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Thread: Weight lifting

  1. #61
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    Danm he indeed got big.

    I think he takes steroids as well... No way he could have become this big in such amount of time.
    Mercury Villager history
    Last edited by beardman; 02-01-2011 at 09:03 AM.

  2. #62
    Suga Duga


    how you doin with the weights guys?

    since I'm with the army I totally changed my workout plan and train 6 times a week, split program.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mason Voorhees View Post
    Also, it doesn't matter the AMOUNT you can lift compared to PROPER FORM. If you're not properly positioning your body in the manner you should be doing, you're not benefiting the muscle to it's full potential by assisting it with 'other' muscles.
    It's a good thing you pointed out the importance of formation. I'm 20 years old and with in the past couple of months was the first time in my life that i ever really picked up a set of weights and really tried to go hard at lifting to build muscle. When ever i would leave the Y, yeah my arms would be burning and all that good shit but i would notice within the past weeks when i would flex i feel an uncomfortable tightness in my upper back (that area just below my neck). Or one arm would feel bigger then the other when ever i'm lifting something at work. If it wasn't for my boy pointing out that i was lifting with such a fucked up posture i would prolly end up looking like a hunch back or something...

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  5. #65
    Are U aware I ban @ will? MASTER PAI MEI's Avatar
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    I work out daily. every single day and cardio after for a half hour.

  6. #66
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    --- Arab female bodybuilder looks abroad for recognition

    Dubai (AFP) - Flexing her muscles in defiance of the Gulf's conservative cultural stereotypes, bodybuilder Haifa Musawi has lost all hope of pumping iron for Bahrain so now is looking elsewhere for recognition.

    The 32-year-old began working out a decade ago after finding a personal trainer to help her overcome obesity -- a widespread problem in the oil-rich region.

    "I had a problem with obesity and I used to like bodybuilding," says Musawi, a square-jawed woman with curly hair pulled back in a tight ponytail.

    As a young girl, she would seek out publications with articles and pictures about bodybuilding.

    "At that age, I didn't have the experience or knowhow to become a bodybuilder," she recalls. "It wasn't easy... bodybuilding for women in our society is rare."

    But "I was at the gym every day and to me it was more important than anything else".

    Musawi's family encouraged her efforts to shed weight and despite worrying about the supplements she took as part of her training programme, she said "they finally accepted" what she was doing.

    Ten years on, Musawi has several certificates from international fitness and bodybuilding associations and has been working as a weights specialist in Dubai, where she trains both men and women.

    In June, she came sixth in the physique category of the International Natural Bodybuilding Association championships, a drug-free competition held for the first time in Dubai.

    Musawi and a Jordanian woman were the only Arab female bodybuilders at the event.

    She is now seeking a pro-card so she can take part in professional competitions around the world and join the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness.

    But Musawi cannot represent Bahrain or any other countries in the Gulf, where there is no national bodybuilding team to represent for women, let alone competitions to enter.

    In October she plans to travel to Portugal to obtain residency and represent the European country, with the help of her Portuguese trainer Andreia Sousa.

    "This is my dream and I want to fulfil it," says Musawi. "If Portugal offers me my dream, then why not? But I hope to represent Bahrain" one day.

    - 'Changed my life' -

    Sousa, who has been Musawi's trainer for more than a year, says that "as an athlete I can understand the passion" and that it is "worthwhile to go on stage".

    "I think Haifa has a lot of talent and... possibilities," says Sousa, who oversees Musawi's rigorous fitness regime and diet, and acts as her manager.

    While more and more Arab women are developing interest in the sport and some come to her, mainly seeking weight-loss training, many are still burdened by "social restrictions", says Musawi.

    She says that many of her male clients also find her "strange" at first but they have slowly become more accepting.

    "I have proved it to them."

    Lifting weights at the same gym is Shaza Jamil, a British-born girl of Yemeni-Pakistani origin.

    "Men usually ask me: 'Why are you building muscles? You're a girl. Why are you ruining your body?' But I am not. I love my body and this is why I do lifting," she says.

    "Society has put in their heads that a woman should not have muscles."

    A relative newcomer, Jamil has already won a silver medal in the bikini category of a British competition after only a year of lifting weights.

    Like Musawi, she took to the sport after struggling with her weight and shape.

    Her mother had first rejected the idea of her going on stage as a bodybuilder.

    "We had drama at home but when she attended the competition and saw how happy I was and that I had won," she began to accept it, says Jamil.

    "It is true we wear bikinis on stage but we do nothing wrong. We just show off our bodies that we worked so hard on," the brunette says, defending the sport which she says has "changed my life".

  7. #67
    Are U aware I ban @ will? MASTER PAI MEI's Avatar
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    I'd smash

  8. #68
    El Don of this shit TAURO's Avatar
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    Nah her shoulders rival mine. I can't have that! lol

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  9. #69
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    Another transgender athlete has come out of the closet and is changing the way that we think about bodies and gender in the traditionally heteronormative sports world.

    Janae Marie Kroc, 42, formerly known as Matt 'Kroc' Kroczaleski, announced her transition on Instagram after a video outing her as transgender began to go viral. According to her website, Kroc is "a world champion and world record holding powerlifter as well as a national caliber bodybuilder" -- and among the strongest athletes in the world. Now, Kroc is sharing her story as someone who, while preferring female pronouns, says she feels both hyper-masculine and hyper-feminine in very different ways.

    Identifying as both transgender and gender fluid, Kroc describes herself as an "alpha male, girly girl, lesbian in a male body." She explained, "I use these descriptors because I feel they most accurately describe who I am, but the reality is that I am very complex and don’t fit into any of the boxes that society attempts to squeeze us into."


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