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Thread: Bizarre info thread

  1. #151
    Terry Cloth Rudolph Joint Sky Blue Bally Kid's Avatar
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    ^No problem, thanks for your contributions also, I had to read up more on that vitrium flexile

    When I'm writing in my room

    It's like a child that's fighting in the womb

    - KP -

  2. #152
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    u know it, more to come

  3. #153
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    Peter the Great executed his wife's lover and kept the head in a jar of alcohol in her bedroom.

  4. #154
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    mental disorders
    foreign accent disorder=a neurological disorder that causes sudden change in speech,the speaker experinces changing in timing,intonation, and toungue placement which makes them sound like they are speaking in a foreign language.
    a notable case is a british woman in 2010 who went to bed complaining of a migraine and woke up the next day speaking in a chinese accent

    -zero stroke-= a mental disorder where you experience dizziness and a desire to write uncontrollable rows of zeros, it affected some german people at a time of hyperinflation in the weimer republic in the 1920s

    -erotomania=is the delusion that a stranger from a higher social status ,like a celebrity is inlove with you, despite not knowing them whatsoever. the sufferer is convinced that the celebrity is trying to communicate with them either via social media or their body language (in 1981, john hickleys erotomania episode with jodie foster led him to trying to assasinate president ronald reagan)

    -alice in wonderland syndrome=a distorted sense of time,body and space,where one percieves body parts shrinking and growing to abnormal sizes,the disorder is thought to be brought on by migraines

    -shenkui= specific to china,the fear that loss of semen will result in lack of positive energy and losing too much could prove life threatning, some men refrain from sex completely

    -capgras delusion- the belief that a family member,pet or friend has been replaced by an identical imposter, frequent with skitzos and occurs in women more than men

    -the glass delusion- where one believes they are made of glass and could shatter at anytime, a notable sufferer of this was king charles the 6th of france

    --cotards syndrome= a disorder when one believes they are dead, victims become disconnected with reality, may believe that some body parts no longer exist and other starve to death because they believe they no longer have to eat.

  5. #155
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    scientists believe dreaming may be an evolutionary technique that helped humanity survive by allowing us to practice responses to threatning situations while we sleep(this would explain why events in our dreams are more threatning that events in our real lives)

    -while we are dream, the part of the brain that determines fight or flight is more active that usual

    -men ofter dream of cars ,weapons and violence while women dream about familiar situations such as workplace and home

    -women's sexual dreams are more likely to involve someone they knew in real life while mens sex dreams tended to be about characters they have invented

    -reportedly 12% of people dream in black and white. research has shown that the type of television watched in childhood determines the color of dream.studies showed that people over 55 who were raised on black and white television often dreamed in monochrome

    -japanese scientists are in the first stages of developing dream reading machines.they created a computer learning algorhythim that could match visualizations with the corresponding brain activity. future benefits of these kinds of machine would be to read the minds of people who couldnt communicate such as people in comas, etc

    -beatles singer paul mcCartney wrote their hit song "yesterday" after hearing it in a dream. scientists found that musicians dream of music twice as much as non musicians.

    -eating stilton cheese before bed was said to cause bizaare dreams like talking soft toys,whilst red leicester cheese causes nostalgic dreams. those who ate cheddar cheese before bed dreamed alot about celebrities

    -those who spend hours playing video games are more likely to be able to control their dreams as both activities require being in an artificial world

    -lucid dreaming can benefit athletic performance, practicing running in lucid dreams strengthen neural pathways making the sport easier by morning

  6. #156
    God Beside Me Guarded By Martyrs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid View Post
    wow. ive had many violent dreams. ive been shot at in them, and its like i feel the bullets are literally hitting me. i feel pain in dreams, sometimes it wakes me up. whenever i die in a dream though, i always wake up. whether its an insane man chasing me with a sledge hammer that catches up to me and crushes my skull or whatever, i usually wake up upon impact, giving no insight of what comes after death.
    You sure about that?

    ....think about it.

  7. #157
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    -reportedly 12% of people dream in black and white. research has shown that the type of television watched in childhood determines the color of dream.studies showed that people over 55 who were raised on black and white television often dreamed in monochrome
    that makes a lot of sense now...

    95% of my dreams that take place in a house, still take place in my childhood home that I haven't lived in for about 15 years

  8. #158
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    in 1968 anneliese michell began to suffer from convulsions and satanic hallucinations,hewr bizaare behavior included biting off the head of a bird and licking her own urine off the floor,undergoing tons of exorcisms,she claimed to be judas and hitler in demonic voices. she died of starvation in 1976 and her parents were convicted of murder because they refused medical treatment for her

    -an indian boy named taranjit singh was adamant that he was a 15 year old boy called satnam singh who came from jalandar, around 60 miles away. an investigating found that a boy named satnam had been killed in jalandar, he was even able to give details of the blood stained books and money that satnam had with him. further investigations determined that both boys had identical handwriting,even though the living boy had barely written before

    -the annabelle doll was given to a nursing student in 1970, and it would be often found in different positions and seemingly able to move into any room in the house , though a medium claimed that the doll was possesed by a harmless child,one man claimed the doll strangled him and slashed his chest leaving deep scratches. now in a museum, visitors have observed movements such as changing hand positions on camera

  9. #159
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    -scientists have proven that masturbation reduces stress, blood pressure, and pain through hormonal tension release,masturbation increases the hormal cortisol which increases self esteem, and strengthens the immune system

    -kelloggs cornflakes were created by john harvey kelogg because he believed eating bland foods would reduce the urge to masturbate . kelogg lead the anti masturbation movement in america and as a doctor worked to rehabilitate masturbators using extreme methods like applying acid to clitoris and applying silver wires into penises to prevent erections


  10. #160
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    -Caligula was famous for incest and trying to make a horse his senator.ordered his soldiers to bring back seashells which he took to rome as spoils of a conquered ocean

    -opus dei is a secret catholic organization with powerful political and religious connections, refuses to publish a list of its 85,000 members

    -ordo tempii orientis is a mystical movement based on the philosophy of thelema with strong connections to the occult

    -beati paoli is a shadowy medival sect of sicilians who fought for the poor. their existence is disputed but mordern mafia trace their origins to the group

    -majestic 12 is an organization set up by president truman to investigate the roswell spacecraft. documents concerning them have been rendered bogus by the fbi


  11. #161
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    #suppressed technologies

    -xa project-safe cigarettes that had most carcinogens removed.big tobacco didnt like that their product was deemed unsafe and xa was discontinued

    -cold fusion- stable form of nuclear energy produced at room temperatures. funding for more tests is hard to obtained cause its deemed junk science

    -chronovisor-allegedly allows user to see back and forth in time.deemed fake by some, it dissappeared and now rumored to be in the vatican.

    -the rife beam- possible cancer curing ray developed by inventor royal rife, He claimed that the american medical association deliberately discredited his device.

    -implosion generators- free energy source based on water vorticles and implosions.inventor viktor schaubergers creation was buried by his US partners.

    -wardenclyffe tower-nikola teslas experiment on wireless electricity, funding for it was withdrawn .investors feared it would lead to free energy and No profits

    -Anti gravity Device-thomas townsend brown created discs that used electrogravitic propulsion. the effects were so impressive they were classified.

  12. #162
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    10 creepiest wikipedia pages
    1.joyce vincent
    2. the flatwoods monster
    4.june and jennifer gibbons
    5.post mortem photography
    7.list of people who have dissappeared mysteriously
    8.black eyed children
    9.coffin birth
    10.shadow person

  13. #163
    Terry Cloth Rudolph Joint Sky Blue Bally Kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    8.black eyed children
    9.coffin birth

    When I'm writing in my room

    It's like a child that's fighting in the womb

    - KP -

  14. #164
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Blue Bally Kid View Post

  15. #165
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    In the 1800's, scientist Karl Weinhold renanimated a dead kitten. He removed the kitten's head and replaced the contents of the spinal column with silver and zinc. This created a makeshift battery that jump started the kitten's heart and allowed him to walk around for several minutes.


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