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Thread: The Flash (Arrow's Spin Off) - Extended Trailer

  1. #16


    The Flash has, throughout its Season 1 run, revealed a lot of mysteries to the viewer. One such mystery, however, has remained unsolved, until tonight, when the CW released a clip that reveals how all of the prisoners stuck in S.T.A.R. Labs’ high tech facilities are fed each day. As it turns out, the answer is: lots and lots of takeout. Check out the deleted scene, below.

    he deleted scene was originally from tonight’s episode, “Grodd Lives,” and follows a conversation between Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow regarding Wells and his betrayal to the team. Barry’s annoyed at Wells, which has been usual per late, and Caitlin’s notably upset by the news, noting that there have been a lot of bombshells dropped on her at once regarding her once-mentor. But there’s no time to dwell on the fact that Wells is a big baddie from the future who took out the Flash’s own mother, because she has prisoners to feed! The clip comes from E!, who says The Flash ended up having to cut the funny segment due to time constraints.

    It sounds like this is a job that is normally reserved for Wells, but in his absence Dr. Caitlin Snow has taken over the take out orders. That’s right, in order to keep the knowledge of the secretly imprisoned metahumans underwraps, S.T.A.R. Labs has been bringing their prisoners their choice of takeout, seemingly ever day. Just look at that large pile of takeout options. I wouldn't want to be the person footing that bill.

    It looks like The Flash team is extremely accommodating to the baddies that they take down, even giving them various options concerning where they get their takeout. Caitlin totally confirms this later in the clip when she announces some of the prisoner’s eating habits, including the fact that Deathbolt is vegan, which totally fits.
    On the other hand, I now know all the dietary habits of our metahuman inmates. Did you know that the Weather Wizard orders Thai food every day? And that Peekabo loves enchiladas, and Deathbolt is vegan?
    The question of what the prisoners eat has been rolling around the internet since Barry Allen started taking down foes as The Flash, but thankfully, we’ve finally gotten an answer regarding the food query, at least. Now, where the prisoners shower and where they exercise are the only prisoner-related mysteries I’d still like to solve. I mean, hanging out in a tiny box eating takeout everyday can’t be good for your health, right? These might have to be storylines left to future seasons. Still, The Flash has a couple more episodes left this season, and probably a few more surprises up its sleeve.

    The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on the CW, and the show’s season finale—which is expected to come with a “big twist”—will hit the schedule on May 19.

  2. #17

  3. #18


    Flash's Rick Cosnett Previews a 'Very Different' Eddie, 'Emotional' Finale

    The Flash‘s Eddie may have been in the dark about his evil, speedy descendant Eobard Thawne until recently, but his portrayer Rick Cosnett has been in the know about his character’s shady relations for a very long time.

    “I’ve been holding that secret for a while, it’s been rough,” the actor says with a laugh. “We were given a great trajectory of our characters at the beginning [of the series]. … But there’s still a whole lot more to unravel.”
    First, Barry needs to make good on his promise to Iris to find her M.I.A. boyfriend, last seen being taken away by the Reverse-Flash.
    “The gang actually finds Eddie,” Cosnett reveals. “I can’t say what state they find him in, or if they rescue him, but they do find him a very different man than what he was — than what we’ve seen til now at least. It’s a life-changing moment for Eddie.”
    Below, Cosnett previews Eddie’s shifting allegiances, feelings about his and Iris’ future, and the big surprise in store in the May 19 season ender (The CW, 8/7c).

    TVLINE | Viewers know Eddie as a good guy, but given what he’s learned and how much time he’s spending with Eobard, how malleable are his allegiances?
    Very malleable. They are related. They are cut from the same cloth in a sense. … Eddie has a pretty big backbone. He talks back to Eobard. They have the same sort of strength of character underneath it all. Of course, Eddie’s having to deal with so much information at one time. At the moment, his cogs are spinning really fast, and he’s at a crossroads now of what to do, whether he takes this information about Iris and Barry and him not becoming anything in a positive way or a negative way or tries to change things. The power really is in his own hands, but whether Eddie knows that or not, I can’t say.

    TVLINE | Does it inspire Eddie to step up his game, knowing that he doesn’t amount to much?
    Well, it definitely gives him the option. We’re going to see that play out. There’s a big surprise coming up in the finale. I’m a really big part of the whole process. It’s going to be a really cool ending.

    TVLINE | Does finding out that Iris marries Barry make Eddie want to go after her more? Or does he just accept his fate?
    That’s a very good question. I think Eddie always had a sixth sense that they had something, even though he didn’t admit it for a very long time. So this has really just cemented that. He has to make a choice between doing the best thing for Iris and the best thing for himself. What has been so endearing about Eddie is we know that, usually, he will make a very sensible choice. He’s a bit of the voice of reason, I feel like, in a lot of senses. We very much sympathize with him. But things have definitely changed. He’s been down in this dungeon for quite a long time, and he’s had way too much time to think and way too much time to change perspectives. I think people are going to be really intrigued to see where Eddie goes.

    TVLINE | So is the proposal off the table now?
    I hope not. [Laughs] Just because I love Candice [Patton]. You’ll just have to wait and see about that. That storyline is going to unravel as well.

    TVLINE | Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told me there were a lot of tears at the table read for the finale. How worried should we be about Eddie’s fate, considering who currently has captured him?
    [Laughs] It’s a very emotional episode. It’s just been such a huge season. Apparently, it looks amazing. It’s mainly the scenes between Grant [Gustin] and Jesse [L. Martin] that have been the bread and butter of the show. It makes us all just break down and cry every time. It’s really touching. … It’s going to be an awesome finale.

  4. #19


    The Flash's Danielle Panabaker Says She Will Eventually Suit Up

    the Killer Frost suit has already been made, read all about it via the link


  5. #20


    great finale with the heart and surprises the arrow finale lacked

  6. #21
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    Was a good Final With a Look at what Justice League will Be as it ended the way Justice League: War starts

  7. #22
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    i decided to Binge watch the whole first season and i initially was on the fence about this show but i take that back, it's not a cw cheesefest, it actually has a deeper mind-fuckery time travel theme to it, they stayed true to the comic,the whole flashpoint paradox theme was emphasized in this season, i'm hyped for season 2 now


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