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Thread: (Killa Sin) Wu-Tang Clan affiliate gets 16 to life in gun case; maintains innocence

  1. #61
    Peace CT
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    The entire "dont snitch" argument is crap. This aint 'Goodfellas'. Dude is facing life and you call him a snitch for trying to save his own @ss. Unreal. You do what you gotta do for yourself. As far as music, his solo album ship sailed 15 years ago with a bunch of other talented Wu dudes (see Holocaust, Streetlife, etc). So that is the unfortunate part. He still has a ton of KillaArmy material from 3 group albums and the recent guest spots to enjoy. Hope he gets reduced sentence and stops f#cking with the guns. Peace

  2. #62
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    LOL@Check Two and BigKing.nl hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    The TV dinners I like is macaroni and cheese with fish and rice with chicken and broccoli. I also like Stouffer's microwaved spaghetti.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I also like the food U-God talked about. He said he can cook spaghetti and fried chicken and i would like to taste it to see if he's a good cook. I like spaghetti and fried chicken.

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by diggy View Post
    It's snitching cuz he said the guy put a gun to his head. As a street dude, your not even supposed to say that even if it's already on video.

    A real street dude, if caught on camera doing what he should not have been doing, would simply do the time cuz he did the crime.
    Honestly this is just stupid.

    I'm not for snitching (snake style), but I am for defending myself in the right circumstances ( Even if that is considered snitching, but which I consider telling the truth).

  4. #64
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    zooruka, what kind of trouble do you even be getting into? late to bible study?

  5. #65
    PRODIGAL SUN blaksteez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by food for thought View Post
    smh. this nonsense again.

    People march and rally/protest black on crime ALL THE DAMN TIME. in citites ALL OVER THE NATION.


    You never heard of a "stop the violence" rally?

    so get your heard out of your ass and stop talking about shit you dont know.

    Just because you dont know about it, dosent mean it dosent happen.


    Not to mention the number of logical fallacies in this stupid argument.
    You know what?iadmit I went off on a rant there. That's true what you say actually I have heard of the Stop the violence March. But whatever you say will not blot out the frustration and sadness I have for the way us brothers treat each other. look at situation Killasin got in to. Correct me if I'm wrong but that was another brotherright? I don't claim to be an intellectual or I know everything,I was just amping my frustration- maybe some views are flawed but end of the day, I'm just concerned for my people. Everyday where I live , kids as young as 10, and maybe younger getting caught up in this terrible shit. Am sure this is same where you are to???And it's mostly black people, my people. So my heads not as far up my ass as you would like to think. Doesn't sound like you're really concerned with the shit happening to our race.. I know for a fact some people have no choice but to be on street and others just gravitate towards it for whatever reason. Let's not be ignorant and all act as victims without responsibility.
    Watch O.T Genasis interview on hot 97 , he gets grilled for his message in his music and if he's really about it. Hear what he has to say. He's quite honest and he says he wasn't forced to the street , he had a good up bringing. So let's not go on like everyone has no choice or is forced into it.
    Shabbazz , even says he here to horrify street life not glamourise it cos he's been there . Shit I could go n for days about this. But I won't. I Respect you on here , if you respect me. I'm not here to battle. I wanna build and I'm sure that we are On the same page if we look properly at what we are saying or maybe not. ButIf I offend anyone I dont mean to. I'm on the side of the underdog,Make sure you see that what I'm saying is SOME people have a choice and others don't - I'm not having a go at anyone on either side for it-I've been there myself! All I'm saying is , it don't really seem like drastic shit that brothers are dying in black on black crime daily and yes ok ppl March about it but it happens so much, ppl r getting desensitised and thinking its a normal way of life.. Some kids be thinking they won't see 21 so fuk it! Is this the way it's supposed to be? Nope,we got a problem here!!. Peace .. Enough of my rant.. Ill say no more on this subject! One
    Last edited by blaksteez; 05-17-2015 at 02:25 AM.

  6. #66
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    If what KillaSin said was true about that guy putting a gun to KillaSin's head, then why is KillaSin the only guy that we know of who was charged in the incident?

    See, a man facing big numbers is gonna say what he is gonna say to try and avoid the time, but just cuz he says it, does not make it true. Do the crime, do the time.

    Ya know how many criminals are in prison who will say they are innocent of their charges???

  7. #67
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    LOL@Check Two dissing Zooruka hahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    The TV dinners I like is macaroni and cheese with fish and rice with chicken and broccoli. I also like Stouffer's microwaved spaghetti.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
    I also like the food U-God talked about. He said he can cook spaghetti and fried chicken and i would like to taste it to see if he's a good cook. I like spaghetti and fried chicken.


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