force… and those with the power to control the Force.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:58pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The weak will always be victims. That is the way of the universe. The strong take what they want, and the weak suffer at their hands. That is their fate; it is inevitable. Only the strong survive, because only the strong deserve to.
    I know what it means to suffer. I used to be a victim. But I refused to accept my lot in life. I made myself strong. Those who are victims have no one to blame but themselves. They do not deserve pity; they are victims because of their own failures and weaknesses.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:59pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The dark side will devour those who lack the power to control it. It’s a fierce storm of emotion that annihilates anything in its path. It lays waste to the weak and unworthy. But those who are strong can ride the storm winds to unfathomable heights. They can unlock their true potential; they can sever the chains that bind them; they can dominate the world around them. Only those with the power to control the dark side can ever truly be free.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 2:59pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The power of the dark side is strongest if it is concentrated in one vessel. Not spread out among many.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 3:00pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “A Sith knows when to unleash the fury of the dark side and when to hold back. Patience can be a weapon if you know how to use it, and your anger can fuel the dark side if you learn to control it.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 3:00pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “Those who follow the dark side see the truth of their enslavement, We recognize the chains that bind us and hold us back. We believe in the power of the individual to break these chains. That is the path to greatness. Only if we are free can we reach our full potential.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 3:01pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The belief that an individual must not bow down before anyone or anything is the dark side’s greatest strength. But it is also our ultimate weakness.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 3:02pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “To understand the dark side you must suffer through hardship and struggle.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 3:02pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The strength of the dark side lies with the power of the individual. The Force comes from within. You must learn to draw on it yourself. I will not always be there to teach you.”
    ~Darth Bane
    December 4 at 3:02pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The galaxy writhes in chaos and disorder. It requires a man of vision. I am that man of vision.” ~Darth Krayt
    December 4 at 3:10pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “You’re afraid that my words might be true. That the dark side doesn’t corrupt in and of itself. That you’re destined to become the next Sith Lord… Because if it is true, you have to make a decision, choosing between your life as it is—comfortable, but almost purposeless—and life as you know it should be.” ~Lumiya
    December 4 at 3:11pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “I take what I desire! I am the living Lord of the Sith! This is not the truth and it is not my destiny! I forge my own way, I walk a new path, and if you will not serve me, be gone!” ~Darth Krayt
    December 4 at 3:12pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “Wealth and material goods mean nothing to me. I crave only power and purpose. With power, anything you want or need can simply be taken. With purpose, your life has meaning.” ~Darth Cognus
    December 4 at 3:13pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish.” ~Darth Revan
    December 4 at 3:14pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “All that talk of hatred, manipulation, and standing on your own two feet—sorry, you don’t get any more Sith than that.” ~Atton Rand
    December 4 at 3:15pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards.” ~Darth Traya
    December 4 at 3:15pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “What we pretend to be we often become.” ~Darth Krayt
    December 4 at 3:16pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman in the end of star wars both the sith and the jedi had been destroyed and the new jedi order was much different than the old one, in the next post take a look on the part entitled dark side
    December 4 at 3:33pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman this next one i gotta break into a bunch of pieces
    December 4 at 3:37pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman -----------------begin"Common
    Misconceptions of the New Jedi Order"----------
    December 4 at 3:38pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Common
    Misconceptions of the New Jedi Order

    guardians of the peace and protectors of the Old and New Republics
    and the Galactic Alliance, the existance, history and dogma of the
    Jedi Order is a well known topic of discussion. In fact many in the
    galaxy believe they know the ways of the Order inside and out as well
    as any Jedi. However, like all things, the way of the Jedi has
    changed considerably over the millenia, and the New Jedi Order
    especially has often been prone to misconceptions on the true ways of
    the Jedi.

    the Clone Wars and the Jedi Purge, the ways of the Jedi Order were
    lost for decades before eventually being rediscovered by the
    resurgent New Jedi Order, under the guidance of Master Luke
    Skywalker. However, Skywalker himself established the New Jedi Order
    on principles that vastly differ from those that most believe the
    Order still operates under - a flawed mentality and philosophy that
    led to the downfall of the Old Order, and a stereotype the Jedi still
    fight to break free from. In this article I aim to cover the common
    misconceptions regarding the New Jedi Order, and shed some light on
    the true path of the Jedi in modern times.
    December 4 at 3:38pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Role

    the Jedi Order were considered guardians of Peace and defenders of
    the Republic, as well as scholars and diplomats. In times of great
    difficulty, the Order would sometimes intervene more forcefully,
    though they were always reluctant to become involved in conflicts.
    This attidue, however, often was frowned upon by others, who beleived
    the Order intervened late, and left the dirty work to the good
    citizens of the Republic they apparently served. Throughout history,
    more resentment was bred towards the Order then respect for their

    New Jedi Order, on the other hand, is far more active day-to-day.
    Gone are the eras of the Jedi sitting in their temples meditating. A
    Jedi is expected to be at the Galactic Alliance's disposal, actively
    serving to protect the good people of the galaxy from darker threats.
    Jedi are often called upon as diplomats and scholars, but moreso now
    they are also involved in directly intervening in conflicts as
    serving alongside the Galactic Alliance's military forces when need
    be. The Jedi still maintain bastions of knowledge and learning, but
    the vast majority of the Order is scattered throughout the galaxy,
    actively seeking knowledge or setting things to right.

    addition to these greater acts, the modern Jedi is also expected to
    perform smaller acts of kindness. Many Jedi assist remote communities
    by ways of delivering store of food, or assisting to erect shelter.
    Others serve to police dense, overpopulated worlds, uprooting crime
    where the arm of the law does not reach. Compared to the old Order
    ,the Jedi is seen more frequently and is prepared to assist wherever
    and whenever possible.
    December 4 at 3:39pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Training

    method of training for the Order of old was a very strict process,
    taught from a very young age with high standards and even greater
    expectations. Jedi could only begin their tutelage if they were found
    to be Force Sensitive before a very young age in order to minimalise
    emotional attachments. These younglings were then assorted into
    clans, which were overseen by fosterers and monitored as they studied
    the core basics of Jedi training to discover their affinity. As these
    students grew into maturity, their individual strengths and
    weaknesses would be further trained in preparation for when they
    became a Padawan learner. Under the guidance of a single Master who
    would take no other student, the Padawan would then learn greater
    mastery of the Force, build a lightsaber and study the Seven Forms of
    Lightsaber combat.

    strict and disciplined, the old way of teaching left much to be
    desired - many Force Sensitives were discovered too late, leaving
    their talents unharnessed. The strict regimen of Jedi training on
    younglings and initiates proved to be highly demanding, and many a
    student broke under the pressure and was removed from the Order.
    Others still fell despite their training, feeling stifled by the
    dogmatic approach of the Old Order.

    contrast, the New Jedi Order is far more lenient. There is no minimal
    age for joining the Order, nor are students expected to remain in the
    Jedi temples for the entirety of their initial tutelage. Initiates
    are often encouraged to go out into the galaxy and explore. Others
    are tasked with solo missions and expected to learn through action.
    The rank of Padawan still exists, but being trained by a Master is
    not a prerequisite of ascension to Knighthood - it is only an option
    of a more familiar approach to training. The Masters of the Order are
    expected to guide their students to the right path, not force them
    onto it.

    students are also advised to find their own path in training - each
    temple is equipped with numerous chambers that have various training
    obstacles and apparati that all students have free access to at any
    time. Great stone blocks on sleds, thin poles over padded flooring,
    open areas equipped with low-powered blasters and training sabers are
    just some of the facilities readily available to Masterless Jedi. In
    addition, all students have access to the knowledge of the Jedi
    Archives, including many holorecords of training exercises, breathing
    techniques, history lessons and discussions on various philosophies.
    There are an infinite number of ways a Jedi can increase their
    knowledge independant of a senior member, though it is still
    recommended a student regularly 'touch base' with a senior member to
    ensure they are on the right path.
    December 4 at 3:39pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Attachment

    old Jedi Order frowned heavily upon the idea of emotional attachment
    - the primary reason for only accepting students below a certain age
    was to minimise the emotional bonds one could form before beginning
    their training, and thereby maintain a sense of objectivity when
    dealing with all matters. It was also the opinion of the Order that
    close friendship and relationships were detrimental to a Jedi, as
    they posed a heavy risk to the Jedi of falling to the Dark Side. As a
    result, many Jedi took these dogma to an extreme, leading to a
    somewhat lonely existance, even within the halls of the great
    temples, surrounded by fellow Jedi.

    New Jedi Order discarded this mentality completely, and in many ways
    actually encourage a Jedi to form such bonds. Recognizing that
    companionship, friends and even lovers are in fact natural, healthy
    things for all beings, and that a Jedi cannot face all challenges
    alone has been a core aspect of the new teachings. As such, many Jedi
    in the Order today are in committed relationships, or have many
    contacts throughout the galaxy. Many travel with companions freely,
    though all are taught to be aware of their own emotions clouding
    their judgement. A Jedi must still recognize that their duty comes to
    the Order first and foremost, and that there is no shame in stepping
    aside when they feel their objectivity is compromised. Great trust in
    one's peers is reinforced from the start of a Jedi's training,
    teaching that one's own personal strengths and weaknesses can be
    complemented by one's peers, and to trust in teamwork and one

    Jedi pursue romantic relationships both within and out of the ranks
    of the Order, and the Council does not restrict this behaviour. If a
    Jedi is seen to be consorting with someone the Council deems risky to
    the Jedi's wellbeing, they will offer their counsel to the Jedi, but
    never force the breaking of a relationship like the Old Order was
    known to do. It is the view of the Order that even the most dangerous
    of lovers can be guided and healed with the aid of the Jedi they are
    partnered with, and that it is in fact a natural and healthy
    progression of the relationship to redeem the fallen.
    December 4 at 3:40pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman freedom

    the Ruusan Reformations, the Old Jedi Order followed much more
    informal guidelines in all aspects - similar guidelines the New Jedi
    Order now follows once more, though not in all aspects. One of the
    greatest hindrances to the effectiveness of the post-Ruusan Jedi
    Order was the strict hold the Jedi Council held over all members of
    the Order. Almost all decisions had to be ruled upon by either the
    High Council or one of the three lesser Councils, leading to lengthy
    discussions and slow reactions. Jedi members often avoided the
    Council or the Core Worlds to escape this process, leading in a
    increasing rift directly proportionate to a Jedi's distance from the
    Core Worlds.

    High Council f the New Jedi Order follows the old, pre-Ruusan
    mentality of ruling only on more important matters that may effect
    the entire Order, and serving otherwise as an advisory body to
    members. of the Order. Jedi are not required to stand before the High
    Council to be tested or promoted to the rank of Knight - these duties
    are expected of members of the Order in the field. Jedi Masters are
    officially recognized by the Council in some form - though official
    ceremony is rare. Furthermore, local matters are trusted to be
    handled immediately by the attending member of the Order, rather then
    requiring a Council ruling one way or the other - however, the
    Council will offer guidance and advice if required.
    December 4 at 3:41pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman The
    Dark Side

    Old Order's beliefs regarding the Dark Side of the Force are rather
    well-known and well-documented - thousands of years of fighting the
    Dark Side left many accounts of the beliefs of some of the greatest
    Jedi behind for us to study, however it seems the dogmatic beliefs of
    the Order are often at odds with the reality of historic events.
    Despite many, many practitioners of the Dark Side being redeemed to
    the Light Side of the Force, the Order maintained that true
    redemption was impossible - even in his infinite wisdom, Jedi Master
    Yoda believed that the taint of the Dark Side would forever one's
    destiny. In rebuttal, many historians believe that Master Yoda was
    somewhat jaded by the events of the Jedi Purge, and held much
    bitterness and resentment that he himself failed to recognize.

    setting this account aside, there are countless other references to
    Jedi who believed - or were made to believe, in some cases - that the
    Dark Side was all-consuming, and redemption was in fact impossible.
    From this mentality, a great fear and paranoia of the Dark Side was
    born, and the Jedi were forever tarnished by their own dogma.

    contrast, the New Jedi Order maintains the belief that redemption is
    achievable, and that even the darkest soul can eventually be turned
    back to the Light. In many cases, redemption has been proven to be a
    baptism by fire of sorts, a powerful and humbling learning experience
    for those who have fallen and returned. The Order also maintains that
    the powerful gifts the Force bestows upon a Jedi - that is, Force
    Powers - are neither dark nor light in their true nature, that it is
    the intent behind the power that is Light and Dark. In the words of
    legendary Master Kyle Katarn; "Remember: abilities are not
    inherently good or evil, it's how you use them."

    The Star Wars RP - Common...
    Common Misconceptions...
    December 4 at 3:41pm · Like · Remove Preview

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ----------------end"Common
    Misconceptions of the New Jedi Order"---------- end
    December 4 at 3:42pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman pay attention to the very last part of star wars new Jedi order misconception that's entitled dark side it says this:
    December 4 at 3:43pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman The Order also maintains that
    the powerful gifts the Force bestows upon a Jedi - that is, Force
    Powers - are neither dark nor light in their true nature, that it is
    the intent behind the power that is Light and Dark. In the words of
    legendary Master Kyle Katarn; "Remember: abilities are not
    inherently good or evil, it's how you use them."
    December 4 at 3:43pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman there you have it i studied the sith the entire time with with good intentions and the new jedi order agrees with me!
    December 4 at 3:44pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman .........
    December 4 at 3:49pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ............
    December 4 at 3:49pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman .........
    December 4 at 3:49pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ........
    December 4 at 3:49pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Mace Windu: In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you're under arrest, Chancellor.
    Supreme Chancellor: Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?
    Mace Windu: The senate will decide your fate.
    Supreme Chancellor: [as Darth Sidious] I AM THE SENATE!
    December 4 at 3:49pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Anakin Skywalker: Is it possible to learn this power?
    Supreme Chancellor: Not from a Jedi.
    December 4 at 3:50pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Supreme Chancellor: Remember back to your early teachings. "All who gain power are afraid to lose it." Even the Jedi.
    Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi use their power for good.
    Supreme Chancellor: Good is a point of view, Anakin. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power.
    Anakin Skywalker: The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inward, only about themselves.
    Supreme Chancellor: And the Jedi don't?
    Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi are selfless... they only care about others.
    December 4 at 3:51pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman Supreme Chancellor: Be careful of the Jedi, Anakin. Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi. Learn the Dark Side of the Force and you will save your wife from certain death.
    Anakin Skywalker: What did you say?
    Supreme Chancellor: Use my knowledge, I beg you.
    Anakin Skywalker: You're the Sith Lord!
    December 4 at 3:51pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman and remember, my studies of the sith helped me to master zen which is like the jedi and opposite of the sith. i have 2 books im gonna read. ones called "the path of the sith" and ones called "the path of the jedi" both have notes that were supposidley scribbled in by who read them. according to those books. master yoda, mace windu, and a bunch of others..........they all read the book "the path of the sith" even the jedi studied the sith so can i.
    December 4 at 3:56pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman IM DEDICATED TO ZEN
    December 4 at 3:57pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman THE END!!!!!!!!!!!1
    December 4 at 3:57pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman “The dark side will devour those who lack the power to control it. It’s a fierce storm of emotion that annihilates anything in its path. It lays waste to the weak and unworthy. But those who are strong can ride the storm winds to unfathomable heights. They can unlock their true potential; they can sever the chains that bind them; they can dominate the world around them. Only those with the power to control the dark side can ever truly be free.”
    ~Darth Bane \
    December 4 at 4:01pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman control it with zen!
    December 4 at 4:02pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman i went to nuclear submarine school and navy nuclear submarines are sith!!!
    December 4 at 4:31pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=3&theater
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 4:32pm · Like · Remove Preview

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman there were 80 of us in bootcamp
    December 4 at 4:32pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=3&theater
    2004 baby i was 19 in this pic and had just graduated high school!
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman
    2004 baby i was 19 in this pic and had just graduated high school!

    December 4 at 4:33pm · Like · Remove Preview

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman like i said, navy nuclear submarines are sith. submariners use something called "sub-fu"
    December 4 at 4:34pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman i will always be part sith but like i said zen is in control and its more complex than that too most people haven't fucked with their minds like they did im a hacker of the mind and proud of it!
    December 4 at 4:35pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman i remain one of the coolest persons ever cause im so nice, honest, fair, ect ect.
    December 4 at 4:41pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 4:43pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman starkiller (the guy with the 2 sabers) was abducted by darth vader when he was a kid and was raised sith. he resisted is master and defeated both darth vader and darth sidious at once. then before he made a final blow he exploded in a poof and was gone forever dead. too much energy or something, too powerfull. what he accomplished was that he gave all the prisoners a chance to escape and this was the birth of the rebel alliance they owe it to him
    December 4 at 4:46pm · Edited · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ..
    December 4 at 5:09pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ..
    December 4 at 5:09pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ..
    December 4 at 5:09pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ..
    December 4 at 5:09pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ..
    December 4 at 5:09pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ..
    December 4 at 5:09pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman ..
    December 4 at 5:09pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman i just came up with a name for this shit "dark zen meditation" cuz the power of the sith that flows through me is silent too. it vibrates at a much more intense frequency than zen and has a different vibration
    December 4 at 5:10pm · Like · 1

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman i can be in one or the other or inbetween
    December 4 at 5:13pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman darth maul meditating
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 5:13pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 5:15pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 5:16pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 5:18pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 5:19pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 5:19pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 5:20pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 5:20pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman what a sad sad story!
    December 4 at 5:20pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman it didn't have to be like that god damn it!
    December 4 at 5:21pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman but anakan did restore order and the new jedi council came to be
    December 4 at 5:21pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman both the sith and the jedi were corrupt. he destroyed them both and everything started over new. he was the chosen one but it wasn't how anybody thought it would be
    December 4 at 5:31pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=3&theater
    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman's photo.
    December 4 at 5:44pm · Like · Remove Preview

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman anakan died and went to heaven
    December 4 at 5:45pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman and what was it all for? because both sides the jedi and the sith have their opposite dogmas and they been fighting forever and ever and ever. the sith lost which is why there were thousands of jedi and the jedi order ruled for thousands of years and the sith mostley all died out and they went down to the rule of two rule: one master and one apprentice. in this way it is possible to defeat anything there ever was or will ever exist and the sith had to pull this takeover of, to take over the entire galaxy, just to prove how powerful they were and to realize it themselves too. such power would be perfection but i would never rely on the devil to get it i rely on my knowledge of both sides and im doing it as im all in just as the sith were when it comes to this rap shit.. what else do i have to show for my life? all my eggs are in one basket and it was supposed to fail but if it works its mastefull and my raps gonna work so fuck all you fuckers im doing shit beyond any of you in my life homies!.........the emperor had a plan so perfect! only a sith lord would ever attempt to pull it off and only a sith lord would be able to pull it off. he had to do it and it was worth dying for... anything less would just be a wannabe sith. anyting else would just have less quality to him. only i would be able to pull off the time it takes to be a good rapper and pull it off too!
    December 4 at 6:01pm · Like

    Jack Zaczkowski Do what you do jerry, be happy
    December 5 at 5:46pm · Like

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman always:P
    December 5 at 5:47pm · Like

    Eric Quast you must have taken a lot of Adderall
    December 17 at 9:09pm · Like · 1

    Jerome Jerry Projectillogic Hickman lol
    December 17 at 9:17pm · Like
    Last edited by project tillogic; 12-30-2014 at 10:00 PM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    the fuck is this ?

  4. #4


    did this guy copy & paste a facebook convo? Wtf

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by LORD NOSE View Post
    the fuck is this ?

  6. #6
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    Why is this thread back up? I deleted this because it doesn't make any sense.



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