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Thread: my essay on the meaning of life and the dark side

  1. #1

    Default my essay on the meaning of life and the dark side


    i just figured everything out and its easy. the only reason, and i mean the only reason, why the devil exists in this place is so that we can defeat him that's a part of enlightenment. it is not the case that the devil is not right about certain matters, no no no, he is definitely right about certain things and some things hes either wrong about or mistaken. we are supposed to learn something from our experiences and this fight is why the devil is here. the experience of fighting the devil until eventual defeat creates higher beings which all the chosen shall become. Jesus loves cowards, but I believe they are lesser beings. The highest of all beings dont even need to fight the devil anymore because they have already defeated him in their dimension and/or moved on to a higher one. This process is how they became the beings that they are and that's how I have continued to evolve.

    Peace is a lie.
    There is only passion.
    Through passion I gain strength.
    Through strength I gain power.
    Through power I gain victory.
    Through victory my chains are broken.
    The Force shall set me free.
    –The Sith Code

    Through trouble,turmoil, and wars, such as the war being faught against the devil, strength and knowledge are gained which paves the way for eventual mastery of life and/or victory but in the end god shall be victorious. He chose for all of these to happen, he wants it to happen . War and turmoil are some of the processes that god uses to create higher beings, pick a side.

    “This is a war universe. War all the time. That is its nature. There may be other universes based on all sorts of other principles, but ours seems to be based on war and games.”ť
    –William S. Burroughs

    “Without struggle, no progress and no result. Every breaking of habit produces a change in the machine.”

    “Real understanding in spiritual matters is the result of much bitter fighting, of suffering, spiritual agony and soul passion. Life itself would have no meaning if there was no fighting on all planes, if all was smooth and monotonous. Everything fights in nature. Every plant fights to get more sunshine, every animal fights for food; the angels themselves fight. Constant struggle on all planes to which it has access is the birthright of the creature. Woe to him who wants to put himself on a level with the Creator and escape fighting!”
    –Theodore Illion,arkness Over Tibet

    The sith know the value of war too. They might pretend to be at peace with the devil at the moment, yet they are fighting a cold war with the devil at the same time. For a thousand of years the sith had the rule of two where there was one master and once apprentice. When the apprentice becomes powerful enough he kills his master and takes a new apprentice. That is their tradition. They wish to eventually kill the devil but most sith are devils themselves. My sith is not the devil, yet I am not kind to my enemies.

    The devil uses the truth to get people to believe his lies even though some of his truths are very valuable. It takes a strong willed person to survive the sith and the dark side and still be a child of light who goes to heaven. Only the chosen should ever attempt to master the dark side such as I have. Even god is one with the dark side on certain issues some of the time. he sent the flood afterall, and killed almost every human on the planet.. Its was dark to them, yet to him it was light. This is the truth of the light and the dark side, its a matter of perspective which is one of the reasons why I study both.

    “What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them?”
    ―Bastila Shan

    “Why fear to reanimate ALL the possibilities that lie dormant in our natures? Is it not desirable to cultivate all plants indiscriminately? There are those that are poisonous, true, yet even these are indispensable in the practice of medicine. Large doses of certain drugs cause death; but, administered wisely with the hand of a skilful physician, they bring relief and very often a complete cure. The same may be said of many forces that are evil only because they are not disciplined.”

    One must know their enemy and some things are not what they seem. What could seem like light could actually be dark, and what seems like dark could actually be light. I see this all the time. war is all about deception and only the chosen should ever embrace the sith as a child of light and remain a child of light. a The sith will kill, consume, or trick, every person thats weak who try sto understand/use it.. If a child of light is to learn the dark side, it is important to only believe the parts that are good and throw out the rest which are bad. This can be very tricky for many.

    When I first started doing sith meditation it almost completley consumed me but eventually I won the battle and am now more balanced because of it. I found enlightenment through the sith, voices, and the light. Today I am a master of my entire mind as well as both sides of the force. Only the chosen will survive the sith if they take it to the level that I did when it comes to sith meditation. I found victory cuz im a long time zen student yet I wouldn't have been able do my sith meditation at such I high level if I wasn't for the zen which is a paradox. If I had been lesser man, I dont think I would have survived the sith. There are other paths besides mine and I dont recommend that an average person should persue it like I did, yet eventually became enlightened and shall become very very powerfull and I already am. I grow stronger every day. If the dark side was absolutley bad, how was it that god was able to send the flood?

    “You’re afraid that my words might be true. That the dark side doesn’t corrupt in and of itself. That you’re destined to become the next Sith Lord… Because if it is true, you have to make a decision, choosing between your life as it is—comfortable, but almost purposeless—and life as you know it should be.” ~ Lumiya

    “You’ll know you’re making real progress on the Sith path when you go from being suicidal to homicidal.”
    ~Darth Ravenus

    If the devil or the sith have a chance, they will deceive you every time although a light sith such as my self will only deceive their enemies. Throughout 7,000 years of sith history, their philosophy has changed again and again and it has always been victor who decides the future of it. I dont believe the dark side corrupts absolutely as long as they do it for purposes of light.

    It did corrupt me for awhile at times yet I never lost complete sight of the light and it all started with good intentions. It is my belief that there are times when must turn to the dark side to achieve victory. Light and dark are a point of view depending on what side you are one on. Its all about having good judgment and this shit is confusing to many people and it was for me too. In the end I found enlightenment through the sith yet if you take it to my level you have the same chance of becoming a succesfull rapper. In the end, I have mastered both yet I cant recommend you do either you wont survive. Only the chosen shall survive.

    The poison of the Dark Force shall manifest in different stages: rage then exhilaration, anger then control, terror then superiority, bewilderment then passion, frustration then victory, despair then power — need we say more?

    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

    "The mind is everything. What you think you become."
    “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”- Buddha

    We are not mortal animals who plunder at the mercy of*irrational thoughts and passions; we who strive to be the masters of the universe must first be the masters of ourselves.

    feeding on rage like this brings fighters to the dark side, but when they step away they can be much more receptive to the light. Not all such warriors are beyond redemption.-luke skywalker

    “The dark side will devour those who lack the power to control it. It’s a fierce storm of emotion that annihilates anything in its path. It lays waste to the weak and unworthy. But those who are strong can ride the storm winds to unfathomable heights. They can unlock their true potential; they can sever the chains that bind them; they can dominate the world around them. Only those with the power to control the dark side can ever truly be free.”
    ~Darth Bane
    Last edited by project tillogic; 08-10-2015 at 01:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    I've been practicing the sith style from this

  3. #3
    Griselda Dinner Plates Brick Thunderbird's Avatar
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    Project, have you not yet realized that you are the devil?
    "Return to earth as a person, only to see you mouse niggas running from the serpent" - Jus Allah

  4. #4



  5. #5
    God Beside Me Guarded By Martyrs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Barry View Post
    Project, have you not yet realized that you are the devil?
    When did you realize this for yourself?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Barry View Post
    Project, have you not yet realized that you are the devil?
    ive considered it before but i certainly am not the devil he is the enemy............i dont believe that the dark side is necessarily evil but it is alot of the times it is but im the exception. if one is to truley understand he must understand both sides of the force. im a christian btw

  7. #7
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    Life has no meaning. The "Devil" is just a control idea.
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    Life has no meaning. The "Devil" is just a control idea.

  9. #9
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    Lol I don't know what that means tbh. The idea of the "devil" just scares people in to falling in line with the church. "Do and live as we say or the devil will get you...now pay us money" if you're believing in the devil on any level in 2015 then you're crazy.
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    Lol I don't know what that means tbh
    I agree with your views on the devil. made me think of this crap 'The devil is a lie' song by Infinite Crabmeats aka Ross

    there is no devil out there no more than there is a supposed god out there

    I strongly believe in biology explaining everything

  11. #11
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    Oh haha I don't know that song, dude doesn't even look like he took a sip.

    Yeah we exist because of a series of freak mutations. I don't think we have some sort of overall purpose besides just existing. Civilisations have gradually lost touch with spirituality though in favour of the thought police church.
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Rev Jones View Post

    I strongly believe in biology explaining everything
    thats where your wrong.............there is a god and there is a devil ive experienced both...............i will start with the story of when i became a true witness to the power of jesus christ

    about 8 or so years ago i was with 3 other people and we were waiting for an ounce of weed in the cemetery. it was right at the point where it was just about dark yet there was still a little light. i walked up to a large statue of jesus christ with a friend and he put a cigarette up to jesus mouth. when he did that, i had the great idea of putting my cigarette up to jesus mouth. the moment the pipe touched his mouth BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lighting flashed directley behind him with the loudest thunder ever. to all appearences it was as if the lightning was striking inside the cemetary itself and it lit him up blue

    at that very same moment the wind picked up like a tornado. there were leaves on the ground and the air became completely saturated with leaves. the tornado like wind was so powerfull that as we ran back to the car we had to run sideways because the wind was so powerfull.

    as were running back to the car the statue lit up blue again and again and again. im only in contact with one of those 3 people now, but he says thinking about it gives him goosebumps to this day. it was very deliberate and like i said it appeared as if the lightning was striking inside of the cemetary. i will never doubt the truth of jesus christ ever again im a true witness to his power. i rap about this experience in many of my songs. a zen master into the sith would never make something like this up.

    so heres the theory i came up with about god. if e=mc2, then nothing can ever be lossed it just changes states. because of this, there is a limited amount of possibilites that can happen inside infinity before somethings gotta give and somethings gotta repeat. inside of infinity, everything repeats an infinite amount of times and this includes all possibility from any point no matter what. because of time travel, every possible state can be traveled too and not only can time be traveled, but also possibility. if everything repeats infinitley then long after my death, and even the destruction of earth, eventually the earth will be formed again and i will be born again inside of infinity.

    each cycle of events do not happen in the same way every time. thats why after my rebirth, since its possible, my alive father dies when im 3 years old. look at it like parallel universes cuz thats what it is. every possibility from any given point, and all possibilities after that event, happen an infinite amount of times inside infinity. because of time travel, all possibility happens an infinite amount of times even star wars where do you think they got the idea from. if you took a computer and programmed it to randomley write shit, then inside of infinity, eventually AI will form. god came into existance in the same way and because of time travel god has always existed because its an inevitability.

    now lets talk about the devil

    6 years ago i was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia............i no longer have paranoid delusions anymore and only hear voices about 15% of the time because of the medication i am on. the voices become more powerfull at night and ive suspected they were real the entire time but nobody believed me but now because of what happened in the last 2 weeks people believe me that they are real. theres more than one voice and one of them is female. anyways, i now have proof of their existance and this shit happened in the last 2 weeks.

    one thing that happened is that i was awake laying in bed. something grabbed my wrist really hard and pulled. i was paralyzed with fear, i couldn't even look in the other direction for like a minute. the voices dont scare me and the only reason i was scared is because it caught me by suprise plus ghost/deamon physical contact has some weird effects.

    then the second time i saw a shadow that looked like moving smoke for a sec and there was no smoke.

    the 3rd time i awoke with the ghosts/deamons fucking with me but it would be impossible to explain what it was like and it was like a dream anywaysso i dont fully remember it. i grabbed my bible and ran into the living room and lay on the couch. i was cradeling my bible like a baby and praying to god to help me defeat these deamons. what happend next was a sensation of each page of the bible shooting up rather quickley and it was as real as when they grabbed my wrist. in 6 years nothing like this had ever happened until 2 weeks ago. on another forum with a section on this shit i asked what to do and they said imagine a ball of light and it seems to work. these ghosts/deamons have no control over me i fight them every time.

    i actually owe the voices alot though they helped me with my enlightenment. my strategy for fighting them was to think absolutley nothing and as i did this over the years i got better and better at it. then i get on this medication and they gone but i now have the ability to completley silence my mind. so basicley, i became a zen master because of the sith and in fighting the voices. i dont know if im posessed or external, but either way they have absolutley no control over me whatsoever im way too powerfull for that and through the voices ive become even more powerfull.

    you may ask how the sith helped me master zen so here it goes. before i got into the sith i was depressed and suicidal all the time. what the sith did was it burnt all these negative emotions and thoughts to a crisp till they were gone. they were replaced with sith thoughts and from then on i got mad instead of sad. it worked for me but i dont reccomend it to everybody. the sith at first nearly consumed me! there was a huge battle within my mind and there were two sides the zen and the sith. it was like having 2 different personalities and each one had a different vibration and intensity. in the end zen won the battle. in the end i became master of both the dark and the light..........now days my experience of the dark side is tamed.

    “The dark side will devour those who lack the power to control it. It’s a fierce storm of emotion that annihilates anything in its path. It lays waste to the weak and unworthy. But those who are strong can ride the storm winds to unfathomable heights. They can unlock their true potential; they can sever the chains that bind them; they can dominate the world around them. Only those with the power to control the dark side can ever truly be free.”
    ~Darth Bane

    The poison of the Dark Force shall manifest in different stages: rage then exhilaration, anger then control, terror then superiority, bewilderment then passion, frustration then victory, despair then power — need we say more?

    We are not mortal animals who plunder at the mercy of*irrational thoughts and passions; we who strive to be the masters of the universe must first be the masters of ourselves.

    feeding on rage like this brings fighters to the dark side, but when they step away they can be much more receptive to the light. Not all such warriors are beyond redemption.-luke skywalker

    the meditation i did on the dark side in the beginning was the focusing on pure unfocused anger/rage/ shit like that and like i said, it almost consumed. it actually did consume me for awhile but like i said there was a huge battle and zen was victorious. through all of this i became enlightened and yes people, i honestley believe im enlightened. im only depressed or unhappy 1% of the time and its weird when it happens cuz im not use to it. right now im the happiest ive ever been in my entire life.

    on a different forum with a section on this kinda shit i asked what i should do. one person suggested that to defeat the voices i must imagine a ball of light and for a meditation master like me this is easy easy easy. i literally have root access to my mind with the ability to choose whatever i want to think as well as block any thought that i wanted.

    Peace is a lie.
    There is only passion.
    Through passion I gain strength.
    Through strength I gain power.
    Through power I gain victory.
    Through victory my chains are broken.
    The Force shall set me free.
    –The Sith Code

    the sith did infact break my chains and give me freedom.................at the some time i almost lost the battle but in the end i was victorious. heres the real paradox, i would have never been capable of the sith meditation i did if i hadn't studied zen for so long but at the same time i would not have defeated this shit if it were not for the zen. anyways, thats my story. i am a real master of zen.......................
    Last edited by project tillogic; 08-12-2015 at 06:21 AM.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    Life has no meaning. The "Devil" is just a control idea.
    when i realized that truly and perfoundley i was very upset. what i realized was that we simply eat when hungry, there is nothing else no nothing. that place is the place of death and i choose not to dwell there. instead i have mega fun taking over the world creating hit rap songs. the meaing of life for me is world domination even though i know the real truth but choose not to dwell there.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by projectillogic View Post
    thats where your wrong.............there is a god and there is a devil ive experienced both...............i will start with the story of when i became a true witness to the power of jesus christ

    about 8 or so years ago i was with 3 other people and we were waiting for an ounce of weed in the cemetery. It was right at the point where it was just about dark yet there was still a little light. I walked up to a large statue of jesus christ with a friend and he put a cigarette up to jesus mouth. When he did that, i had the great idea of putting my cigarette up to jesus mouth. The moment the pipe touched his mouth boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lighting flashed directley behind him with the loudest thunder ever. To all appearences it was as if the lightning was striking inside the cemetary itself and it lit him up blue

    at that very same moment the wind picked up like a tornado. There were leaves on the ground and the air became completely saturated with leaves. The tornado like wind was so powerfull that as we ran back to the car we had to run sideways because the wind was so powerfull.

    As were running back to the car the statue lit up blue again and again and again. Im only in contact with one of those 3 people now, but he says thinking about it gives him goosebumps to this day. It was very deliberate and like i said it appeared as if the lightning was striking inside of the cemetary. I will never doubt the truth of jesus christ ever again im a true witness to his power. I rap about this experience in many of my songs. A zen master into the sith would never make something like this up.

    So heres the theory i came up with about god. If e=mc2, then nothing can ever be lossed it just changes states. Because of this, there is a limited amount of possibilites that can happen inside infinity before somethings gotta give and somethings gotta repeat. Inside of infinity, everything repeats an infinite amount of times and this includes all possibility from any point no matter what. Because of time travel, every possible state can be traveled too and not only can time be traveled, but also possibility. If everything repeats infinitley then long after my death, and even the destruction of earth, eventually the earth will be formed again and i will be born again inside of infinity.

    Each cycle of events do not happen in the same way every time. Thats why after my rebirth, since its possible, my alive father dies when im 3 years old. Look at it like parallel universes cuz thats what it is. Every possibility from any given point, and all possibilities after that event, happen an infinite amount of times inside infinity. Because of time travel, all possibility happens an infinite amount of times even star wars where do you think they got the idea from. If you took a computer and programmed it to randomley write shit, then inside of infinity, eventually ai will form. God came into existance in the same way and because of time travel god has always existed because its an inevitability.

    Now lets talk about the devil

    6 years ago i was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia............i no longer have paranoid delusions anymore and only hear voices about 15% of the time because of the medication i am on. The voices become more powerfull at night and ive suspected they were real the entire time but nobody believed me but now because of what happened in the last 2 weeks people believe me that they are real. Theres more than one voice and one of them is female. Anyways, i now have proof of their existance and this shit happened in the last 2 weeks.

    One thing that happened is that i was awake laying in bed. Something grabbed my wrist really hard and pulled. I was paralyzed with fear, i couldn't even look in the other direction for like a minute. The voices dont scare me and the only reason i was scared is because it caught me by suprise plus ghost/deamon physical contact has some weird effects.

    Then the second time i saw a shadow that looked like moving smoke for a sec and there was no smoke.

    The 3rd time i awoke with the ghosts/deamons fucking with me but it would be impossible to explain what it was like and it was like a dream anywaysso i dont fully remember it. I grabbed my bible and ran into the living room and lay on the couch. I was cradeling my bible like a baby and praying to god to help me defeat these deamons. What happend next was a sensation of each page of the bible shooting up rather quickley and it was as real as when they grabbed my wrist. In 6 years nothing like this had ever happened until 2 weeks ago. On another forum with a section on this shit i asked what to do and they said imagine a ball of light and it seems to work. These ghosts/deamons have no control over me i fight them every time.

    I actually owe the voices alot though they helped me with my enlightenment. My strategy for fighting them was to think absolutley nothing and as i did this over the years i got better and better at it. Then i get on this medication and they gone but i now have the ability to completley silence my mind. So basicley, i became a zen master because of the sith and in fighting the voices. I dont know if im posessed or external, but either way they have absolutley no control over me whatsoever im way too powerfull for that and through the voices ive become even more powerfull.

    You may ask how the sith helped me master zen so here it goes. Before i got into the sith i was depressed and suicidal all the time. What the sith did was it burnt all these negative emotions and thoughts to a crisp till they were gone. They were replaced with sith thoughts and from then on i got mad instead of sad. It worked for me but i dont reccomend it to everybody. The sith at first nearly consumed me! There was a huge battle within my mind and there were two sides the zen and the sith. It was like having 2 different personalities and each one had a different vibration and intensity. In the end zen won the battle. In the end i became master of both the dark and the light..........now days my experience of the dark side is tamed.

    “the dark side will devour those who lack the power to control it. It’s a fierce storm of emotion that annihilates anything in its path. It lays waste to the weak and unworthy. But those who are strong can ride the storm winds to unfathomable heights. They can unlock their true potential; they can sever the chains that bind them; they can dominate the world around them. Only those with the power to control the dark side can ever truly be free.”
    ~darth bane

    the poison of the dark force shall manifest in different stages: Rage then exhilaration, anger then control, terror then superiority, bewilderment then passion, frustration then victory, despair then power — need we say more?

    we are not mortal animals who plunder at the mercy of*irrational thoughts and passions; we who strive to be the masters of the universe must first be the masters of ourselves.

    feeding on rage like this brings fighters to the dark side, but when they step away they can be much more receptive to the light. Not all such warriors are beyond redemption.-luke skywalker

    the meditation i did on the dark side in the beginning was the focusing on pure unfocused anger/rage/ shit like that and like i said, it almost consumed. It actually did consume me for awhile but like i said there was a huge battle and zen was victorious. Through all of this i became enlightened and yes people, i honestley believe im enlightened. Im only depressed or unhappy 1% of the time and its weird when it happens cuz im not use to it. Right now im the happiest ive ever been in my entire life.

    On a different forum with a section on this kinda shit i asked what i should do. One person suggested that to defeat the voices i must imagine a ball of light and for a meditation master like me this is easy easy easy. I literally have root access to my mind with the ability to choose whatever i want to think as well as block any thought that i wanted.

    Peace is a lie.
    There is only passion.
    Through passion i gain strength.
    Through strength i gain power.
    Through power i gain victory.
    Through victory my chains are broken.
    The force shall set me free.
    –the sith code

    the sith did infact break my chains and give me freedom.................at the some time i almost lost the battle but in the end i was victorious. Heres the real paradox, i would have never been capable of the sith meditation i did if i hadn't studied zen for so long but at the same time i would not have defeated this shit if it were not for the zen. Anyways, thats my story. I am a real master of zen.......................

  15. #15


    its also the meaning of life to me to spread the word baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!to free peoples minds from the matrix.........cuz to someone who believes hes enlightened, the majority of people sure the fuck are not enlightened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!


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